Who is your favourite Hosting Provider?
List them! What if you find some other provider that are better than another in ALMOST or every aspect. Will you consider them?
List them! What if you find some other provider that are better than another in ALMOST or every aspect. Will you consider them?
Maverick posted this at 03:33 — 17th January 2000.
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That's the equivalent to asking "Who is currently hosting your site"? We've all gravitated towards a host that suits our needs and will stay with them unless they screw up so badly that we're forced to switch. After all, nobody is going to reply that: "My favorite host is HostX, they're the absolute best. Oh, but I use HostY because I don't trust my own opinion".
The problem with such a general "Who's your favorite host?" question is that it leads to spammed advertising masquerading as opinions. Plenty of hosts feel no shame at flooding forums with messages touting their own service, but posted under a pseudonym to make it look legitimate. If you want an honest assessment of an individual host, feel free to ask. Anyone that has used them will be happy to tell you about the pluses and minuses of that company. I've just never seen such an open-ended question like "who's your favorite" lead to any productive discussions. It's like that "less filling - tastes great" debate. There's not ever going to be a winner.
BTW, lite beer stinks!
Elm posted this at 12:04 — 3rd February 2000.
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I've used Jumpline for two of my domains and I've been very happy with them. I've also used Smarthosting which also was a nice experience. I now have my domains on dedicated server at Dialtoneinternet.
If it wasn't for Powersurge and Communitech my experience with host companies would have been great
Custom Reviews - Get Your Stuff Reviewed!
ronald5 posted this at 04:52 — 17th February 2000.
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Try Veoweb.net too, they seem good.
vy22 posted this at 13:37 — 17th February 2000.
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I am going to throw a spanner in the works and prove you wrong! (Sorry
) Anyway, I currently allow BT to host my site but that's not cause I think they are best but because they suit my needs. When Computer magazines are told to find out who the best ISP is then they have to come up with a name.
Important factors are to seperate the hosts depending on what services they offer so yes asking who is the best host is a wild stab in the dark! Some people need cgi and only 2 e-mail accounts and some people don't give a flip (<--see I didn't swear!) about cgi and would prefer to have 100 e-mail accounts.
Cost of Ownership and reliability are the two most important factors here so calculating these things and seperating them into the various categories would be the most viable thing to do. So host x gives you this and host y gives you that! So if you want to do this then I would go for y but if you want to go for that then go for x but stay away from z cause they are crap!
Lite beer is indeed crap!
Celstk550 posted this at 07:09 — 29th February 2000.
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I agree with the anti-spammers....
Can be simplified by only looking at those members with lotsa posts to their name...
Ive been reading this site for a couple of hours and have to say, I've never sensed so many spammers....!!!
But I have got some usefull leads though, thanks to the non-spammers.
Anonymous posted this at 13:43 — 29th February 2000.
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Joined: Jan 1970
It is very difficult to keep up with the spam, especially in this forum. We can't delete posts merely because the poster only has 1 or 2 posts, but we will delete any post where the poster does not have the Web Site listed in their profile or listed in their message.
Dynamic Internet Solutions : http://www.dids.com
Windows NT and UNIX Hosting
Justin S posted this at 21:46 — 29th February 2000.
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Wow- a spammer who doesn't lie. I respect you for that!
The fireburn.com Network:
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
Anonymous posted this at 17:14 — 8th April 2000.
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What do you think of:
- GlobalHosting?
- Syonic?
Who would you recommend for Cold Fusion hosting? I am looking for pretty reliable, but cheap as possible. I'm building an auction site and need a temporary place to host the site while it's being built. After it's built, I think I have a good solution.
Thanks, ~dso
>>If you want an honest assessment of an individual host, feel free to ask. Anyone that has used them will be happy to tell you about the pluses and minuses of that company.<<
Stefen Enns posted this at 01:23 — 14th April 2000.
He has: 150 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
My two favorite hosts would have to be
Both hosts offer outstanding technical support and service, and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a web host.
ICQ! 27541251
[This message has been edited by Stefen Enns (edited 13 April 2000).]
Adam Lysne posted this at 02:04 — 14th April 2000.
