$2.99 a month critique
I am not posting my web hosting company URL here. I am just looking for input. I am offering a basic plan as follows:
Basic Plan $2.99 a month
Storage Space 50 Megabytes
Monthly Bandwidth 800 Megabytes
Setup Fee FREE
I was wondering if anyone can let me know if this is a good price, it does not need to be pre-paid yearly, its a month to month thing. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Costa Dedes
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Roo posted this at 01:10 — 12th May 2004.
She has: 840 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Well in all honesty I like cheap, but 2.99 certainly would push me away. While your hosting service may be all well and good, my first instinct would be 'you get what you pay for' and that sounds waaaaaaaay to low to feel confortable with.
aifamdotcom posted this at 01:34 — 12th May 2004.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Nov 2003
So if you saw a plan for 50 megs with 800 transfer what would you say a good price would be? Let me know.
Busy posted this at 02:18 — 12th May 2004.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
I'm sure I replied to this - oh well
depends on the extras being offered as well
aifamdotcom posted this at 03:02 — 12th May 2004.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Nov 2003
Here is a list of features I include.
Customer control panel (Cpanel) Yes!
Frontpage 2002 Extensions Yes!
Web Based Email Yes!
Virtual Mail Server (SMTP/POP3) Yes!
Domains / Subdomains / Aliases Unlimited
Email Accounts Unlimited
Email Forwarding Unlimited
Email Aliasing Unlimited
Email Auto-Responder Unlimited
Mailing Lists Unlimited
Custom DNS entries Unlimited
Invision Board (1.1.2) Yes!
PHP-Nuke (6.
osCommerce (2.2) Yes!
Post Nuke (7.2.6) Yes!
PHP Yes!
Xoops (2.0.4) Yes!
Cpanel/WHM control panel Yes!
phpWebSite (0.9.1) Yes!
Server Log Access Yes!
Web Based Statistics Yes!
Search engine submission Yes!
Live Help *Live Chat Script* (2.5) Yes!
One Or Zero HelpDesk *HelpDesk Script* (1.4-RC4) Yes!
WebCalendar (0.9.42) Yes!
Over 15 other auto-install scripts Yes!
Invision Board (1.2) Updated
> PHP-Nuke (6.9) Updated
> osCommerce (2.2 MS) Updated
> Post Nuke (7.2.6)
> Xoops (2.0.5) Updated
> phpWebSite (0.9.3-1) Updated
> phpAuction (2.1)
> Live Help *Live Chat Script* (2.7) Updated
> phpBook (1.5)
> b2 (weblog) (0.6.1)
> phpAdsNew (2.0)Updated
> phpCollab (2.4)
> 4Images Gallery (1.7)
> Advanced Poll (2.02)
> One Or Zero HelpDesk *HelpDesk Script* (1.4) Updated
> Aardvark Topsites (4.1.0 )
> Noah's Classifieds (1.2)
> paFileDB (3.1)
> phpDig (1.6.2)
> phpLinks (
> phpList (2.5.
> phpMyFAQ (1.3.
> phpSupportTickets (1.3)
> pMachine (2.3)
> WebCalendar (0.9.42)
Save Money Today We mail rebate checks to you. Save upto an additional 30% at online stores such as Overstock.com and OfficeDepot.com
Busy posted this at 03:48 — 12th May 2004.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Looks like that was just copied from somewhere. It's mostly "thrilly" stuff, wheres the real stuff?
I wouldn't care if it had Invision Board, or Nuke etc
extras as in how many databases (you dont even mention them in your list yet most of that stuff requires one), how many email accounts, does the mail have seperate storage space, if so/not how much is allocated for it? Does it have a stats program, a file manager ...
Your offering 50mb of space, is that with all that "thrilly" stuff or on top of ? Most of that stuff you listed would suck up 50mb without even running it. I don't know all those programs but you'd need about 11 databases for them.
Some of those "thrilly" things you offer have bugs, I doubt you even know about them so how many hours have you worked into your $2.99 for tech support ? You have free set up, are all these things pre installed? do you know how to install them?
If you want a "budget plan" do as the name says, offer some space, bandwidth to suit, one or two databases, couple of emails and some support - thats it.
Web4naija posted this at 00:26 — 22nd May 2004.
He has: 2 posts
Joined: May 2004
hey guy i got a place where u host 4 just $1 and there features are good. hahahah very cheap u know so.. $2.99 sucks. hahaha you wanna know where i got it from ?
msi200 posted this at 20:45 — 22nd May 2004.
He has: 6 posts
Joined: May 2004
Here is a way to test if the company in question is any good: go to their website and 'post' a contact form question. If they answer in less than an hour - go with them.
Of course, they must meet your other requirements, but remember: support is important! My experience shows that if the company has good support, everything else will be OK.
I doubt that for such a low price somebody will offer you good support.
The many scripts mentioned above can easily be installed on most unix hosting plans which support PHP/MySQL.
WebHosting that fits your needs.
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