Vener Net -
Curtis I was thinking of joing a service like vener net, but I can't get to their site right now I just get a forbidden error, but I could get to a different part of their site from a link from I was wondering if their are any other service like vener net, the reason I was wondering was because I was going to start a web hosting company as a reseller but I don't know if I can now. Is vener net, free? I would need a company to host a domain. Also since vener net is expensive how much do you make with it? Thanks!
Curtis Stevens posted this at 00:05 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Hi Tony!
VenerNet took down their index page so the customer has to buy their service through one of their AE's. They are going to put something on that page oneday that explains that the customer needs to go back because bla bla bla.
To join as a reseller or a sales rep is free:
There prices are going to change in a couple of months to what we have on our site: if all goes well.
Thanks for your interest.
Lowered Prices!
Web Hosting Made Simple!
[This message has been edited by Curtis Stevens (edited May 11, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Curtis Stevens (edited May 11, 1999).]
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
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tony97 posted this at 19:36 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 45 posts
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Also that design on your site is that your design or is it something they give you? Are you allowed to have your own design, I already have one, and like it (plus I paid for it) so I would like to use that one?
JP Stones posted this at 20:18 — 12th May 1999.
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Curtis designed his own site, I know as I have seen it progress to what it is know.
Beet you to it Curtis!
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
The NEXT step in Designing and Promoting your Website
Curtis Stevens posted this at 21:18 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Darn! That's not fair because I have to go to school! I will be out May 28 and I can't wait!
The program is free and when you sign up, it's done instant. You will get access to their members site and so much more, all free and instant.
It will just take a few minutes and you can start answering your own questions by looking at the private members area within minutes from now(I'm not saying that I do mind helping).
Lowered Prices!
Web Hosting Made Simple!
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
Got Merchant Account? - Free online merchant guide to accepting credit cards!
tony97 posted this at 22:14 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 45 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Ok, thanks both of you. I am seriously thinking of signing up now, and if I do I will make sure to sign up through Thanks!
Curtis Stevens posted this at 23:57 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Hi Anthony!
When you joined you used a email address that is bad. I tried sending you an email and I received a bounced message back.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
Got Merchant Account? - Free online merchant guide to accepting credit cards!
tony97 posted this at 00:09 — 13th May 1999.
They have: 45 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
No, that is my email try again, I signed up for VenerNet through you, but I bet that is why I never got an email from them, something was probably wrong with my email provider.
Anonymous posted this at 01:38 — 13th May 1999.
They have: 5,633 posts
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This is the message I received when I sent you my email.
The original message was received at Wed, 12 May 1999 21:27:49 -0500
from []
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<[email protected]>
----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to
>>> MAIL From:<[email protected]>
<<< 550 spam domain rejected
554 <[email protected]>... Service unavailable
Here is the message I did send to you that didn't make it.
If there is a problem me posting this below, please delete it. Thanks!
Hi Anthony Blum!
Thank you for joining VenerNet's referral program. You are now a sales representative for VenerNet. This email is fairly long, but please read through it all, because it explains their program in detail. You signed up with their program, but through us. This ability will be beneficial to you too. You should have received an email from VenerNet that has some very important information. It should contain the links to the members area, and the urls for the two web pages that they have given you. This program is not like any other hosting program on the net.
You can resell the service, or you can refer sells to VenerNet, like we are doing. If you decide to refer new customers to VenerNet, you will receive the setup fee and 25% of the monthly fee. This is the way we are selling their service, it's the easiest and most cost affective way. All you have to do is make a sale, and VenerNet takes care of your customer. They take care of billing, support, and everything else that is involved with the web hosting business. You can provide support to your customers, if you want, but VenerNet is available for them 24/7. The only thing that is left for you to do is, sign the check. This might sound to good to be true, like a scam, but it's not!
This program can become your only income, if you work hard at it. Since VenerNet's prices are a tad bit higher than the average competitor, this makes it harder. But this gives you a bigger monthly commission. VenerNet is worth much more than what they charge. I would suggest building a whole site of your own, and sell it through the site, instead of just linking to the page they gave you. As you can see, our site has a lot more information than the VenerNet's pages. If you have more information, it makes it easier to sell the service. I feel really proud and very comfortable about selling their service. I know that my customers are in good hands with VenerNet. I wouldn't go with any other hosting company, for anything. They have always answered my emails within a few hours. Most of the time, it's within a few minutes.
To prove to you how much this program can really generate, I have uploaded one of the pages on VenerNet's site that shows how much I have received for that given month. You may view it here: I only receive a few hundred dollars a month, but it's growing, and I don't do anything, but wait for my money. I have searched, and couldn't find a program that is as easy as this, that has so much potential of make lots of money.
Once you get a sale, you receive that commission EACH month, as long as the customer remains a customer of VenerNet. 95% of my customers are still with VenerNet, from day one. The one feature that I really like that VenerNet did is that they took down their index page. If you go here: you will see nothing. They did this so no one can delete your ID off of the url and you lose the sale. This way, they HAVE to buy it from you. I haven't found any other referral program that has it setup this way. All of them have their own web site up, so the customer can delete your ID, and you lose the sale. But VenerNet eliminated this possibility!
