Dedicated Server -
Thank you for replying to my previous question everybody.
After looking at the replies I have received from over 40 hosting companies, I came to the conclusion that it might be the best thing to get a dedicated server. Is it possible to find a company that would offer:
on a Unix server
at 1 gb hard drive
at least 50 gb of bandwith
at least 3 IP address, preferably 5 or more
at least 20 email accounts
Email forwarding and alliasing
Telnet access
Access to log files
The imprortant part is that it should cost as little as possible, preferably under 150/month, but I guess I can pay a little bit more if I have no choice. Also, I would like something with a low setup fee. Am I asking for too much?
One more question. How much RAM and processing power do you think a site like mine will need?
Thank you very much for your help and I hope to hear from you soon.
Yevgeniy Leshchinskiy
Animation Library
JP Stones posted this at 19:39 — 9th May 1999.
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I think you should ask Jonathan (UKwebs) for that, he is a member here and has (I think) gone this way. Go to search and look for member 'ukwebs'.
Hope that helps.
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
The NEXT step in Designing and Promoting your Website
Anonymous posted this at 19:47 — 9th May 1999.
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Using a dedicated server for your site may or may not be the best idea. If you get a dedicated server, you are going to have to know how to run a server (unless you purchase a plan from whoever you purchase the dedicated server from which usually runs in excess of $100/mo.). A dedicated server is going to cost you a minimum of $200/mo. for what you need.
The lowest priced Sun server is $475/mo. which does have everything you need. Now digitalNation is a little more expensive but that is a very accurate price range for what you need.
I entered in a configuration in their custom pricing program and got a $360/mo. price not including any sys-admin on their part.
There is another on the tip of my tongue but I can't think of the name or URL at the moment. I will post it if I remember it and it doesn't get posted before that time.
You are looking at just as much or more than you would if you were to purchase it from a host that will maintain the server as well. You are kind of in between a rock and a hard spot
Which ever way you do go, I think it is going to cost you in excess of $300/mo.
Chad Simper
Dynamic Internet Solutions
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Curtis Stevens posted this at 22:56 — 9th May 1999.
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Check out: Getting a dedicated server is very costly.
I would try finding a company that will host you, and don't mind that you have a download archive. Look at all the ones that interest you, and send them an email saying what you have and if they allow it.
Deb might host you . She might, but I'm not sure.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions
Web Hosting Made Simple!
Curtis Stevens
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jeffyen posted this at 23:30 — 9th May 1999.
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9netave is at ;-P
yevlesh posted this at 00:32 — 10th May 1999.
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Thank you for replying everybody, but I have tried looking at Digital Nation, Rackspace, and 9 Net Avenue, and their rates are unfortunatelly too high for me. I have also tried contacting many other hosting companies, but unfortunatelly nobody wants such a bandwith hog
. Are there any other good companies offering inexpensive dedicated servers? So far the cheapest I found is Dialtone Internet, but I would prefer something that costs even less then they do.
Anonymous posted this at 01:21 — 10th May 1999.
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Dialtone was the other company I was thinking of!
... It isn't that a company doesn't want your "bandwidth hogging" site, it is just that it isn't going to be cheap. They can't afford to give you 50 GB of traffic and all of the features that you need for only $100/mo.
This is not meant to be offensive in any way but if your site isn't making enough money to pay for itself (whether it be for hosting or a dedicated server), you should re-evaluate your options. I know your site is a free service to people on the Internet and thus, probably doesn't have a whole lot of a budget, if any at all but you might want to look into some additional money options like affiliate programs and banner ads.
Chad Simper
Dynamic Internet Solutions
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ICQ [ 31723855 ]
[This message has been edited by Chad Simper (edited May 09, 1999).]
UKWebs posted this at 04:54 — 10th May 1999.
They have: 13 posts
Joined: Jan 1999
Hello yevlesh,
Looks like I've been beaten to it
I'm afraid I have to agree with the other posters here. A dedicated server is an excellent way to gain control over your web presence - but it doesn't really come cheap.
You have a starting price of at least US$200, plus your bandwidth requirements which could up that by $150.
One company that might be able to help you out is SimpleNET, but I cannot vouch for their service, just their plans as advertised:
The Cobalt RaQ is an excellent option if you want to avoid having to touch the operating system as much as possible with an out-of-the-box web server solution.
The only alternative, without raising mor revenue, would be to ask the "unlimited" bandwidth providers and tell them up front that you expect 50gig/month bandwidth and get them to commit to providing your service if it reaches this much in writing.
Jonathan Michaelson
UKWebs Hosting, Design and Scripts
BRIAN posted this at 17:35 — 10th May 1999.
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The only other way to do this would be to signup at a free hosting place such as They really do give unlimited bandwidth, because you have to put ads on your pages.
Brian Farkas
Web Hosting - Design - Programming
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Deb posted this at 20:00 — 10th May 1999.
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Yevgeniy, have you considered seeking out someone in a similar position as yourself rather than seeking out the hosts?
I can guarantee there are plenty of people who only have a single site they need hosted but are stuck in the same position due to the type of content and the bandwidth/traffic usage.
If you could split the costs between you and one other site, and share the administrative tasks it may work out great for both of you.
The hosts are stuck paying for the bandwidth too, much the same as you would be, so in order for the host to 'give you a break' you would have to find a way to make it worth it to them. For some that can be as simple as advertising but hosts are approached with that type of offer many times every week so we/they tend to turn them down a lot too. I would imagine the best way to get something like that to work would be to either A: be able to prove that your site can generate the type of sales that would make it worth it for the host or B: find a newer host that isn't as educated in the area yet and needs anything they can get to get their foundations started.
I honestly believe you will have the best luck seeking out someone else to share the costs with.
'Tis a thought
[This message has been edited by Deb (edited May 10, 1999).]
yevlesh posted this at 02:02 — 11th May 1999.
They have: 42 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Chad, I have to admit that my site is not entirely non-profit and selling advertising does give me enough to pay for the dedicated server, but I do not really want to pay for the features I don't need, since most dedicated servers come with at least 2 gb of space, 10 IPs, etc. It is pretty nice to have these features, but obviously they don't come for free.
I have tried contacting over 40 companies and asking them for a quote, but most quoted so much that it will be even more expensive then the dedicated server
Regarding the unlimited hosts, I have also contacted many of them and it looks like there isn't such thing as unlimited. They all told me something like "You can have unlimited traffic to your site, but can only use up to X (usually 4-15) gb of bandwith. After that, you will be either kicked out or charge for extra bandwith".
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