Go button on an image -
Hi Folks!
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to do this. I have seen banners that look like a pull down text box or one that you type in, like the one that says UserName when you post a question. How do you get that onto an image you want? Do you save it as something somewhere, or how do you have to make it?
Here is an example of someone's banner on what I'm talking about.
or this:
Thanks for your help in advance.
Have a nice day!
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[This message has been edited by Curtis Stevens (edited May 11, 1999).]
Curtis Stevens
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JP Stones posted this at 01:48 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 2,390 posts
Joined: Nov 1998
Do you know that they designed that IMC column banner just for me (I feel so proud
To get this kind of effect simply get the form you need on screen and press the: 'PrtSc' or Print Screen button. Then go into your favoured paint program, say PCP, and paste the image. Crop as needed.
Was that what you wanted to know?
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Curtis Stevens posted this at 02:06 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 372 posts
Joined: Dec 1998
Hi JP!
Perfect. That was easy. Thanks for your help!
NEW!! Lowered Prices!
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Curtis Stevens
Simple Solutions - Web Hosting Made Simple!
Got Merchant Account? - Free online merchant guide to accepting credit cards!
JP Stones posted this at 16:01 — 12th May 1999.
They have: 2,390 posts
Joined: Nov 1998
Sure thing Curtis, that is what I'm here for
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