I need a good Web host with these features... - Some features I'm looking for + some hosts I've look
*VenerNet (http://www.vener.net/rep/davbutterworth-server.shtml)
Looks a bit lacking and 'simple'.
Who did you sign up under? Just curious. My opinion you should pick Vener, and I wont get anything from it because you are not under me. That is just how I feel and I have been using them for over a year. You get their support free, send them an email and see what you think. Their website doesn't represent their good quality very good, but I can almost guarantee you that you will not find anyone that has better support than VenerNet or close to it. I have emailed them so many times, I can't even count them all. Maybe a thousand or two.
I'm just a very happy customer and all my customers are happy too. There are a few on this forum and they would probable back me up. There prices are high, but that might change. I have NEVER found one person that wasn't happy with VenerNet and I don't think you can. I know you can't please everyone in this world, but by what they deliver, you can't get any better. They have over 17,000 customers and they got them by having 3 or 4 times higher prices than the average hosting company. CiHost has around 15,000, they claim, and VenerNet has more than they do, and their prices are 4 times higher! That must tell you something since people are willing to pay an arm and a leg for their service. But I think their prices might change sometime this year, by half. I'm just crossing my fingers.
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Curtis Stevens
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JP Stones posted this at 17:56 — 17th June 1999.
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I'm interested in hearing more about the Virtualis affiliate scam if anyone knows anything about it...
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Center.
tony97 posted this at 18:44 — 17th June 1999.
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Virtualis is no scam I have heard many many many people using them and NO one has ever complained about their service. I have talked to Virtualis and they are friendly and have very good support.
dbworth posted this at 23:20 — 17th June 1999.
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Hi guys!
I'm after a Web host with basically all of the features below...it may sound like a hard ask, but I design Web sites and I feel I should personally feel good about the hosting I resell.
I want:
*Access to server configuration files
*PHP installed
* The ability to have more than one domain attached to one account
*Support for 2nd level domains (eg directory.mydomain.com) domains on my one accounts
*Anonymous technical support so that people I resell hosting to don't know I'm a reseller
*support via ICQ?
*a support phone number/employee in Australia
*WebTrends reporting
*raw log files
*Ability to have my own SSL certificate so people see my secure server address rather than the hosts
*the ability to have extra software installed, such as ePerl (http://www.ch.engelschall.com/sw/eperl) ?
I don't expect to find a host with _all_ of these, but at least as many as possible...
As you may notice, I'm after things like my own nameservers, a generic secure server, and anonymous tech support so that my clients don't know I'm a reseller because I want to offer hosting as an add-on to my Web design services if you remember...
Some hosts I've looked at are:
*Virtualis Systems (http://www.virtualis.com/vr/dbutterw)
A bit expensive, but you get what you pay for. Service seems good, but some peolpe say it's not. No PHP support.
*CI Host (http://www.cihost.com)
Looks a little dodgy for its prices. Service leaves a lot to be desired. They're a reseller themselves.
*Webhosting(.com) (http://www.webhosting.com)
Some people say they're bad.
*WestHost (http://www.westhost.com)
Dunno much...
*VenerNet (http://www.vener.net/rep/davbutterworth-server.shtml)
Looks a bit lacking and 'simple'.
*Communitech (http://www.communitech.net)
Like only one plan! A bit lacking...
*OLM (http://hosting.olm.net)
Looks promising.
*PowerSurge (http://www.powersurge.net)
Also looks promising.
*HostPro (http://www.hostpro.net)
Looks ok.
*Albert Host (http://albertahost.com)
Possible. Looks good.
Basically that's all I've got to say
Quite a lot to digest. I've done hours and hours of research which I think is often in order, but now I can make the decision, or 'take the plunge', I guess without some other people's input. I'm just sitting here going now what...
What are your thoughts, ideas, stories and suggestions please?
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to settling with a Web site host...and please don't hesitate to ask if you EVER need a hand with anything
David Butterworth
yevlesh posted this at 00:14 — 18th June 1999.
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Based on the features you require, I think that the best bet for you will be your own dedicated server.
