budget hosting -
I'm trying to find a host for a friend. The site is very simple, under 2mb's -- just text and graphics. A counter, one e-mail --nothing fancy. Money IS an issue with him, support IS an issue for me but I don't think I'll need much(positive thinking here). I found a few links and am wondering if anyone has any experience with these companies:
or.... if anyone can lead me in the direction of a "no frills" cost effective option.
I'm looking for a host for me too, a few more frills , and reliable support because of those "frills" still inexpensive since I don't have a budget yet.
thank you in advance,
Carolyn Jones
JP Stones posted this at 21:22 — 6th May 1999.
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You're friend sounds like he need a free hosting deal to me. Have you considered that option?
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Carolyn Jones posted this at 23:15 — 6th May 1999.
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He just bought a domain name. I haven't heard of anyone offering web space to someone with their own domain.
Carolyn Jones
Anonymous posted this at 23:21 — 6th May 1999.
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I think about the cheapest you will pay for a host to host a domain account and give you good quality support would be $10/mo. Even though you will only use maybe 1/20 of the space given, that is the price range you will be looking at if you need good quality responive support. I know, I know, there are plenty of hosts out there that offer packages for $5/mo. but what do you think the support at one of these places would be like? I mean, they don't make more than a couple bucks off of the account, and they have to justify paying tech 24 hours a day... That one tech would cost more in that one day then they could make off your account in five years!
Just my two cents!
(I always wanted to say that)
Chad Simper
Dynamic Internet Solutions
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justin posted this at 23:22 — 6th May 1999.
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Hypermart does if it's a business site, and they have cgi support, etc - as for a personal site I don't know of any that are free...
Justin Nelson
Carolyn Jones posted this at 00:56 — 7th May 1999.
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Thank you!!!
. I just don't like the idea of paying for too much since it's really not required (the people who sold him the domain wanted $25 (monthly rate budget plan -- no more then 10 pages????) Sounded weird to me (my entire web site 50+ pages fits on one floppy disk and would cost $99+ a month with that company)
Ten bucks, even twenty is nothing, well it's something but you know what I mean
thanks again for the info, I'll pass it along
take care,
Carolyn Jones
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
tony97 posted this at 03:44 — 8th May 1999.
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I would suggest digitalspace.net I have heard very good things about them, but I do not have any personal experiences with them. You can get 5 megabytes with 2.5 gigs of bandwidth for like $2, anyways your packages are completely customized, well to a certain point depending on your space and bandwidth.
BRIAN posted this at 17:36 — 8th May 1999.
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Wow, those are really low prices. It seems strange that they can keep those prices while being a legit company and still remain in business. Anyway, they appear to be co-locating or leasing from http://www.maxim.net/, which is very expensive. I have a feeling, though, if you use the full bandwidth on that your account will get terminated. Bandwidth usually runs around say $7 per gig, so that 2.5 GB of bandwidth would cost them something like $17.50, when you are paying $2.00. That basically means they are losing money.
Brian Farkas
Web Hosting - Design - Programming
Free webmaster tips, tricks, web host reviews, and more!
Carolyn Jones posted this at 21:13 — 8th May 1999.
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Thank you,
I've been looking at some of the places you suggested -- and a few others suggestions that I received via e-mail. I think I need a bandwidth lesson, I know what it is but am not completely sure how much of it I need --I see here at digital space, they have some attractive inexpensive packages, but when I get to the EXTRAS section I see this
1000MB of Bandwidth $5/Month
I think I'll e-mail them to see about that EXTRA feature.
still learning here
-- all that fine print!!!!
take care,
Carolyn Jones
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Anonymous posted this at 03:16 — 9th May 1999.
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Brian said:
I don't think a GB is $7 for a host, since www.onehost.net charges only $3.5 per GB when you hae a dedicated server with them
BRIAN posted this at 04:45 — 9th May 1999.
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Read here, please:
Anyway, that isn't where I got the $7 figure for hosts, but bandwidth is expensive. Even at the prices you are saying, it would cost them more than the price of the package for 2.5 gigs. I got the $7 per gig in another hosting forum a while back. I'll look for the original post. Also, onehost.com requires a minimum 10 GB/month purchase, and charges you a high fee for rack space, which some hosts will provide for free.
Carolyn Jones posted this at 16:22 — 9th May 1999.
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I'm answering my own bandwidth question --
Found this great resource after I posted
Carolyn Jones
Asymmetric, unique designs for contemporary minds
Anonymous posted this at 17:03 — 9th May 1999.
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I used onehost just as an example that the bandwidth doesn't cost that much.
If you go to www.maxim.net you can check that the cost for a 100mb/sec ethernet colocation is only $500 a month, so each Gig is very cheap.
Anonymous posted this at 17:05 — 9th May 1999.
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I bet that each gig costs them less than $0.10
BRIAN posted this at 17:24 — 9th May 1999.
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Yes, I saw that the end was near
That's why I said:
Anonymous posted this at 18:02 — 9th May 1999.
