Can't buy an expired domain name
This domain name has been expired for close to 2 months now and a whois still brings up the previous owner's info.
I've been waiting a year for this domain to possibly expire since the site didn't look like it mattered much to the webmaster. So I've been waiting again since it expired thinking it takes a little time before it's openly available. But two months?
It seems I'm missing something. I thought registering a name that's expired would be no different than any other name. Why is the owner's info still in whois after 2 months?
How do you go about registering an expired domain name?
Thanks for any help
mairving posted this at 11:29 — 24th October 2001.
They have: 2,256 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
Generally there is some time after a domain name expires and when it becomes available. Unfortunately the time period varies. It is kind of like a magazine subscription. When it runs out, you get a final notice. Then every month you get another one until finally it is final. Just got to keep waiting for it.
Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states
taff posted this at 11:46 — 24th October 2001.
They have: 956 posts
Joined: Jun 2001
I've sat on "death watch" for a number of domains now. 90 days past expiry (give or take a week) seems to be the norm.
McPhilly posted this at 21:17 — 25th October 2001.
They have: 62 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
It sucks doesn't it.
I was waiting 6 months for after a domain name had "run-out", and then all of a sudden, the webmastered re-registered it
I e-mailed him in the end, and like mairving said, they just kept emailing him until he re-registered.
Cheers, Marc
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