All of the hosting companies I know of will not let you install your own software on the server or have access to the server configuration files.
Regarding Albert Host, I heard a lot of bad things about them.
fairhousing posted this at 01:40 — 18th June 1999.
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I've heard bad things about Albert Host and Virtualis ran an affiliate scam a while back, so I'd steer clear of both of them. I concur, sounds like you need a dedicated server.
Isn't it time you started making money with your site!
Traffic-Website.com free traffic, affiliate programs, hosting, & domain names.
My Site got hacked, but i'm coming back?
TradeViceroy posted this at 02:33 — 18th June 1999.
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I believe Alberta Host is owned by a 16 year-old kid. He was also the owner of gormanweb.net htmlserv.net. At one time he and GalaxyWeb were going to merge but that fell through at the last minute.
ChanFan posted this at 03:53 — 18th June 1999.
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You may need to look no further than Verio Web Hosting:
All that and more! Reasonable rates. And no, I don't work there. I run sites on two different virtual servers through Verio, and have had no trouble whatsoever.
CWebNetCo posted this at 17:15 — 18th June 1999.
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I do agree with you again ... But one thing, I really like thier is what? Server Confg Files which allow me to setup kike http://anything.domain.com and points to a sub domain and once people type that URL, it wont show like http://anything.domain.com/anything/ ... Hence, many ISP usually do that by Domain IP Pointing which will show the URL. Since I like iServer the iManager/iRoot and its nice and easiest you can use and even you can limit user quota limits for people who want to use your server for instance you are offering dialup service, this is a ideal plan for.
To host a customer's CGI on your Virtual Server which will lead a security problems unless you setup the httpd.conf and smr.conf to set up where it will allow and not allow to host and it's very risky and can end up hacking and mess up the confg files so it's a big issue there.
Even, thier reseller wizard is real time so you can have a web hosting business and you could signup all your new clients in real time so they would see you are a real value. Hence, if you want a fake NameServers they offer, thats a most costy you will ever seen around. $495 for a one time fee which looks high but if you have alot of domains host, say 500 or higher, then get the Name Servers. Even the telnet is wonderful, they dont show anything name under 'iServer or VERIO" nothing so people will not know it's them ... What a great deal here ...
So for all interesting resellers, I will suggest go to iServer (www.iserver.com) so you can do whatever you like as long you know how to handle thoses confg files otherwise if there one space in is missing, you are dead meat which means its screwed and won't work so that means you have challenges against iServer to success your venture future.
I hope you all reseller best of luck and try your hard work more and don't give up. Your future is waiting for you so grab it before it's too late!
Once again, if you are with iServer and you need some hints and sercets or tips, you can ask me or ChanFan since he is with iServer and I used be ... I will be glad to help you but don't make me help you all the way down
By the way, ChanFan, your site is wonderful and I really like it ... A useful site, really !
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
ChanFan posted this at 17:57 — 18th June 1999.
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So, dbworth... how's the hunt?
TradeViceroy posted this at 18:06 — 18th June 1999.
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I thought Alberta Host was owned by David Gorman? I know he has at least one other people supposedly "helping" him. The reason I know this is that I have a friend who lives up in his area and David Gorman goes to his High School! Pretty ironic don't you think?
Also, you may want to try http://www.burst.net/ for hosting. I'm about to signup with them and their support is great!
CWebNetCo posted this at 19:29 — 18th June 1999.
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ChanFan, I am Male so you can tell me I am either He or Him
BurstNET is so so but ideal for reseller service would be iServer. That's my plug for this.
T'Care !
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
CWebNetCo posted this at 19:50 — 18th June 1999.
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I would suggest go to iServer which you will have a full control and it's like you are own a Dedicated Server but you pay less which is a good deal. Best place to start for aimed resellers to re-sell business on the internet.
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
dbworth posted this at 20:02 — 18th June 1999.
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A dedicate server is a rather expensive option don't you think? I'd love one, but I haven't actually got any clients yet, and I'm 16 yrs old so I don't exactly have any capital for this type of thing.
Many servers allow software to be installed...for a cost of course.
And many hosts, eg Virtualis, allow access to server configuration files.