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Joined: Sep 1999
My favorite host's are:
Site5 Internet Solutions (www.site5.com)
Dynamic Internet Solutions (www.dids.com)
Burlee (www.burlee.com)
FutureQuest (www.futurequest.net
Well, ER is on.
Adam Lysne
[email protected]
[This message has been edited by Chad Simper (edited 13 April 2000).]
[email protected]
"Prepare yourself, it's da human beatbox"
ben_389 posted this at 22:28 — 14th April 2000.
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I am currently setting up a site on IArna.net, and so far they seem very good. Their tech support is excellent.
Ben Minton
The internet graphics place
Get paid $20 - $160 an hour for viewing adverts
Ben Minton
The internet graphics place
Get paid $20 - $160 an hour for viewing adverts
Bill Hennessee posted this at 02:25 — 26th April 2000.
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I have used E-Access for over a year, but...I do not fit the typical profile of most folks here.
I'm just a preacher who created and maintains his ministries website (and do a very good job I might add)and I did it without any help or training, just figurin it out as I went...
E-Access had been very reliable and I get 150mb for $12.50 mo. but I have one concern which leads me to consider changing. Perhaps I could use some free expert advice??
The host does not support Real streaming audio, I have 3 30 second sound files, samples of our musical styles, these must download first, then play. is this a big problem or should I live with it?
"mercy triumphs over judgement" James 2:13b
"mercy triumphs over judgement" James 2:13b
bilbong30 posted this at 03:03 — 27th April 2000.
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Wow, your the first person in this forum that uses Tierranet also. I agree with you, Tierranet is awesome. Thier support is great and thier services are great!
[email protected]
C&C Wireless- For all your wireless needs!
Best Regards,
Adam Lee
DigitalONE Design
President - Internet Division
[email protected]
Anonymous posted this at 04:32 — 4th May 2000.
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I can understand saying you have 70+ domains. But how do you figure the HTML count?
AIS Internet Solutions
[email protected]
Katana Man posted this at 15:54 — 4th May 2000.
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I do web work for a living, I've built over 4,600 html pages, many scripts and run over 70 domains. Here are my favorites:
For NT, I like:
wonderdesk.com <-- Web based help desk script.
wonderdesk.com <-- Web based help desk script.
RAGE posted this at 02:00 — 5th May 2000.
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you spend a weekend counting each page
ReviewDepot - for all your hosting needs
DannyK posted this at 18:14 — 5th May 2000.
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Wow! Been away for so long and this post still EXIST
Anonymous posted this at 04:09 — 6th May 2000.
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i gotta say it,
also know as
i have just opened an account with them, the transition was hard because of various problems, but i asked about 100 questions over the period of about 2-3 hours over 2-3 days and every one was answered relevantly, and each answer was helpful and had sir in it.
Fact: Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people!
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Are You Chicken?
anti posted this at 08:11 — 15th May 2000.
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I can tell you who I won't use anymore. www.www-discount.de
They have some great deals and their setup is really fast and their systems are reliable,
but if something goes wrong it get's _never_ fixed.
btw: They are the ones who blocked my webhome.de domain for over 14 month.
addr.net is close to go to my blacklist, but I'll give them one more chance.
Why ? I spent the whole weekend to develop a php+mysql based forum suite and it worked on my testsystem, but on the host (www.biker-forum.com) it doesn't because I keep loosing the connection to the database.
I like iwebhosting, but I only use them for adult sites. The best thing about them is, that they'll add additional virtual domains to your account for free. Believe me that can make or break an adult site.
They just got a small penalty ... this will only host domains for which they also host the primary DNS.
My main provider (from which I resell) is www.power-netz.de, but they started moving from the US-Backbone to germany, so that only works out for europe based companies
just my thoughts.
If you got negative feedback from me ... don't sue me, I'm just expressing my personal experiences ....
Why are the providers (auto)-hrefed and my domains not ??
[This message has been edited by anti (edited 15 May 2000).]
[This message has been edited by anti (edited 15 May 2000).]
raistlin.lives posted this at 12:41 — 2nd June 2000.
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I can tell you who I will not be using anymore: ICOM.com .
They are fairly inexpensive, but they charged my credit card without my permission with $30 just to get cgi working (which was supposed to work from the beginning on).
