Your advice please ??? - I need a web host.....
You are not going to find those features for that price. Expect to pay at [red]least[/red] $30/month.
Hope this helps
You are not going to find those features for that price. Expect to pay at [red]least[/red] $30/month.
Hope this helps
faisalkhan posted this at 00:47 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Aug 1999
I have spent my last week searching for hosting companies. But none of them seems to suite my needs. Some offer less space and more features while others offer the opposite. Here is what I need :
About 50-100 MB space
Coldfusion 4.0
SQL 7 or anyother powerful database
ASP with SQL 7
php with mySQL
Top speed
and I am not willing to pay more than 10 $ / month. I need your advice guys. I will be pleased if you can help me though this and tell me if there is a web host which meets above chriteria.
Thanks in advance.
Faisal Khan
Rob Pengelly posted this at 00:51 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 850 posts
Joined: Jul 1999
You have to think, how a webhost can stay in business by selling thqat kind of package for that kind of price. Servers, staff and connections can cost alot, and it would be hard to sell enough accounts at $10 (especially giving away that much space etc for each account) - - Beauty is only mullet deep.
faisalkhan posted this at 00:54 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Aug 1999
thanks Stefen.
ok I change my requirements a bit. I would like :
ColdFusion 4.0
50 MB or space
2 GB of data transfer
Top speed
but I still wont pay more than 10 $ / month. Come on guys I am not asking too much, you've got to help me out.
Jason Ellis posted this at 02:29 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 25 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Actually, Faisalkhan, I really think you *are* asking for too much. You can *still* expect to pay about $30 minimum for what you're asking.
When you consider that the average web host pays about $3 per GB of bandwidth used (that's an average - many pay more, some pay less), that means it costs the host, just for your bandwidth, at least $6. And you want to get the whole package for $10? That's just not realistic. Add to that the cost of the servers (about $8,000), the cost of the software (you're talking an NT host here - so that's about $700 per server for the OS software, plus about $1500 for the SQL software, plus about $1500 for the mail server software, plus you want Cold Fusion which is another $1000.
And considering an NT server can only hold between 200 and 300 domains, that means that to make back that $12,700 it costs just to put up a server, the host would need $50 per domain above and beyond the bandwidth cost. If the bandwidth cost $6, and the host charges $10, that means it would take the host 13 months to pay for that server. And in 13 months that server will be so outdated they're going to have to buy a replacement.
So, basically, you're asking the host to forgo any profits at all (and in fact lose money, considering I didn't add in the cost for payroll, electricity, phone bills, etc.)
Yes... you are definitely asking for too much. My fondest wish is that we web hosts could finally make our customers understand just how much it does in fact cost to run a hosting company. I've found that most webmasters out there simply have no idea.
But, anyway, I've rambled on far too long now. I do wish you luck in your search, and sincerely hope you can find someplace that will meet all of your needs.
Take care,
Hosting Solutions, Inc. -
Windows NT web hosting specialists.
Jason Ellis, CEO
Hosting Solutions, Inc. / AlphaBreeze Technologies
Rob Pengelly posted this at 02:54 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 850 posts
Joined: Jul 1999
Jason made some excellent points, and I would just like to add a word of wisdom, if it looks to good to be true, it most likly is. There is a dark side to the web hosting industry, and many innocent people have been ripped off by companies who have gave them poor service etc. Get as much information that you can aobut a webhost, posts on boards looking for anoyne with experience with that host, try calling them and emailing them testing there support, ask them for a few customers that you can contact and ask them about the host. It is worth the hassel!
[Rob P]
[Email:[email protected]]-[ICQ:16560402]-[Voice Mail:1-877-309-2286] - - Beauty is only mullet deep.
Anonymous posted this at 21:34 — 12th September 1999.
They have: 5,633 posts
Joined: Jan 1970
Jason, you read my mind
... I read the first post and just about made a post similar to yours but I didn't... After reading further, I was getting ready to click the "Reply to discusion" link when I read yours... You said it better than I could have.
Your "are" in fact asking for way more than any host can provide you with. I am sure there is some host out there just edging to get your business (any business for that matter) so they are going to offer you this package... But, in a month, we will once again see a post from you on this board about how you just got ripped off. I have seen it happen all to much now.
I wish you luck in your search and I would be extremely interested in knowing who you found to host your site (if you find a host) and what you got for $10/mo.
Dynamic Internet Solutions :
UNIX and Windows NT Hosting
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