I am in love with my current web host - fantastic
I am always one to publicly commend a company or service I enjoy using.
I signed up with WestWaterHosting.com just over a month ago. It's a pretty new company and doesn't seem to have too many customers, which I find a positive because I get treated very well. My account got verified and set up in less than 6 hours after I signed up and my website was up and running just 8 hours after I sent them payment via Paypal.
I am currently using their "Olympic" plan, which gives me unlimited domain names and more space/bandwidth than I will probably ever need. I am paying $12 per month and although there are cheaper places - I was looking for something of high quality, rather than the least expensive host out there.
I have only had one support issue and they responded very quickly and got it sorted out in rapid time. My sites are loading very fast and have not yet been down that I know of.
Anyways, just thought I'd let you know I am really happy with West Water's services and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a quality web host.
I have been browsing the forum for a while but decided now was as good a time as any to start posting.
etech-peter posted this at 10:07 — 11th February 2006.
They have: 129 posts
Joined: Nov 2005
Seems fishy to me
dlm posted this at 10:57 — 11th February 2006.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Feb 2006
Right now I'm hosting bupimpin.com there...
James posted this at 11:08 — 11th February 2006.
He has: 127 posts
Joined: Dec 2005
One post was not enough for this person.
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