Some Great Hosts -
Hello Rivimont!
I don't know if I can beat you by price, but the company I sell for has the best support than anyone I have ever seen. I was really impressed when I emailed them on Christmas Day, and received an email back in 5 minutes. Their other sales reps, like us, know this too. You can't beat 24/7 support, and they really are there 24/7.
VenerNet are not the cheapest, but I think they are the best. I'm not saying this to make any sales, but they really are. I'm constantly on the net, and since my site has been up since June 1998, I have seen my site down 1 time for 5 minutes.
Even if VenerNet went up 5 times what they are charging now, I wouldn't leave.
I think that I really abuse their support some times, feels like it.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
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rivimont posted this at 01:40 — 11th April 1999.
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Hi everyone,
I thought you all might be interested in some great hosts that are out there. I know they are great because I have some web sites hosted on them. They are
($25 setup + $10 a month for own domain, 5 megs of space and unlimited email forwarders. This is a local provider in Raleigh, NC, but they provide great service and tech support)
(no setup if transferring from pre-existing domain, $20 a month for 60 megs of space, secure server, webtrends statistics software, supports MS ASP, Frontpage extensions, you get to choose what type of server, and 10 pop email accounts.
I hope this helps everyone out. IF you know of any better deals then please post.
JP Stones posted this at 02:19 — 11th April 1999.
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Hi rivimont,
I have heard of
they are indeed meant to be very reliable. As many of you know I use who offer such a ridiculously large amount of features I won't even bother listing them here
Visit the site (and no I am not affiliated with them, just a hosted by them).
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rivimont posted this at 02:29 — 11th April 1999.
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Thanks JP,
Is very reliable? Have you had ANY problems at ALL with them, like slow connections to the site or the site being down for a while? If it all it says it is, then it is by far the best deal out there. Thanks!
nick mancini posted this at 03:28 — 11th April 1999.
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I have heard VERY good things about MatrixCubed. A friend of mine had a site hosted by them and he was very pleased. His site was always online and he never had a problem the year he was with them.
Thank You,
-nick mancini
-icq: 35175980
-aol/aim: avbzero
JP Stones posted this at 18:44 — 11th April 1999.
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Just had a look...
They do look very good. Well designed price and many features all running of a VERY gast backbone. Whew!
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Curtis Stevens posted this at 03:29 — 12th April 1999.
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I tried to post this earlier, but the site was down.
Check this page out:
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions
Web hosting made simple!
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
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Mike Lavers posted this at 17:02 — 19th April 1999.
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Since I saw the last post, I thought an explanation was due.
We have asked HostSearch many times to remove the last two reviews on their site. They were posted by the same malicious person (as you can see, they are both posted with non-existant e-mail addresses)who signed up for our services and started a warez site (and uploaded many illegal files) which is not tolerated by our services and we state so in our policies. We terminated their account once the files were found and this customer was refunded completely.
The reason for them posting these false and not to mention slandering claims to our best guess is because they felt they were unfairly treated. We feel that we treated this customer with dignity and respect and made it clear to them why their account was being terminated. We treat our customers as we would want to be treated. When a customer uploads illegal files which we can be held liable for it is not tolerated.
If you support our decision we ask that you contact HostSearch and ask them to remove those false reviews. If you disagree with our decision we welcome your comments.
JP Stones posted this at 20:00 — 19th April 1999.
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It's always interesting to see this kind of post.
This type of slating reviews are very common and that is why I do not allow live reviews on my site.
There are however a few questions I have:
- "They advertise control panels, and there's not one yet! "
On the 2/25/99 did you advertise a CP you did not have functional?
- "their bandwidth limitation is pretty small" What is your alocated bandwidth?
Thanks for defending your case.
I would warn you that they will soon be uping their prices (though not to current clients) so you might want to decide now.
Communitech are constantly improving, they are fairly reliable and have a excellent uptime guarantee which they are about to increase! All is not perfec, though for this price this can be expected
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
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Curtis Stevens posted this at 23:00 — 19th April 1999.
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I would try to talk to Host Search. They are pretty nice about removing posts about people like that. Just explain your side, and hope for the best, or take your company information down, and they have to take down the posts.
Are you happy with your current web hosting
provider? We have the best web hosting service
in the industry.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
Got Merchant Account? - Free online merchant guide to accepting credit cards!
Mike Lavers posted this at 00:09 — 20th April 1999.
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- "They advertise control panels, and there's not one yet! "
On the 2/25/99 did you advertise a CP you did not have functional?