So you're not the only one who thinks badly of alberta host
I've been with Virtualis before, and have one client with them, and they don't seem too bad. It's just that they don't support PHP, and are a little more expensive than I wish to pay at this stage.
Like I said above, dedicated server = cost
Chase Y:
I thought so. I think alberta host is run by Eric, a guy I know...don't wanna say too much, but he's often asked me for guidance.
iServer looks a bit more expensive I think. Not sure about their reseller program. Verio is out because you can only become a partner if you're in the US.
But I must say iServer does look interesting. I have emailed them. It looks interesting the way I can host clients just on my account...although the security issues present a problem...I'd be interested to know what you think of the service? and performance? Thanks
Curtis Stevens:
I signed up under Robert Alamilla.
Mainly because when I found out VenerNet didn't sell hosting themselves, I found it hard to find a reseller to sign up under!. Their support seemed pretty good, but why the heck is the Web pages their provide so simple?
And they're lacking options like access to Virtual Server config files, multiple domains per account...they couldn't give me a straight answer about subdomains under my domain.
thousand or two.
Jp Stones and tony97:
I would have to agree that Virtualis is great. They might not offer PHP, and be a little more expensive, but they are good.
Hmm, are you hosted on iServer?
They look ok, but are priced higher than Virtualis who's reseller program is good. With iServer you really have to resell _new_ accounts due to the security problems with hosting other people on your account.
Well, thanks everyone for your replies...the host search continues
Curtis Stevens posted this at 20:59 — 18th June 1999.
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Hi Jaiem!
PERFECT! You put that very nicley, I couldn't do better than that. I would also like to point out most of their agents or sales reps will help the customer as much as they can, and we try our best. Isn't this how it goes "Two companies are better than one?".
I'm curious how you found that guys site? You emailed me with questions and did you ever see the affiliate page on my web site? I'm just curious and it's not any big deal, but I think it's kinda funny.
About VenerNet. I have been speaking to Rod at Vener for a long time and he said something VERY big is going to happen and they are building an NOC and their servers will be 40 feet from the back bone itself and they will own the NOC. This is an email I sent him:
Hi Rod!
When I can I get my own DNS server address?
When will that NOC be built?
Any new changes going to happen any time soon?
Also, is Vener going to change the prices? What do they think of it so far and what I have done? My sales increased by 800%!
Here is his reply:
Hi Curtis,
Yes yes and yes.
We will be moving into our new datacenter in the next couple of weeks and there will be BIG changes at that time but that is all I can say right now.
800% increase is great but be prepared for 4-5000%.
Sorry I cant say any more and I have a meeting in 5 minutes but beleave me your wait and patience will be WELL worth it.
I think their service is going to be changing a LOT and they are going to add some many things. The part I hate is that they are going to do something that will increase my sales that much and I can't figure it out. They don't do virtual hosting, but I think that is changing and so many more things.
I will keep you guys posted.
Professional Web hosting & Site Design!
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Curtis Stevens
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Jaiem posted this at 00:46 — 19th June 1999.
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VenerNet uses agents, not resellers. The difference is an agent is a representative of the company, just like an insurance agent, stock broker, car salesman, Avon Lady, etc. Thier function is to bring the services to you, discuss the features and answer your questions, help you sign up, etc. Once you sign up, the parent company takes care of setting you up, making sure things run properly, tech support, etc.
A reseller actually "owns" the server space they sell to you. IOW, I buy a 100 meg server and pay $15/month for it. Then I turn around and "sell" that server to you for $25/month (or whatever I wish to charge) and pocket the difference. I have to set you up, support you etc.
VenerNet doesn't spend time making fancy web ads for themselves. That's the role of thier agents. As such, costs are reduced and they can concentrate on providing a quality service.
My site uses VenerNet and so far I'm quite pleased with the service and tech support, especially given the horror stories I've read about with other hosting companys.
(Curtis - my appologies if I borrowed your lime light
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ChanFan posted this at 02:58 — 19th June 1999.
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"I'd be interested to know what you think of the service? and performance?"
