best font for buttons

disaster-master's picture

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What is the best font or fonts to use on buttons? Text and graphic form. I need something small but that will show up plain at the same time. I am fonted out looking.

Busy's picture

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Hard question, all depends on size, shape color ....

arial, verdana are good for basic button, fatter fonts are better for cut out and shadowed effects, also inner and outer bevels.

Signture sytle (fancy handwriting) can be good for banners etc but usually to narrow for buttons.

There are a few fonts sites out there (somewhere) that allow you to search by style - fat, thin, curls, dingbats ...

They have: 25 posts

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It depends on which font your page is using. But I use Verdana for most things.

Jack Michaelson's picture

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It depends also on the type of site u are making. IMO every font is acceptable as long as it is readable and it matches the style or feeling of your site.

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The Webmistress's picture

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I agree with Jack. I always go along with something that fits the site and it also depends on what size button you can have. If you want plain, readable and small, veranda is good.

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mairving's picture

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Yeah, if you are sticking it into a graphic, it doesn't matter. I do like Verdana probably the best, though. It does depend on the theme. When I designed a site for my son, so that I won't have to email pictures and videos to everyone, my wife really wanted me to use the Kids font. So here is what I ended up with

Not something I would normally use but it works pretty good here.

Mark Irving
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Megan's picture

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There are some fonts that have been created specifically to be readable at a very small font size. Is that what you were asking for?

Here's font-flood's list, although I'm not finding them to be all that readable at the size they're showing... maybe the last three need to be a bit bigger.

disaster-master's picture

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I was basically just wanting to know if there was one or two fonts that was the most readable on small buttons and what most people used. All of your posts were helpful. Thanks for the font site Meg. I've never seen that one before.

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