No, we never advertised that our control panel was available in our hosting plans until it was functional. The mis-understanding came when we setup a spot in our web site where the control panel information would be posted. Some of our customers began to understand this as an announcement that we had a control panel. We later removed that section until our control panel was launched (which it is now functional).
- "their bandwidth limitation is pretty small" What is your alocated bandwidth?
We do not have a definate limit of bandwidth to our customers, however we feel that we are very generous to our customers when it comes to bandwidth. If a customer is taking in bandwidth that is in the 15GB/month range we will ask that they upgrade their hosting plan. We feel this is reasonable because our customer ends up paying a monthly fee that is approximately $15 extra per month which pays for the server upgrades we need to do to support their site.
rivimont posted this at 01:07 — 20th April 1999.
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When you say that they are pretty reliable please explain more. Please tell me eveything you can about them (ie. any past problems). I want to make sure I know as much as I can before switching. Thanks!
Curtis Stevens posted this at 01:35 — 20th April 1999.
They have: 372 posts
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Hey rivimont!
About I checked their plans out, and they are ok. Their largest plan only has 5000 MB. I don't know if you need a lot of bandwith, but that is not a lot.
Also, they are really not fully loaded. You have to buy the middle one or higher to get the SSL, and you can get more options that they don't have.
Are you happy with your current web hosting
provider? We have the best web hosting service
in the industry.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
Got Merchant Account? - Free online merchant guide to accepting credit cards!
Stefen Enns posted this at 17:27 — 12th May 1999.
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Allow me to add a few great hosts to the list.
Stefen Enns ( [email protected] )
Free promotion for Canadians
rivimont posted this at 18:47 — 12th May 1999.
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Hi everyone,
I ended up going with They have a great reseller program and offer everything I need. The statistics (web trends) also list what city the user is coming from. Communitech's stats don;t do this. I was going to switch to but they told me webtrends doesn't work for all of the accounts. So far interland is great!
JP Stones posted this at 20:21 — 12th May 1999.
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Great, tell us how it goes.
CT have recently cancelled WebTrebds and now use Wusage.
Anyone have any comments on this program as I don't rate it much so far...
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
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JP Stones posted this at 03:15 — 13th May 1999.
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CT has a few floors (slow at adding promised features) but these mostly affect resselers. If you are not interested in becoming a reseller you will be very statisfied with them as they are slowly improving on a very very competitive package.
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leezet posted this at 04:15 — 3rd June 1999.
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Anyone hosted by Any feedback?
JP Stones posted this at 19:40 — 3rd June 1999.
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All I have hear about webhosting was that they have good tech support. Which is a very important factor.
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
Anonymous posted this at 20:18 — 3rd June 1999.
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I have heard/read mixed reviews on - Some like them and some don't. I would expect that when you are that large, you aren't going to please every customer you have! If they stand by their money back guarantee, you could try them and get a refund if they don't meet your expectations.
Dynamic Internet Solutions :
UNIX and Windows NT Hosting
Jaiem posted this at 02:25 — 4th June 1999.
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I'm using VenerNet and so far I'm very pleased with the service.
Original Artwork...Hand Tied Saltwater Flies...Unique Books, Gifts and More!
L Davis posted this at 21:37 — 6th June 1999.
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I would like to tell of one of my experiences with CommuniTech.Net While I am still hosted with CT and rate them as a very good server which I will stay with and see how things go. I would like to tell you of a very upsetting ordeal that I had with them.
I opened up a site with CT and worked many many hours getting it ready for a grand opening. I planned and started this grand opening which I spent many dollars and hours advertising in magazines and on the net. For this grand opening I was having a contest which I was placing secret links on my site for prizes and cash.
On the day before the grand opening I had posted to the CT support forum about, will the access log files, log the user names when someone logs into a password protected directory. I stated that I had a chat BOARD (note not room) which I need to be able to see which user was abusing the board.
The next day (the start of the contest) I was on my site approving some passwords when my site was pulled by CT with no warning. I was in the middle of this contest where I needed to be able to upload and change links, and my site was gone.
So I quickly called CT and they said that my site was pulled because of a file called chat.cgi. CT does not allow cgi chat rooms and I knew this so I run all my cgi chat rooms on a different server. Their TOS say that they do not allow chat rooms because they auto refresh and because of the load on the server The only file that I had on the CT servers called chat.cgi was a bulletin board which gets around 300 hits a day and does not auto refresh.
