need some ideas....please
Hey... I'm 16 years old and designing a personal website that i can just post stuff that I find funny or interesting. It's going somewhat ok, but i have a lot of blank space that I cant seem to fill... does anyone have any ideas on what to put in those blank spaces??? I know it's a stupid question, but i'm new at this web designing thing.
p.s my site is sortta like an or
sumeiko posted this at 21:05 — 26th June 2004.
He has: 147 posts
Joined: Jun 2004
There are heaps of things that you could use on your Web site to fill up space. Here are a few that I like:
There are hundreds of free things on the Internet which you can use on your site. Hope I was of some use!
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Abhishek Reddy posted this at 21:53 — 26th June 2004.
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Well, you don't *have* to fill them up. You should try to focus your design on your content, rather than making your content a slave to the design.
It might be a good idea to syndicate content, as sumeiko suggests, only if it's relevant and won't just be junk on the page.
Having said that, since you're new to this, and since it's a personal site, it could be beneficial to experiment a little. posted this at 04:30 — 27th June 2004.
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Thanks for the suggestions!!! I'll figure something out, keep'em coming!!
andy206uk posted this at 20:37 — 27th June 2004.
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I have an XML feed available on that you can syndicate and use to add content to your site... just drop me a message (you'll have to suss out how to parse the XML feed yourself though).
Megan posted this at 13:37 — 28th June 2004.
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Stock photos, maybe? Someone posted something asking about that recently. Do you have a URL we can look at? Sometimes less is more.... better to make use of your empty space than to put useless clutter on there.
Connect with us on Facebook! posted this at 17:52 — 28th June 2004.
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I havent found a good host yet, but i'm looking at ipowerweb, as anyone heard any bad things from them? It's starting to look a little better now, thanks
openmind posted this at 19:34 — 28th June 2004.
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Bang the url on the forum and we'll look it over. Whatever you do just make sure the content is useful and relevant to your site. Noone likes to see a lod of unrelated content posted this at 23:11 — 28th June 2004.
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Remember i'm an extreame newbie so i dont know what 'bang the url on the forum' means yet.... sorry lol
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 03:16 — 29th June 2004.
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Don't worry, I'm not quite sure what he meant either...
Possibly he wants you to provide the url to your site/page so we can evaluate the design to see if there's a better way to deal with the blank spaces.
openmind posted this at 07:47 — 29th June 2004.
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I did mean could you possible post the URL on the forum please!!
If you need hosting send me an email and I may be able to help...
JeevesBond posted this at 11:46 — 29th June 2004.
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Hehehe, just like "My Bad" I don't think "Bang the URL" is an established technical term, so don't worry about being a newbie in this instance!
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openmind posted this at 12:02 — 29th June 2004.
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No it is a technical term. It mean when the URL doesn't work you bang your keyboard/screen in frustration! posted this at 03:56 — 29th June 2004.
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oh ok, well i havent found a host yet to put it on, when i do that ill give it to you guys...thanks
JeevesBond posted this at 12:15 — 29th June 2004.
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lol, I'll make sure I use it future... Ah, here comes my boss, let me see if I can insert it into the coming boring discussion about "Actioning" and "Task ownership" ... he's bound to be impressed by my technical knowledge!
a Padded Cell our articles site!
openmind posted this at 12:21 — 29th June 2004.
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