I am not a programmer. I know nothing about Unix, Perl, or any other language, and yet I have run iServer virtual servers for over two years now with no problems whatsoever. (That alone should tell you volumes about both the service and its ease of use. )
I use Telnet and iServer's own browser-interface CGI programs (iManager and iRoot) to control everything from configuration (I'm brave enough to play around with that now that I'm familiar with the system) to simple uploading and downloading of files and scripts. It is truly as if these were dedicated servers sitting right in front of me.
There are no restrictions on what kinds of programs you can use. Need a new version of Perl? Install it. You don't have to use any of the (many) scripts and so forth that they provide for resellers, but you can purchase an install anything you want. It's your server.
The cost, I think, is very reasonable considering all that you get. You should really take the time to cruise through the documentation on their web site regarding all the options you have at your disposal. And I agree with CWebNetCo: It's probably the best place to start as a reseller. Not only can you subhost accounts on a single virtual server, but you can resell other virtual servers as well.
As for security issues: You have full configuration control over your server. If you plan on giving clients CGI access/execute privileges, of course there will be risks involved. But this is true anywhere. Your server is as secure as you make it.
Tech Support could be a little more understanding of novices like myself; but the way their service is set up, resellers are expected to be somewhat familiar with the technical side of server administration, which apparently you are. (I'm not, and have had to pull my hair out over a couple of things they figured I should know. But that's sort of good in itself, because I've learned a lot over the past two years -- most of it the hard way.)
You are looking -- figuratively speaking -- at one happy Administrative Assistant. That's what I am, really. Being a server administrator is incidental.
CWebNetCo posted this at 19:12 — 19th June 1999.
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You are very welcome and I hope you will enjoy at iServer and best of luck for your business ... DreamHost is a nice place to start with low affordable prices that you only need, really.
Once again, Good Luck !
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
Anonymous posted this at 01:03 — 20th June 1999.
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Hi guys!
This has become so *big* that I could write a whole book about it...even a documentary "the ultimate hosting search".
Its been almost 48 hours since I opened this forum and I've had many sleepless nights and frustrating fights with useless support people...so here I am to tell you my progress
Anyway, I'll reply to your messages first...
Yeah, I should've realised the difference between resellers and agents because VenerNet provides anonymous support for your clients, whereas other hosts that you resell don't do this...I think I would prefer being an agent, because you feel more like you're actually 'running' the host.
Thank you for those definitions.
I agree that they don't really need a fancy Web site, but I think it's just stupid the pages they have. The don't list all of the features they have, although I think that's possibly because they lack many. And their costs should be reduced, but it doesn't look like it...
I think VenerNet is a bit like Virtualis Systems - you pay a high price for the good support, but that's only usefull if you have a lot of questions. Personally VS would be better because their service is a little better and they have more features...and all for a bit less.
I guess that's what makes virtual servers so good.
I don't mean to boast, but if you know nothing about programming I should be able to administer iServer ok. The easy-to-use admin program sounds good.
I like the idea of practically having a dedicated server, minus the cost
So can you install anything? How does that work? take ePerl for example (http://www.ch.engelschall.com/sw/eperl/), I would have thought you'd have to install that like you would Win95 off a cd...
This is sounding good.
I've had a bit of a look, but I might look again now that I know you, and others, have been using iServer for a while.
Yeah, looks like a good reseller one.
Hmm, I don't think a server is as secure as you make it. For example iServer sets up its virtual servers securely, but merely reselling a directory on your account is like a soft option, and would be very insecure.
Perhaps iServer employs very knowledgable tech support people...that's a change. I'm sick of the stupid support people who read their manuals, pass a test, and away they go...they know about enough to give a corny yes/no answer and that's it!
I think you're right, it'd teach you a lot.
I'm glad you'er happy with iServer, I think it's worth taking another look at.
But your thoughts/ideas are very confincing, and you've practically sold iServer to me.
Hmm, all these admin features sound great...I like the idea of configing my own server.
I don't think it's possible to resell your own account _without_ any CGI security issues. I think it'd be best just to resell a new account...then each client/account holder can have multiple domains.
