Yahoo Increases Renewal Rate to $34.94/yr
I have a total of 19 domains registered with Yahoo, so I periodically get renewal notices throughout the year, and I usually ignore them as they all auto-renew. I'm glad I read this one, because it said this:
Important note: Beginning on July 1, 2008, Yahoo!'s annual domain renewal price increases to $34.95 per year.
This is an increase from $12.95/yr. I just wanted to point that out for anyone else that doesn't pay attention to their renewal notices.
silverwing posted this at 23:10 — 28th May 2008.
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Highway Robbery?
Did they say why they were increasing it that much?
~silverwing - happy as I can be with GoDaddy...
pr0gr4mm3r posted this at 01:17 — 29th May 2008.
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Did they say why they were increasing it that much?
~silverwing - happy as I can be with GoDaddy...
No they didn't. I called them up and made sure that it wasn't a mistake. The guy said that it wasn't a mistake. The intro rate (currently @ $9.95) is going up in July as well. What's worse is that I told this guy that they are more than triple than their competition, and without hesitating, the guy just agreed and gave me domain transferring instructions. One would think that they would make some sort of effort to keep my 19 domains hosted with them...but whatever, their loss and GoDaddy's gain
It's almost like they are trying to get rid of their domain customers. Why would they increase their price over 150% while offering no new benefits?? Their domain management tools are horrible. Domains have to be managed one by one. It took me over an hour to modify my WhoIs email addresses, unlock the domains, and get the transfer codes - and that's with 15+ Firefox tabs open working on multiple at once. GoDaddy's domain management tool is much more efficient.
silverwing posted this at 01:45 — 29th May 2008.
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I wonder if Godaddy will have a "Yahoo! Exodus" promotion?
silverwing - Bob Parson is probably smiling right now....
zinzinny | Misguided Thoughts | showcaseCMS
Greg K posted this at 00:42 — 29th May 2008.
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They figure people are crazy enough to pay that much at Network Solutions, they will pay it there too...
teammatt3 posted this at 01:18 — 29th May 2008.
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I used to be that way until they started to upsell me EVERY time I tried to do something. I go to renew a domain and I have to sift through 10 billion other products just to get to the checkout button. But they have a decent price, so I'm sticking with them.
silverwing posted this at 01:41 — 29th May 2008.
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I used to be that way until they started to upsell me EVERY time I tried to do something. I go to renew a domain and I have to sift through 10 billion other products just to get to the checkout button. But they have a decent price, so I'm sticking with them.
That's exactly what I meant
I can, however, handle a few pages of upsell for the $10/year for the domain names -after all, I don't have to deal with them all that often.
zinzinny | Misguided Thoughts | showcaseCMS
Megan posted this at 13:05 — 29th May 2008.
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I agree, I can't stand that. I'd even pay a bit more to not have to put up with that. I almost wish Google would do domain names. They wouldn't have all that crap in there. But you know what I mean - some company should be able to offer reasonable domains without the incessant ads.
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Michael James Swan posted this at 08:17 — 29th May 2008.
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I can see this one is going to end up down the pan. I think it is mad that they are doing this. How can they be so greedy. Silly Yahoo
demopaul posted this at 13:01 — 30th May 2008.
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GeneEts posted this at 08:14 — 31st May 2008.
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I'm glad to see its not just me that's infuriated by this.
I just cant understand the logic that thinks it can be a good idea to increase prices from 12.95 to 34.95.
Who on gods earth is the guy who dreamed this scheme up? Has he been promoted or fired?
words like... ridiculous crazy stupid come to mind - but my names not Yahoo!
I emailed Yahoo CS complaining about the emailed price increase (I'm not in the US and an expensive phone call isnt an option I wanted to take up) and Billing have written back with this gem:
I am very sorry for the frustration you are having regarding any
possible price increases for Yahoo! Domains.
Just to let you know, there have been no announced price increases
released by Yahoo! at this time. If there were to be any price
increases, you will be directly notified by mail and email.
So given I have already been notified by email I guess that just goes to show what a mess they must really be in!
So no choice but to pull out then.
pr0gr4mm3r posted this at 05:26 — 1st June 2008.
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Hi GeneEts, and welcome to the forums.
They have not announced and price increases publicly yet, and that's probably what they are talking about. They only announced it to the current customers. New subscribers will be sucked into the $9.95 deal and then hit with the large renewal fee. Nowhere on their site did I find the disclaimer that the $9.95 fee is introductory.
Greensphere posted this at 12:04 — 5th June 2008.
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It seems to be the way of the world at the moment whether it is fuel prices or food and energy bills or domain names the cost of just about everything seems to be rising.
dbbrock1 posted this at 23:27 — 20th August 2008.
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I have seen the same thing amongst the top domain registers out there. Maybe not an increase in price by that much, but still price increase non the less.
It could have something to do with the economy, but I cant how rising prices would cause the profit margin of the domain name to shrink. Its not like they have burn fuel to register your domain name. It might just be natural inflation and the register trying to cope with it.
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tummy posted this at 15:05 — 1st September 2008.
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Can you update info?
decibel.places posted this at 15:32 — 1st September 2008.
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Sure, Yahoo charges a bundle when they can get away with it, to subsidize their free services
I've had a site hosted at GeoCities for about ten years, since way before Yahoo bought it, and haven't paid a cent for hosting...
Michael James Swan posted this at 21:46 — 2nd September 2008.
He has: 400 posts
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It seems crazy, Yahoo are just trying to defraud people out of their money by getting them involved and trapping them.
I feel sorry for those registering and not realising till last minute.
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