VenerNet has given you two pages off of their servers for you to use to sell their service. Your customers can order online from VenerNet through the pages they gave you. Or you can have your own web site, and put the information on it, like we have done: All the extra information that is on our site, is what we had to learn over the last year. You can link to or advertise the web pages they have given you.
The way VenerNet has this setup, they have more power, money, support and time than any other hosting company on the net. They don't have to worry about sales and marketing, this is your job. They spend all of their money, time and work on "support" and "customer service", which is the most important factor in the web hosting business. Trying to get new customers can become a very big job, and can costs a great deal of money. It all depends on why type of advertisement you rely on. But VenerNet doesn't even have to worry about this, just the customer to care about, and you of course. This makes VenerNet's service premium quality.
You can receive a monthly commission off of sales you make or the first sale of every account executive under you sales or purchases. Once you have sold or purchased a server, you can start receiving money off of the sales representatives under you, but not until you have sold or purchased one. This keeps the program fair and working. I would suggest trying to sell a server or buy one, and then sign up a lot of other people under you, and let them make you money. If you think about it, this money is almost guaranteed. VenerNet has over 16,000 satisfied customers using their service and you could be giving them thousands more.
I have only found one program that comes close to VenerNet's but doesn't pay as much, not as good, and support isn't near as great. This company is called Virtualisys. In our opinion, VenerNet beats this company by flying colors.
VenerNet has been in business since 1983, and hosting since 1995. Their main corporate office is located in Minnesota, were the support team is located. Their servers are located at the NapNets NOC at the Chicago Hub, were all backbones intersect. Their support team is available 24/7. There is also a fully trained team of technicians at the NOC to maintain the servers. If you want a reliable, and fast web hosting company, VenerNet is your company.
You will soon find out that VenerNet has true 24/7 support. I challenge you to email them at 3:00 in the morning and test out their timing and see for yourself. VenerNet's top reseller has over 2100 clients. I have calculated that, and found out that he is making anywhere from $176,400 - $882,000 a year! I imagine it's closer to the $882,000 because most people get the Platinum or Gold server. Don't you want to become VenerNet's top reseller and receive that commission each year? He could stop whatever he is doing and he would still get that money every year as long as his clients stay a customer of VenerNet. To get this many sales is tuff, and requires lots of work, and selling. I was told that he does his selling by the old fashion way, telemarketing. This might be your ticket to your new future, or you might find a different way to make sales.
VenerNet has sent you all the information you need to get into the members area which has some excellent information. I would suggest taking some time and read all of it, including the sales manual. Telemarketing might not be for you, bet there are many other ways to make sales. Please read the past archive in the board. There has been many, many questions answered over the years.
I want to say thank you for taking this wonderful opportunity with me. This program can make you as much as you want. You just have to put your mind into it. I'm here and VenerNet is if you need any help. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about this program. This program
Anonymous posted this at 01:38 — 13th May 1999.
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Jaiem posted this at 04:38 — 15th May 1999.
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Just my 2 cents: From what I've seen so far, VenerNet tech support is very good. Helpful, profesional, accurate and courteous.
Original Artwork...Hand Tied Flies...Unique Books and More!
Technel posted this at 01:00 — 16th May 1999.
They have: 33 posts
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Hi all,
Just wanted to let you know my experiences with VenerNet.
Curtis knows what I think of VenerNet as I bought my Virtual Server from his site and I am fathfully paying him commissions monthly (Ha, Ha).
I first signed up for the VenerNet reseller program back in November I think. I will have to admit, I am not making any money at that because quite frankly I have not been promoting it. I fully intend to very soon I have just been quite busy with associate programs that are bringing me very BIG paychecks.
Back to VenerNet. As far as Owning, or renting a VenerNet Virtual Server from them I can't say enough good things about VenerNet. I won't get too deep into this but they have been VERY helpful to me when I first got my IP changed over to them.
At first, during the IP change I had a real problem with data transfer with my new server. Slow, Slow, Slow and sometimes NO transfer. The support staff at Venernet worked with me 24 hours a day for several days finding out why. They ran traces for me over and over and found that there were too many down spots between my dial up ISP and my VenerNet server.
Once I switched ISP's I never had another problem. As far as my server performance now IT IS GREAT. Never Down, VERY fast and like I said the support is there. If you have a question about anything you can expect an answer to your email in a couple of hours (most times immediate).
Hope I will be on a VenerNet server FOREVER. (Or until I put my own in operation)
All the best,
Just a plug! You can also sign up for VenerNet servers or a reseller association from my site. (Sorry Curtis)
CWebNetCo posted this at 20:50 — 25th May 1999.
They have: 93 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
The service you sell is good and not that bad prices. Even I know the same feature it was offered by OLM or CI Host but if you are a reseller, thats cool... But keep up the good work dude
Carolina Web Net
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Sarasota Web Services
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