Live Webcasts... suggestions?
Hi everyone
I'm doing some serious web-searching on this topic right now, but I wondered if anyone has suggestions for live webcasts. A *Potential* client is opening a bar that will have amateur talent that he hopes to promote on his website via. cd's & live webcasts... I don't know yet if I will get the job, but would certainly like to educate myself further just in case. I have to guess that a simple web-cam set up is just not going to be high enough quality, so I wondered if anyone has any other suggestions as to how to go about setting the whole thing up.
Any suggestions exalted!
Pooh was a bear of *Enormous* brain... ponder that.
detox posted this at 12:53 — 14th March 2002.
They have: 571 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
here are a couple of links...
hope this client has a lot of money to throw away! We were looking at streaming footage of the olympics with IBM at my last job. Turned out it was really expensive to do.
webcast tutorial
webcast website
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