Animated images

They have: 3 posts

Joined: Jan 2000

I have been downloading copyright free animated images and save them on my cd drive using a .gif (extension). When I try to send the anmiated image via email or post it to my under construction web page the image is not animated. How do I get the image to move as expected? Your help is greatly appreciated. In additon, I am a very new user.

Brian Farkas's picture

They have: 1,015 posts

Joined: Apr 1999

Please post a URL that we can look at... That might help. In addition, what process are you using to save the image? