< RevisionSource > // Please Comment :)
Thought I would use my first post here to show a website that I am currently working on. The website is known as (for the moment) RevisionSource, ill copy and paste a general description of the website below, which is displayed in the Help/FAQ Section (Still Unfinished like most of the website).
"After sieving through all the website results found from search engines and seeing how irrelevant they were, the idea of revisionsource came to mind. A way of categorising subjects in such a way that even a complete technophobe would be able to find the information that they require. From this the revisionsource idea evolved into a large database of GCSE and A-LEVEL subjects, with subcategories for an even more defined search. To make the database even more useful, features like user submitted links and a link rating system were implemented making revisionsource what it is today. "
At the moment i am currently just really on the starting stages below is a link of the current stage that i am at;
As you can see it is pretty simple and fast loading, this was a decision that I made because I know that many schools have extremely poor net connections and would have problems loading a high load graphic website.
I am soon going to start the PHP/SQL backend that will house the subject link database and that will produce many statistics that will be used throughout the website like Top10 Rated Links etc.
I felt that implementing a Visitor Submitted Links section would allow visitors to add links which would create a more versatile links base (All submitted links are filtered for safety reasons).
As soon as the PHP backend is sorted I was going to implement a member system which would be free and provide students and any other visitors to the site such features as "Favourites" were they would be able to add sites to there favourites so when they go home/school they can find the sites that they were looking at previous. I’m sure you can see that the possibilities that revisionsource could offer to students would help revision a tremendous amount.
So please tell me what you think of my ideas about revisionsource and you thoughts about revisionsource as a whole, also any suggestions about the look of revisionsource would be gratefully accepted.
Here is the link again:
(Tip: click GCSE Subjects, in the main menu to see the fold out menu).
Yours Thankfully
Matthew Scott
Suzanne posted this at 20:03 — 28th May 2004.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Conceptually it looks good. Clean and sensible, easy to navigate. The icons are a nice touch. Where are you going to get the content?
Kupix posted this at 20:39 — 28th May 2004.
They have: 5 posts
Joined: May 2004
Currently myself i am about to take my exams(AS-Levels) in 2 weeks so at the moment im revising
(well ment to be). After that i will get down to the php, so hopefully by the middle of July the Beta website should be up excluding the members section. I will spend around two or three days collecting data for the websites subjects to give it a foundation to grow off of. Still looking for comments 
Suzanne :: The content is going to be links to other websites that contain the subject material, which will be in sub-categories to have a more defined search (e.g. GCSE > Geography > Population). The idea is to collect the best links of the web so that people don’t have to spend ages looking for the content they need which usually happens for me. Each of the links will have a description, rating(using *'s) and other usefull information so that the page you are linking to is correct for you. The member’s side on the other hand will house functions that are more based behind the methods of revision, schedules, past paper links, and other useful items that will reduce the stress of revision.
Yours Thankfully
Matthew Scott
p.s. Im also indecision about another feature. A top frame that would contain search field and other items for when you press a link, like the Hotmail one works. Its either that or open links in new window, this is something else i could like you comments on.
Megan posted this at 13:27 — 31st May 2004.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I'm getting a 404 on both of those links right now.
Kupix posted this at 16:04 — 31st May 2004.
They have: 5 posts
Joined: May 2004
should be working now
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