www.highspeedhosting.com? - wondering about this program.
I am on the verge of starting up my web publishing company. although I have my page in my private directory for testing I oobviously want to get my own domain name and such. I stumbled upon www.highspeedhosting.com and am seriously considering their reseller program.
I hope to host my domain name on their server along with providing hosting for my clients who need it. Has anyone had experiance with this company? Could you check out the page and give me your feedback. ( the basics are . 149$ for 4 months.. 100 megs of space.. 5 gigs bandwidth... secure server.. cgi.. unlimited domains (15 dollars setup per)) and so on.
Thank you for your time.
Ted S posted this at 03:51 — 19th August 1999.
They have: 92 posts
Joined: May 1999
Well, it looks like www.highspeedhosting.com has sold out or megered or something with http://www.halfpricehosting.com. But ehre's what I think about the new company:
First off, all their plans include unlimited transfer which is a big lie. No host can offer unlimited transfer since they must pay a fixed rate to provide it.... Most of their features are cool although I don't see to much about how you set folder and file permisions. LAst off, their biggest plan which I guess you want offers unlimited disk space which REALLY scares me since harddrives don't grow on trees. If your looking to spend that much, find a host that will giv eyou some set numbers so you don't get kicked off if you do better then they are hoping you do....
Ted S
anti posted this at 18:04 — 19th August 1999.
They have: 453 posts
Joined: Jan 1999
my experience shows that unlimted bandwidth means
as much as you can put throught my 28K8 connection or simliar.
In europe (or at least germany) you can get connected to the backbone without having to per per meg. you just pay for connection speed, but what can you get through a 2mbit-link ?
Unlimted Bandwidth isn't a trigger for me anymore.
But if they offer unlimited bandwidth and five 522mbit-links, I start to wonder how they do it.
For that price you should have no problem finding a hoist fitting your needs. just don't go with the first one.
And try their tech-support before your order !!
dyc posted this at 22:15 — 19th August 1999.
They have: 64 posts
Joined: Jul 1999
My standard web host reflex: "unlimited bandwidth" = goodbye.
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