Question About Dedicated Server!!
I am just asking, if i can host my game server to a dedicated for a free 1 month trial.. and if the dedicated hoster is good, then i can get it and pay it monthly..Any company have that promo? a 1 month free trial?? If you have please post here or PM me...
pr0gr4mm3r posted this at 15:42 — 22nd April 2008.
He has: 1,502 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
Finding a dedicated server host with a 1 month free trial is unlikely. Dedicated servers take time to set up and most companies have a set-up fee. I think the best you can do is find a company that is offering free setup and no contract.
Shared hosting may offer free trials because accounts can be created with little to no overhead. Dedicated servers are...well...dedicated
demopaul posted this at 06:15 — 24th April 2008.
They have: 112 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
Well, very unlikely, though you may look around for deals like that or make a personal agreement with a host, but again as I said very unlikely. Gaming servers are offered by and this company also offers the second monер for free for most of their dedicated deals.Contact their sales to ask if you can have one month for free on their gaming servers.
knorr posted this at 08:06 — 25th April 2008.
They have: 171 posts
Joined: Sep 2006
I think you may use services from as this company provides a trial period. I have seen this offer on their web site. Their dedi and VPS plans are really feature-rich.
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