Furthermore, they are quite unstable with a significant amount of server downtime.
No recommendations from me for this californian company!
benc posted this at 17:55 — 2nd June 2000.
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I must say, after reading this thread all the way through, and checking out a few hosts, DIDS looks extremely impressive (in my opinion anyway). The only reason I'd call them the best is because they have a bunch of different packages, much more than I'm used to seeing. I do agree with most of you though, that it's pretty unfair to tag any one host as being "the best." It all depends on what your needs are... Keep the messages comin, I'm looking to park somewhere and need some ideas
-Ben C
Ben C
-"The exception...is to tap the unexceptional."
anti posted this at 13:01 — 5th June 2000.
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Joined: Jan 1999
Just some small updates.
I won't use addr.net anymore.
They have a broken libc which prevents me from using blobs within mysql.
I told them 3 weeks ago, but they are to stubborn to fix it.
echoweb posted this at 22:34 — 6th June 2000.
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I host my site (http://echodev.com/) on HostRocket.com and it's been pretty good to me so far.
Echo Web: The Web Developer's Starting Point
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WIN cash, free web hosting and up to 50,000 button exposures at http://echodev.com/contest/ in less than 60 seconds. EVERYONE IS A WINNER (seriously)!
TWTCommish posted this at 15:00 — 27th June 2000.
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HostRocket seems good...I know for a fact that despite some massive downtime recently (a day or two, at least), they made it up to some of their clients by offering a few free months of hosting...
I personally swear by http://www.thinkhost.com - it's almost nauseating how quickly they answer my stupid questions.
And no, I don't work for them...I'm just hosted there and totally in love with the service.
Chris Bowyer
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trespasser posted this at 18:48 — 27th June 2000.
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I'm happiest with our own dedicated, in-house servers, connected through BlueStar ADSL. Two Pentiums, with 256K memory, serving up 200,000+ page views per day. Works great, costs less, makes us money.
Win Seven Free Domain Names!
Big Commissions - Paid on Time!
Gem posted this at 21:07 — 27th June 2000.
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Yea I'm with ThinkHost as well and their support is excellent. They listen to their customers as well. Currently they are developing their support area which I have just inspected and it is looking very good.
Prices are affordable and features are excellent. I fully recommend them.
If any of you decide to go with them say you were referred by sifox.com
Sifox design coming soon.
S I F O X - Giving The Internet A Makeover
TWTCommish posted this at 21:53 — 27th June 2000.
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Yeah...the new support are will allow creation of POP boxes, forwarders, autoresponders, and even disk space quotes for directories (I think!)...all kinds of cool stuff...I think something for subdomain creation for qualifying accounts, too...quite frankly I'd continue to use them even without the panel!
Chris Bowyer
MyCoding.com: Join our Mailing List for Launch Notification!
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CWebNetCo posted this at 04:11 — 28th June 2000.
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Go with HostMatters.com ... GOod one, signed up myself, got online 15 minutes, really cool!! Other host can be 1 day, sometimes never..
I plan move my server to Alabanza, very nice server!
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
Matt Kaufman posted this at 18:10 — 28th June 2000.
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I actually have two favoriate hosts:
However, I really do think that ThinkHost.com beat Jumpline in support, service, uptime and all that. I highly recommend them.
TWF Moderator
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abahta posted this at 06:45 — 2nd July 2000.
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Despite its downtime and server problems, I like HostRocket.
ThinkHost is great though, excellent support, great price, great features, solid uptime.
What more could you want?
-Aidan Bahta
[email protected]
ActiveWM.com - The place for the Active Webmaster.
CNich84552 posted this at 02:20 — 4th July 2000.
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I would check out hostindex.com. They are a large index of hosts, with categories to help you suit your individual needs. Good luck.
bwilmot posted this at 03:12 — 4th July 2000.
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Worldwebservercom, wwsi.net (They are the same) I know the owner. Very personal, quick response, good prices and the list goes on. You need a perl mod. installed? It done for free and quickly. Need MX records changed. Free. I host with them. Found out about them originally through webdiscuss.com. Front page to a newsgroup(true) for general web discussion check it out. They have their own Opensrs link in etc. They are NOT resellers. The options with your account ar almost endless. Need something not listed. It will be given a price and gotten done if possible. Oh if any one chooses them mention my name. I'm not sure if I will (AND i MEAN THIS SERSIOUSLY) get some discount for a month or something.
