downloading fonts from internet sites
I'm wondering how to use fonts I have downloaded from the internet. where do I put them so that I can use them in a program like fireworks? I'm using Windows 98
I'm wondering how to use fonts I have downloaded from the internet. where do I put them so that I can use them in a program like fireworks? I'm using Windows 98
Suzanne posted this at 22:54 — 7th April 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
You can install them in Windows Explorer by dragging them into the c:\windows\fonts folder once you have unzipped them.
You can also open them (double click on the file) and then minimize the file and they should be accessible to the graphics programs without actually being installed on the system.
Windows balks when you have over 500 fonts in the windows\fonts folder, so I keep a number of folders in the fonts folder with the not often used fonts that I can open if I need them.
There are also a number of font managers out there, someone else may have some recommendations.
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
dave184 posted this at 06:08 — 11th April 2000.
They have: 3 posts
Joined: Apr 2000
thanks for your response. I got those fonts to work for me
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