When I called CT they said that I must get hold of the person which pulled the site and that NO ONE else could do anything about this. I told them that the chat.cgi script was not a chat room and became pretty upset about my site. They did cut my site back on in about 30 minutes after the call, but did not give me access to the site through ftp or telenet so I could not upload any links or prizes.
I spent the next three days e-mailing Gabriel Murphy (the person who cut my site) trying to get access back to my site. IMHO I think Gabriel saw the post in the support forum and went looking around the files of my site for a chat room and saw a file named chat.cgi and instantly cut my site with no warning. I sent three e-mails asking for a reply and explaining that the board was not a chat room, that it is used as a bulletin board which gets at the most 300 hits a day. I never did get a answer to any of my e-mails, not one reply.
I had been talking to my attorney from the first day and he had informed me to try and work it out through the CT support channels before he proceeded. So my wife decided to call CT once again when she did she got someone in tech support which could not tell who had cut my site back on. He did check the chat.cgi script and saw that it did not auto refresh and that it was used as a bulletin board. He then issued her a new password to get access to my site
Never to this day have I received a reply from Gabriel Murphy which cut my site or a apology or explanation as to why. So the moral to this book lol is watch what you name your scripts on the CT servers they seem to be very quick to cut a site without warning.
Before this I had been very happy with CT and their support. I had even posted several times in their forums of how I thought they were a great server and could handle almost any problem. I am still with CT and the only other problems has been that it is slow at times. But just recently they have made great leaps in fixing this problem. All and All I would rate them well I just think that they were to fast to cut my site without a warning.
Larry Davis
ps JP I also do not like Wusage very much.
JP Stones posted this at 23:55 — 6th June 1999.
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Hi Larry, it is true that CT support can be VERY poor at times, and is never much cop to be honest.
I have been lucky in recent times with CT however and have always had most queries fixed promtly.
Wusage looks good, but yields some weird/nigh wrong stats. I am still investigating
solobox posted this at 01:19 — 9th June 1999.
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I am also hosted by Communitech bu they offer the ability to resell their package. Their prices have moved up to $29.99, but I can give the same thing for $20to$25 becaue I fell under their grandfather policy!!
Email Me
[email protected]
cds posted this at 17:32 — 10th June 1999.
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CT's prices are still 19.95. Won't be raised until they get their new web site up which they keep saying is coming, but have been saying that for last month or two.
The 19.95 rate is a three month price, 18.95 for 6 months and 17.95 for 12 months. Just thought i would throw that part in.
JP, have you figured out to read wusage? gives an awful lot of useless figures from what i can tell.
Recycle Video Games Network
Stupidity killed the cat, curiosity was framed!
JP Stones posted this at 21:36 — 10th June 1999.
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Tried to figure out Wusage with Chad a few days back and more recently found a a few figures which made me believe it is very inacurate/even wrong in some areas.
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
Webmaster posted this at 03:07 — 11th June 1999.
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I HATE Wusage. It's stats are inaccurate, ugly, and unorganized. Everything is on one single page. It's just like one long list of useless information. I can't stand it. Even HTTP-Analyze is soo much better.
Anonymous posted this at 21:02 — 20th June 1999.
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I, too, have had some awful experience with Communitech. While their package and prices are extremely competitive (and I was quite partial to the PCP), they are truly the most heartless hosting company I've come in contact with.
Some examples:
My site was cut because they said that Sony Corp. had contacted them about ROMs I had on my site. I did subhost gaming sites, but none of them dealt with console rpgs, only pen and paper rpgs (adnd). Also, Playstation "ROMs" don't even exist! They are burnt CDs, and I certainly didn't have 650 mb CDs stored on my server ...
My conclusion: I actually started utilizing their services to their fullest, so they wanted to cut me. I had paid a year in advance, and there's no refunds, so ...
But I eventually was put back on after 6 days of phone calls. Gabriel Murphy admitted there were no ROMs, and yet at the same time he said, "Just don't let it happen again."
Needless to say, that did not make me feel happy.
Their server is constantly down, it seems, or else it's pokey slow ...
I just recently moved, however, to and the little I've experienced with them so far, I'm pleased. Their connection is <i>extremely</i> fast it seems, and with unlimited space/bandwidth (which of course translates into 12 gb/mo and ~400 mb) you can't go wrong!
Their reseller program also looks very promising.
Could I have some input on what you guys know about Thanks.
JP Stones posted this at 21:29 — 20th June 1999.
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sir, my advice would be to start a new topic for information on .
This topic is a bit long and I would rather you create a new topic.
Thank you.
JP - Administrator.
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
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