I saw the cost of the nameservers...really the ownly downside...but I think for any new reseller using existing nameservers is fine...gives you credibility. But if they don't list anything under iServer that's even better
I like the challenge of managing a server...just keep a config file backup that's all.
Hmm, that last sentence sounded like plug
As I said above, it's good to know some people who are with iServer...just in case.
And I'll echo the comment about ur great Web site...well, I must admit it's not so useful for me not being a parent.
Yes, I agree, your opinion was encouraging.
Well, you're ready my thoughts on 'the search' now, and at the end of my post I'll list my final thoughts.
Chase Y:
Yeah, I mean I'm not actually sure who owns Alberta host, but I think it's a bit dodgy. Uh-oh, I know I'm a high school student myself, year 10 if it means anything to all you people in the US, but I don't want a server run by a 15 yr old just in case something goes wrong. Btw, that Eric guy I mentioned isnt very old either. He says Alberta Host is run by Robb Alexander, so I dunno. Actually it's weird when strange connections are made throuhgout the industry...like one friend and another. I had a look at BurstNET, just for your sake, but I wasn't hoping for much. Mainly because I've never heard of them I guess...I wasn't really interested I must say, sorry
He he. Some language problems it sounds like...
Yeah, it looks like reselling = iServer
Thanks for another plug...
Curtis Stevens:
I don't like the sound of such 'large' figures. Nothing against you, but VenerNet seems to be just all price and support...
Hmm, sometimes 2 companies are better than one...but usually there's jurisdicial problems...peoples tread on others toes, and just generally they don't communicate...
How did I find his Site? he he. I sorta of had seen a few VenerNet agents, but at that stage I don't think I knew you were one. Oh wait, now I know, I was looking around ur site an others, and altho I saw the VenerNet info, I couldn't find anything about signing up as an agent myself....sooooo, I search altavista for anything with the domain vener.net and found some guys site who _did_ have a link to sign up as an agent. And there we go...
Yeah, I saw your page...it's not really that funny.
Yeah, well, in the wired world I only believe things when the happen. VenerNet's pages even say they're gonna be adding features...yah yah yah. But that's just like my ISP who cliamed to be adding more modems and it took months. These days you have to sign up for a host that has the features you want already, because espeically being a reseller/agent you would be making a committment. I can't keep changing hosts...
I understand that I might miss out on a great service when it comes, but that's the chance I take. I really need features now that VenerNet doesn't yet offer.
What makes you tink you're sales will increase? He said as low as 4%!!! Of course your sles would increase my 4% if they simply added a few more basic features...
Well, that should be all in terms of repliesm so here's what I have come to think about the hosts I listed right in the beginning:
*Virtualis Systems (http://www.virtualis.com/vr/dbutterw)
A bit expensive, but you get what you pay for. Service seems good, but some peolpe say it's not. No PHP support. I think VS would always be the host I would fall back on...I *know* they're realiable and 'good'.
*CI Host (http://www.cihost.com)
I now know they're a reseller themselves, so that's a no-goer...the idea is to remove the middle-person...what more can I say
*Webhosting(.com) (http://www.webhosting.com)
Some people say they're bad, so I haven't looked at them much more.
*WestHost (http://www.westhost.com)
Looks ok, but their hosting prices are low enough to make me suspicious...
*VenerNet (http://www.vener.net/rep/davbutterworth-server.shtml)
Lacking some features...priced rather high just for the support.
*Communitech (http://www.communitech.net)
Like only one plan! A bit lacking I think. And to top it off, the support people claim their marketing manager recommened having just 1 plan to make things easier!!!
*OLM (http://hosting.olm.net)
I like their Web site edsign. One of the best I think...opps, that was off the track
he he he. It just gets better...in contrast to Communitech, these guys have *loads* of plans! They overdo it so much that their plans overlap each other and I gave u just trying to work it out...
*PowerSurge (http://www.powersurge.net)
Great service and support, but who ever heard of a host not support cronjobs!!! And their reseller proram could do with a touch up...
