what is the difference between nameserver and dns?

sanseo's picture

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what is the name servers, and how we can differentiate it from DNS?

I am try to find solution in google.
DNS : Domain Name System by wikipedia ( I have no doubt about wiki information)

But some web hosting site and article have
DNS: Domain Name Servers. so what does this means.

this make me confuse. Have You any idea?

hosted's picture

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DNS commonly used for a Domain Name System and nameserver is the part of this system that gives match from domain name to ip adress

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According to me or I can say that my point of view the name servers do not refer to requests for customer system a recursive query to other DNS servers. When you respond to recursive queries from the client does not process the information directly from the DNS server as the local server name.

ZeroOne's picture

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As already was said DNS is used for domain name server very often on forums by sysadmins, because they are lazy Smiling

sanseo's picture

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Thanks to all my friends,

I am glad to see some of my friends gave very informative reply.

I think it was same as NOUN and PRONOUN.

very little bit difference in them need to understand where and who ware saying.

info02web's picture

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A Name Server holds information relating the naming scheme to the IP Addresses for a web site.

A Domain Name Server, by comparison, only stores domain names and associated IP Addresses for a period of time in a cache.

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DNS servers and the name serveris the same thing. Abbreviation DNS stands for Domain Name Service, Domain Naming System, or Domain Name System, depending on who you talk, but it is precisely the same thing.

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I think they both are same..
'name server' is a server, DNS is the service provided by it. Good question raised. Thanks for sharing.

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in domain context DNS generally refer to domain nameserver

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Thats a little confusing thread. Still not clear with the diff.

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DNS is the system that convert name into IP addresses.
there are many type of DNS records. like A,AAAA, MX, NS etc

Name Server (NS) is the server that converts website name into its IP address. Name Server record is a part of whole DNS. MX is for mail, "A" is pointer etc.



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As everyone says DNS and Name servers are same. But DNS only stores domain names and associated IP Addresses for a period of time in a cache.If a request for an IP Address is made, and the DNS server does not have that address in its cache, the DNS Server will make a request to a set of special servers that hold the addresses for all the Name Servers. From there, it requests the IP Address for the domain name from the Name Server.

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