Branding Your Control Panel on Reseller Account?

Musson's picture

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Joined: Dec 2006

I have a question to those using reseller accounts, is control panel branding feature essential for you? Does every reseller plan offer it? What is branding process actually like? This is what offer in their reslelling plans, but I couldn't see other hosts mention it or is it included by default?

akopayan's picture

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What do you mean branding feature?

JeevesBond's picture

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Think Musson means being able to theme a control panel, either that or add your company logo to it. Personally I'm not a reseller so have never needed this feature. Smiling

If you don't get any answers Musson, you should probably e-mail some hosts and find out. Get a short-list of the ones you like. To be honest, I don't think it will matter to your customers whether your control panel theme is the default.

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akopayan's picture

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Thanks for explanations.

They have: 95 posts

Joined: Nov 2006

Control panel branding is a good feature, I think all white label hosting plans give you this opportunity,, for example, accounts are also completely transparent in every aspect allowing each reseller to fulfill their services without the worry of being discovered as a reseller.

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Don't forget you can brand your billing software as well, at least WHMAutopilot gives you this ability.

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I have a reseller account but have never head of this option. I can see a great use for it but would need a company logo etc first, lol.

tummy's picture

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Musson wrote: I have a question to those using reseller accounts, is control panel branding feature essential for you? Does every reseller plan offer it? What is branding process actually like? This is what offer in their reslelling plans, but I couldn't see other hosts mention it or is it included by default? re-seller packages allow their clients to brand the control panel their users use to their own company logo. The customers may also create custom links for their users to click, along with direct integration into their company billing system. HostWW also offers two private name server addresses so their company is completely branded to their name.

Freedom's picture

They have: 110 posts

Joined: Oct 2006 offers a FREE domain if you sign-up for at least three months service on any package and it is yours free. Free instant setup I see from them too. Sounds nice for me.

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