*HostPro (http://www.hostpro.net)
Their packages look pretty good...some nice prices. I know 1 person who uses them I think, but as yet haven't had any elated people swear by them with their life like ChanFan for iServer
I think this one comes very close to VS...some time I might check out their support.
*Albert Host (http://albertahost.com)
I've now found ou
Anonymous posted this at 01:03 — 20th June 1999.
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CWebNetCo posted this at 17:34 — 20th June 1999.
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They average 12 - 24 hours reply time becuase they have a high volume of e-mails so give them the time but once you get everything up & running then at the end, you will have real time service for to order more servers, add ons etc. If you want a live conversation with them, I suggest calling them at 801-437-0200 and you can get answers and course it's 24 hours, 7 days a week live line and so do the fax at 801-437-0202.
Hope this helps
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
dbworth posted this at 20:56 — 20th June 1999.
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I've sent iServer an email and they *still* haven't replied...anyone know which email address I should be sending it too? and what the average turn-around time is?
David Butterworth
dbworth posted this at 21:30 — 20th June 1999.
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I eventually got a reply to my email...I think I sent it to the wrong address. It was the [email protected] one.
Live conversation would be good, but a bit expensive. I'm in Australia you see
Just a quick question, when you sign up as a reseller (which I have) it asks to you fax, and later snailmail, a reseller agreement. Would all my resold clients need to do that, or can I just bill them myself, and then iServer bills me?
Also, what sort of time-frame does it take for my reseller account to be finalised? that is once I work out the right voerseas dialing code...
David Butterworth
Curtis Stevens posted this at 01:30 — 21st June 1999.
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Hi David!
What kind of features does VenerNet don't have that you want? Have you asked them? They have a lot more than what is on that site. I think the site will change because it sucks. Also they are doing some tests with certain prices and if the owners like what happens then all of their customers and new ones will get it. If it does happen, it should happen this month or next(competitive prices). I love Vener, but the only thing that I hate is they are slow about upgrading on certain things. Rod told me that he is going to become an owner sometime soon and will speed things up a lot. I just hope they hurry up with moving into that NOC and do some changing. If they don't I will be a little disapointed, but all I can do is hope.
I have also found out that they do not have some features for certain reasons. If something will slow down the server or hurt its performance, then they will not have it, they are very strict about that. I was also told that they are working on creating a feature that will be fully loaded with almost anything possible and you can even get a merchant account within 24 hours with the bank they choose. I hope all this happens real soon. Also I was trying to say that it would change 4000 - 5000%, I hope so.
Professional Web hosting & Site Design!
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Curtis Stevens
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CWebNetCo posted this at 03:38 — 21st June 1999.
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So you don't need live conversation then
Say ... I want a Server B for $99 then you just sign the agreement that they provided to you and this is for your server only then once it's all settled ... You just go to https://order.securesites.com then order a server and iServer will automacilly bill to your account and setup realtime then you bill me $99 or whatever then I pay you then you pay iServer. No other new agreement is need.
If your reseller clients need a server, they can have it in real time ... You can learn in Reseller backroom which allows you to setup a default page, images, cgi scripts .. Notice you see some ISP setup a welcome page etc and that what you can setup for all your resold accounts. Even you can disable or terminate thier accounts and also limit disk spaces or whatever they like and iServer simply bill you and you charge to your clients and you collect funds and send to iServer.
But the more you resell, the more discount you get and more profit you will get.
Hope this answer your question ... if you need more details or help, please feel free contact me and I'll be glad to help you anything you please.
Best of luck ...
Carolina Web Net
<=== That's Me!
Sarasota Web Services
[email protected]
ICQ: 15047260
dbworth posted this at 21:34 — 21st June 1999.
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Hi guys!
Curtis Stevens:
Someone once commented to me about Virtualis (very much like VenerNet) and said "they're only good if you want support...and they're support is only good if you have a lot of questions". But thanks for your help though, maybe in the future I might regret not hosting with VenerNet, but I can only go with what I see before me (and lets not get into a religious debate).
VenerNet is just missing a few things like multiple domain hosting, and it's a bit stupid to wait until they get themselves together. That happened to my ISP, they were slow upgrading their hardware and became slow....but I returned to their excellent priced plans in a years time.
