Making Icons
Ive been chosen (amongst a few others) to make a new design for a bulletin board (BbBoard) they want a new design, interface etc... (one like phpbb, vB, YaBB etc..)
anyway i was just thinking about it and how do you make these little icons in the threads (the new post icon, home icon, buddies icon) all these icons...
Ive made a few before on photoshop but they weren't as good as the vB/phpBB ones so i wanted to ask if anyone knew if there was a specific program that specialises in this (illustrator?)
Thanks for your time.
hello hi
Megan posted this at 16:14 — 27th February 2003.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Most of the bigger BBS systems will provide the source files. Like for all the default buttons in vBulletin (and phpBB works the same way) you can download the PSD files and alter them yourself. Makes it easy to simply change the colour scheme or alter them however you want.
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styles posted this at 16:26 — 27th February 2003.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
Yeah i have those psd graphic packs but im quite sure the owner of the new boards wont want those graphic icons that vB/phpBB use (for legal reasons possibly)
Im talking about making one from scratch exclusivley for this new upcoming board.
hello hi
Megan posted this at 17:08 — 27th February 2003.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that. Otherwise you'll have to create something from scratch the same way you would any other web graphics. I can't think of any other way to make this easier. You could try to play with styles or actions to speed things up. I don't see why you couldn't work from the provided PSD's - you can really alter tham any way you want to and change them beyond recognition.
I'm also having a hard time understanding how Illustrator could possibly be of help - it's not really a web graphics program. Fireworks, maybe, but Illustrator ???
I guess if you wanted to draw your own icons Illustrator would be a good tool to use, but that's *a lot* of work (unless you're skilled in vector drawing and illustration???)
Sorry I can't be of more help.
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styles posted this at 20:39 — 27th February 2003.
They have: 36 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
Yeah i suppose i'll try and make it from scratch using photoshop since im more familiar with that than fireworks/illustrator.
Thanks for your time.
hello hi
necrotic posted this at 21:14 — 27th February 2003.
He has: 296 posts
Joined: May 2002
It shouldn't be to hard to do. Just make a rounded rectangle and there ya go. Just add some gradients for the Background color. The actual post icons (I.E. the bright idea image, otherwise known as a lightbulb) would take some more work. I'd recommend just using smilies OR ripping them (ugh) off another board (like phpBB).
May I ask if there is a URL yet for this Bulletin Board?
[James Logsdon]
anonymous1 posted this at 18:14 — 10th March 2003.
They have: 8 posts
Joined: Mar 2003
The Gimp has an auto button icon maker....might want to try them save some time..
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