Problems with images "wrapping"

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Joined: Dec 1999

I am finding that on some computers, when I pull up my website, the oval or circle gif I have on all my pages gets bumped to the next line, instead of staying where I originally placed it, behind a layer of navigational links.

Could this be a browser setting problem? Does anyone know some html I could put on the pages to overide a left margin (if this is the cause) setting? I've tried everything else, shrinking the fonts, getting rid of extra spaces, shriking the gifs. Please help

** BF EDIT: Fixed link

[This message has been edited by Brian Farkas (edited 12 April 2000).]


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If I were you, instead of making that image a layer I would simply create a table with the links and set the image as the table background.


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Something you might want to consider is doing some optimization on your jpg's. Just for example, the rose page took about 10 seconds to load on my dsl connection. Who knows on a 56k or slower. I took the liberty of copying the playboy rose, resized it from it's original size of 2512x1807 to the viewed size of 316x227. Instead of 300+k, it's now 11.2k with no noticeable loss of quality.


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