[NoMonthlyFees.com] - Is it too good to be true?
There are a few things I would like to point out.
- Their web site layout is just like ispcheck.com
- Web Hosting is a monthly costs because you have to pay for servers, support, employees, transfer and much more.
If you only pay $180 and that is all, how are they going to be able to host your site after that? Data Transfer costs money!
The web hosting business is a very costly business and have you ever seen anyone else provide this? There is not just one cost to provide web hosting. The free web hosting companies put ads on your site and that is how they make their money, advertisement.
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JP Stones posted this at 04:43 — 29th May 1999.
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I does sound too good to be true in a sense though it pheasable that this method could work.
A tour of the newsgroups showed nothing negative about them...
Just noticed the copied design from ISPCheck and must now advise you to consider this site a scam. The owner must be damn stupid to copy a hosting design for a hosting website. Well spoted Curtis. **edit**
Anyone have anything solid?
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
CWebNetCo posted this at 17:34 — 29th May 1999.
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Yea, I agree that I notice they copied the same layout and this can get copyright in big problem between them ..
Also I was reviewing thier site and seems interesting but fact is they are under olm.net/axxs.net so I concern they are a reseller or they could have a dedicated server and sell off from it ... Any ideas?
Carolina Web Net
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Webmaster posted this at 03:57 — 30th May 1999.
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Does anyone have experience with them? It's 180 dollars for 200 megs for lifetime of hosting. It sounds too good to be true....
Curtis Stevens posted this at 04:23 — 6th July 1999.
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I'm not sure if you use any cgi scripts, but when we set someone's server up, I think it is a few MB wtih all the features we have on there. I don't see how you can run a really successful one with only 1 MB. Don't you have a CGI Bin? It will be fine if you have html pages and images only, no stats, scripts, forms, etc.
I can also see how they make it because they have other packages that are a monthly service.
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Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
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dflydsgn posted this at 04:51 — 6th July 1999.
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My site came with a stats program. So I don't need to run my own program. It also came with a free CGI script for forms, so yes I don have forms and stats. I also have an awesome control panel, that I can completely control my account through. Like the mail manager. I haven't come across a need for anything else yet. And once my site becomes so huge that it needs more space, then I can afford to upgrade.
Voltec posted this at 19:59 — 6th July 1999.
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On your site I noticed that you include nomonthly.com in your portfolio but show a different screenshot then it's current site shows.
So... did you do previous work for them and then they changed to this 'new format'? I looked over the sources of nomonthly.com and ispcheck.com and their is no doubt in my mind that they copied it. I believe that they listed the source and personalized the html to their own graphics. There are enough similarities and exact coding to leave no doubt in my mind! That alone would be grounds for me to not even consider them.
Copyright infringement is against the law ... period.
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JP Stones posted this at 21:34 — 6th July 1999.
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Surely you mean http://nomonthlyfees.com/ copied the design of http://www.ispcheck.com/...
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
dflydsgn posted this at 00:19 — 7th July 1999.
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Yes. I did design the site. And I truly believe in their services. The home page changes on a regular basis. So the screen shot in my portfolio is a little different then the current site. Thanks for noticing, though. I agree with JP, I think you meant nomonthlyfees.com when you were talking about copyright infringement. I hand typed that code myself for nomonthly.com. It is definitely original.
dflydsgn posted this at 01:22 — 7th July 1999.
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This is possible. I signed up with www.nomonthly.com. For a onetime $99 fee, with no monthly fees, I got a site for life. It's only 1mb but that's all I need. They explained on their site that they are able to do this because sites grow and most need to upgrade. But it works out for those who don't. I have seen www.nomonthlyfees.com and they imitate nomonthly.com. I know nomonthly.com is legit. Check them out!
Voltec posted this at 02:37 — 8th July 1999.
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My sincere appologies to Nomonthly.com... I failed to see the different URL's... must have been very tired at the time... I did mean nomonthlyfees.com
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dbworth posted this at 17:29 — 10th July 1999.
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Thought you guys might be interested to know that the picture on the right of NoMonthly.com's reseller page (http://www.nomonthly.com/resellers.html) is identical to one that is used by an IT training institution in Victoria, Australia. Can't remember what their name is off-hand, but instead of the purple captain they have one saying "IT wants you!" in a take-off of that US army recruiting thing or whatever. The student with the glasses is what I talking aobut and you can often see it in the Green Guide or Computer Age/Australian for those in ustralia. It may not be a copy, it might just be one of those royalty free images or something.
David Butterworth
dflydsgn posted this at 22:10 — 11th July 1999.
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The photo is from www.photodisc.com. All the photos for the nomonthly.com site were purchased from there. The photos are good and only about $20 for web use. We have seen some of the other photos that we used on other sites too. They are there just to add a personal feel to the site.
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