Graphics Program
What is the difference between Macromedia freehand and Adobe photoshop? Which one is better, I am looking into buy one of them.
What is the difference between Macromedia freehand and Adobe photoshop? Which one is better, I am looking into buy one of them.
bilbong30 posted this at 02:40 — 21st March 2000.
They have: 406 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
have ya checked into Macromedia Fireworks?
[email protected]
josemontesjr posted this at 02:51 — 21st March 2000.
They have: 21 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
I have Fireworks and use it now, but I was curious about Freehand, and what the difference is between Freehand, Photoshop, and Fireworks.
bilbong30 posted this at 07:14 — 21st March 2000.
They have: 406 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
I really am not to sure with the major differences. I always heard Fireworks was pretty equivalent to Photoshop. I have both but for some reason always use Fireworks. I also heard Freehand is similar to Adobe Illustrator. I dont know though. Anybody got any better answers?
[email protected]
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Adam Lee
DigitalONE Design
President - Internet Division
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Suzanne posted this at 08:39 — 21st March 2000.
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Adobe PhotoShop = Macromedia Fireworks = Corel PhotoPaint
Adobe Illustrator = Macromedia Freehand = CorelDRAW
Is that the correct comparison?
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
JP Stones posted this at 10:55 — 21st March 2000.
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assuming draw is vector based that is fine.
Suzanne posted this at 19:17 — 21st March 2000.
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Yes, DRAW is vector based. It's a requisite for most graphics jobs, and a fair amount of engineering jobs. I seem to recall the listing for many positions was Draw, QuarkExpress and Framemaker.
It seems like Illustrator is making it's way to being *the* needed program for some positions. I wasn't aware that Macromedia made a vector program -- other than Flash, I mean.
Zero Cattle
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doren posted this at 19:46 — 29th June 2000.
They have: 100 posts
Joined: Sep 1999
Freehand is a vector based drawing program. Better for Fonts, and solid colored image creation.
PhotoShop is pixel based image editor better for filtering images (photos) etc. You can draw with photoshop also.
Photoshop will do a lot of what Freehand will do and more. But Freehand will be better if you are into technical drawing.
They are two sides of the coin.
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