Brian Wilmot
Brian Wilmot
http://www.jumpnow.net/ - Come on take a look! -
"War is a failure of diplomacy and imagination and creativity." Dennis Kucinich
Anonymous posted this at 03:47 — 4th July 2000.
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I have to say my favorite hosting company is ThinkHost. They offer *extremely* affordable plans, with lightning-fast support. I've never had a support request take longer than 5 minutes. As a web designer, I recommend ThinkHost to all my clients. This is an excellent service. Check them out at http://www.thinkhost.com/.
[Edited by Doc on 07-04-2000 at 12:09 AM]
abahta posted this at 03:50 — 4th July 2000.
They have: 58 posts
Joined: Jul 2000
I second Doc's recommendation - ThinkHost is amazing. Support is great, the server is speedy, features are amazing, everything is great.
Definately try ThinkHost.
-Aidan Bahta
[email protected]
ActiveWM.com - The place for the Active Webmaster.
Justin S posted this at 04:00 — 4th July 2000.
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Man, it's like everyone is with ThinkHosting. They're taking over the world
Actually I still like BurstNET. I'll soon be getting a dedicated server with them, and they've been helpful so far. They're always online on AIM so it's really convenient.
Justin Stayton - [email] [icq]
devilsgun posted this at 13:31 — 4th July 2000.
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Joined: Sep 1999
We were with Jumpline for about 4 months and started having a few small problems with their service. I switched to Interliant http://webhosting.interliant.com about 2 months ago, and signed up for their Dedicated Service. We started with 1 RaQ2 server and just added a Raq3. Definately the way to go if you are hosting a decent number of sites. For us the cost effectiveness is well worth it.
It isn't a reseller program in the usual sense, it is a lease program. You have your own Cobalt server, which you administer through a web-based interface. And tech support that we found is second to none. A RaQ2 runs $180 per month and will host up to 200 sites for that flat fee.
thinkhost posted this at 17:10 — 4th July 2000.
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Just a tiny comment -- we are in NO WAY associated with thinkhosting.com -- please don't make that mistake.
Its not even a company I don't think
Vladislav Davidzon
Senior Network Administrator - ThinkHost Web Hosting Services
The smart choice for all your web hosting needs! (tm)
NSS posted this at 17:38 — 4th July 2000.
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There is a domain http://www.thinkhosting.com
Registered through Easyspace(Domain registrar $7.99 per year)
thinkhost posted this at 16:29 — 5th July 2000.
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I saw that, and I sure as heck hope they aren't planning on opening a web hosting company... Gurr. I would have to be confused with some weird competitor.
Vladislav Davidzon
Senior Network Administrator - ThinkHost Web Hosting Services
The smart choice for all your web hosting needs! (tm)
Denmark 3 posted this at 05:50 — 22nd July 2000.
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I like ThinkHost. Some of my friends use them and find them very useful.
mochman posted this at 19:05 — 22nd July 2000.
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I like hostrocket. It's the most reliable host i've used. I just started with them like a couple days ago. I especially like the speed in which i can connect to upload everything. Now all i got to do is learn how to make good web pages and i'm all set.
Anonymous posted this at 12:04 — 24th July 2000.
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I moved my account to them on a Saturday night, and was set up within 30 mins. I have not had to use their support yes, so I don't know anything about it, but they a a forum area that keeps everyone up to date on any server issues.
xrs posted this at 19:58 — 24th July 2000.
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My favorite/current host is http://www.digitalspace.net - the prices and features cannot be matched. Although support is sometimes slow, the servers are nearly always up and run without any problems.
R Smith
The XRS Network - Webmaster and Developer Resources, Tools, etc.
XRSolutions - Professional yet Affordable Design and Development.
Unified - An Extensive Site Dedicated to Creed.
Ravi Pachai posted this at 02:17 — 31st July 2000.
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I like http://www.powersurge.net,
I currently have 3 accounts with them and referred many people. I believe they have a good service that suits my needs.
Ravi Pachai
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