Also, they're a bit 'tight'. Who ever heard of crons having to be approved...and they don't allow access to config files like most of the virtual hosts do (re iserver.com).
I know you really like VenerNet, but in a way it sounds like you need to move on
my small business clients will though.
Actually a live support conversation would be good (quicker) but I'm not desperate enough to speed dollars (maybe upwards of $30) to make the overseas call
Thanks for the claffication with the agreements thing. I should have known ebcause iServer said somewhere that they never bill your clients. I'm not even sure why they want so many details...do you think it's necessary for me to do the same? get my clients to sign an agreement I mean?
This reseller backroom sounds very interesting...and I love the way they do those crappy looking, generic pages such as securesites.com so people don't know who you host with and so on...
Sounds like you've got lots of control too.
Hopefully I'll sell 5 servers soon. It will be interesting to see who's inetrested in what prices...you might remember I said I was going to resell a cheaper host as well to fill that market. Not many people I feel, in terms of general public, will pay $55 per month for a server
Thanks for your help.
I guess with iServer being invisible it means you look better (bigger maybe) to your clients.
When you buy a 2nd server tho to resell, is it actually setup? sounds like you've got to install _everything_ on it including perl
Cool, real time. Yeah, I can't wait to the...'The Back Room'.
Thanks for your help and best wishes.
Thanks everyone once again.jus a couple of questions relating to some other stuff that's popped up:
vserver.com - someone recommeneded this to me, and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this please? I'm not sure if they're as flexible in terms of installations and config files as iServer is, but they look very similar.
Basically the only downside (maybe) I've found about iServer is, is that on Account A you can't have any more pop/ftp accounts. You have to upgrade. But I don't really need more at the moment, so I guess that's ok. The support guy actually recommened their sistor company, hiway too
So what Server's are you guys on? probably Server B I guess...
Thanks again guys, this is the BEST forum I've ever been too.
David Butterworth
ChanFan posted this at 02:29 — 22nd June 1999.
They have: 13 posts
Joined: May 1999
dbworth: "Just a quick question, when you sign up as a reseller (which I have) it asks to you fax, and later snailmail, a reseller agreement. Would all my resold clients need to do that, or can I just bill them myself, and then iServer bills me?"
That's the beauty of iServer -- they are invisible unless you want them to be otherwise. Your clients need have no contact with iServer at all, and in fact, iServer strongly discourages it -- okay, forbids it. You are responsible for any and all support/customer service that your clients may require.
Current versions of Perl are included in iServer's library of available software; you simply have to Telnet to your server and install it from the (shared) contributors directory of your host server.
Your reseller account should be set up by iServer within 24 hours of receipt of your agreement by fax. And as CWebNetCo has said, everything happens in real time from there. You will find your reseller's backroom very handy, the interface easy to use, the reports concise and helpful.
I wish you every success with your venture and hope you will be as happy with iServer as I have.
Curtis Stevens posted this at 03:13 — 22nd June 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Hi David!
I don't know why Vener do what they do and what their reasons are. I don't know all the technical things about servers and about cron jobs. I do think that they do it for a good reason. I do know they do what is need to make sure their servers are the best they can be.
They started the hosting business in 1995 and I imagine they have learned many things over the years, things me and you don't see. I also understand how you feel and I don't blame you. Multiple domain hosting is something I want and I think they are going to offer that very soon.
I think that when they started back in 95 that most people online were people with lots of money or were not very poor. There were not many hosting companies and the prices were a lot higher than what they are now. I think as time went on the hosting industry become really big and the prices dropped big time. I think Vener had received so many new customers that they owners decided not to lower the prices and use their reputation and their agents to do the selling for them. I think some of the employees like Rod have heard so many things about why don't they do this and do that, and have tried to get the owners to change their service that will be more up to date.
I think that things will be changing real soon and it's about time. I hope it's real soon and you might join me, but I want to wish you the best of luck with any provider you choose. I hope they meet all your expectations and make you very happy.
Good day!
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Curtis Stevens
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jeffyen posted this at 22:22 — 22nd June 1999.
