How to update the search engines

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Joined: Sep 2014

I believe that my question is better suited in under another topic but I do not have access to the other topic so I am posting it here.

A couple of months ago or so I converted my webpages from .php to .shtml, but the search engines are still showing the .php pages. Can anyone tell me how to get the search engines to update my pages to .shtml?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

You probably want to put in what's called a 301 redirect to point the search engines to the .shtml version of the pages. As long as the pages are otherwise named the same (e.g. home.php is now home.shtml), you should be able to find a regular expression to point all pages to the .shtml version.

I hope that's enough information to point you in the right direction!

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Joined: Sep 2014

How do I do a 301 redirect? Is this something that I do in the .htaccess page?

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

Try this:

That example is redirecting to .htm, so make sure you change that bit to .shtml.

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Joined: Jul 2015

You should create an xml sitemap and upload it into your website and then add it in google webmaster tools and it should be fine in few days.

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