Hosted mail service?

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Joined: Nov 2008

Hello, all.

I'm seeking recommendations for a hosted email service. The company I work for is switching from a shared hosting provider to our own VPS server, and while we're more than happy doing the web hosting ourselves now, we'd rather leave the email (and related hassles with regards to spam blocking, etc) to people who know what they're doing. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but we'll have maybe around 300-plus accounts spread out across 80-plus domains. I'm not sure what our budget is exactly, but we're willing to spend a little money here. Do any of you have any experience with these sort of services?

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Joined: Sep 2003

I use Google hosted services for my mail. It's free for standard subscriptions, and $50 per year per account for premium accounts.

They have: 14 posts

Joined: Mar 2009

You may choose from the services here

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Joined: Jun 2009

Google is definitely worth the $50 for premium service.

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Joined: Sep 2009


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