They have: 13 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
dbworth, you mentioned that ci host is a reseller. That means they buy space from someone. Do you know how that someone is?
ChanFan posted this at 02:00 — 23rd June 1999.
They have: 13 posts
Joined: May 1999
"When you buy a 2nd server tho to resell, is it actually setup? sounds like you've got to install _everything_ on it including perl"
No. It's set up by iServer. You can pick and choose what you want installed initially, and Perl is already installed (-- of course, but I think it's version 4.0). You have to specify that you want the most current version of Perl, or install it yourself later from that contributor's directory on the host machine. Don't know why that is when most scripts require Perl 5 or higher to run properly these days, but then I'm not a programmer. Maybe higher versions are still a little too buggy for some people?
As for CGI scripts: if it's uploadable and configurable and chmod-able
and all the things a good script is supposed to be, it can be installed and run on your server with no problems -- which is what I meant by "you can buy and install anything you want" in an earlier message.
And, yes, I have Server B. Server A has too many restrictions and does not handle subhosting as well. Also, with Server A, you can only subhost five accounts -- server B: 25 accounts. I decided that having a fully functional server at my disposal with 130 MB more disk space, multiple domain hosting capabilities, and unlimited POP/IMAP & FTP accounts was worth the extra forty bucks a month.
Once again -- Best of Luck!
Blur posted this at 02:12 — 23rd June 1999.
They have: 66 posts
Joined: May 1999
Well, I've got communitech.net, and their great! Their support is excellent, very fast, with knowledgeable staff. Their servers are realiable from what I've seen, and very fast. Overall, I'm very very please with communitech.net
Ed Aronyk (Blur)
Divergent Digital Media
The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made.
dbworth posted this at 17:09 — 1st July 1999.
They have: 8 posts
Joined: May 1999
Hi guys!
I'll be signing up at iServer when I return from my snowboarding trip. yehaw! Anyway, not many people will probably read this as this forum seems to have died, but I feel I owe it to those who have helped mne so much to at least reply. I'd hate to die without replying...anyway, how'd I get onto that...
Sorry it's been so long...I've been flat out. No not with clients for my hosting, just busy.
Curtis Stevens
Yeah, I'm sure VenerNet only provides the limited features they do for a reason. Possibly they're aiming at a specific market.
And I'm sure their servers are good...at least they'd be clean and fast with not much installed. And I know their support is good...actually, perhaps they keep their features basic so their support staff aren't overwelmed with hard-to-answer questions.
Yes, they would have a lot of experience in hosting, so I guess they _are_ aiming at a specific market of users.
Yeah, multiple domain hosting is catching on...in fact it's almost standard, so they'd be crazy not to offer it.
I guess if they're already doing so well, why change the run of good quality service and so on...altho there's also a saying about doing something for too long, not wising up, becoming old, and losing out. But I guess they've reaslised this, and things would change if they're being bought up by someone else...
Yeah, well, as I've said to other people, you have to chose a host on how it is at the moment. But I wish you the best with VenerNet, and thanks for your best wishes. It's very nobel so to speak to commend another host, despite the fact you host with someone else.
Yes I did say that. Well, they are a reseller, but they don't really buy the space as such, they just resell someone else's plans. And they're a reseller because the vendor or whatever is anonymous, so you wouldn't really call them an agent. Anyway, they resell olm.net I think. Someone else told me this...I think OLM is pretty good, it's just CIHost's bad support staff...
most hosts have both Perl 4 and 5 installed...in different locations of course. Some scripts only require 4.
So I'm going for a Server A.
Wow, all that just makes iServer sound even better.
Actually I'm more of a programme than anything like a designer
Yeah, the "install anything" part of iServer is good.
Actually, server A does support subhosting...the only major difference, besides storage space, is you can only have 1 ftp/pop account, but that's enough for me
Thanks for your comments on Communitech. You can see my thoughts on them earlier in this Forum I think.
Well, that's all of them. Thank you once again everyone for your help...where I once recommended Virtualis Systems, I now plan to resell both iServer and Hiway.
David Butterworth
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