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ACK! I am way behind! Welcome to the forums Deb! I must admit these have become my favorite forums to provide help in because of the way JP and all of the moderators have kept discussions on topic, in their appropriate places, and haven't let them get out of control in any way!
Chad Simper
Dynamic Internet Solutions
[ www.dids.com ]
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BRIAN posted this at 18:07 — 9th May 1999.
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Before anyone else replies... You're on. How much?
BTW I am serious if you are, and not if you are not 
Brian Farkas
Deb posted this at 18:16 — 9th May 1999.
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ACK! Brian, you beat me to it! I had to register first
This particular thread was a bit too much me for me to hush about
polpus -- I would gladly take that bet and raise you a T3!
I have a WHOLE LOT to say about the "Bandwidth Cost" issues... but to save you all the agony of my 'story telling' I guess I will just point you to another forum where a few of us discussed this in some pretty detailed ways... http://www.platinumhosts.com/forum/ubbhtml/Forum1/HTML/000006.html
Just about everything I would say here, has already been said there and/or in my other site www.HostHelp.com for which I'm sure I'll try to add more to as time permits
Just try to remember: Even IF the bandwidth were really that cheap.. there is a lot more that goes into serving a web page then the bandwidth alone...and the costs of these things have to be paid for somehow...
p.s. This forum is shaping up very nicely.. I've been browsing it for a while now but never stopped to post before... hope you all can keep the spirit of this place as well as you have so far. Good Job!
Curtis Stevens posted this at 18:17 — 9th May 1999.
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Hi Deb!
I didn't think I would ever see you here. How do you have any time to do this? I figured your customers would keep you too busy.
Anyways, I think this forum is way better than the web hosting directory forums. I tried helping there, and nobody cared.
I think this forum will become very big one day.
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions
Web Hosting Made Simple!
Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
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Carolyn Jones posted this at 18:57 — 9th May 1999.
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I'm glad you posted here deb
. your site looks like another great honest resource.
take care,
Carolyn Jones
yevlesh posted this at 19:03 — 9th May 1999.
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I agree, this is a great forum. I tried posting my question on Freewebspace.net's forum and I only got 2 short replies. Here, I received detailed answers.
JP Stones posted this at 19:36 — 9th May 1999.
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Ok, judging by the way this topic has gone I think that this comment must be a sarcastic one
But seriously thank you all for the kind words, and long may you continue to frequent these forums. (well I would say that wouldn't I!)
[This message has been edited by JP Stones (edited May 09, 1999).]
BRIAN posted this at 20:07 — 9th May 1999.
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That's right, Deb, by 9 minutes. So close and yet so far
. Anyway, I'm glad that you finally decided to stop by these forums. I guess I better enjoy this (probably short) time as I outrank you... because I AM a "Senior Member".
Brian Farkas
Web Hosting - Design - Programming
Free webmaster tips, tricks, web host reviews, and more!
Deb posted this at 20:10 — 9th May 1999.
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ROFL!! Thanks for the welcome
Watch out Brian -- this is my second post! I'll be catching up fast
JP Stones posted this at 02:54 — 10th May 1999.
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I am affraid the senior/junior member status will be gone when I get the new forums.
Oh well Brian
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Curtis Stevens posted this at 03:25 — 11th May 1999.
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Hi Carolyn!
Check this site out: nomonthly.com
NEW!! Lowered Prices!
Web Hosting Made Simple!
Anonymous posted this at 04:27 — 11th May 1999.
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... sorry! Just that Deb has been a GREAT inspiration to me and I am glad she found these forums and I hope she will participate in them very frequently as she has A LOT of good advice to offer us all. Anyway, I will continue to use these forums (as I will shortly be a moderator of one of them) and I hope to keep things on topic (or at least close to). But I agree with Curtis, I used to visit the Web Host Directory forums a lot and "try" to provide help but it just didn't seem to be appreciated so I have not offered as much advice or help there anymore. I feel like family here because we all offer help and advice to each other and it is taken graciously with thanks. I commend every person that participates in these forums for making them the best on the Web!
No, that comment wasn't meant sarcastically (sp?) but the thread has kind of gotten off topic
Chad Simper
Dynamic Internet Solutions
[ www.dids.com ]
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Carolyn Jones posted this at 01:32 — 12th May 1999.
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Thank you Chad, I did look at that site
take care,
Carolyn Jones
JP Stones posted this at 02:13 — 12th May 1999.
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Chad I don't mind us going off topic, in fact it makes for a better atmosphere if we can all stray a bit when we want.
The hard part for me is deeciding when a thread is to far off topic and is of no use.
See what I mean?
BTW, Joseph says the conversion to the new BB is going fine, so it might still be up tomorow, 12th May. Fingers Crossed.
The Webmaster Promotion and Resource Site
The NEXT step in Designing and Promoting your Website
[This message has been edited by JP Stones (edited May 11, 1999).]
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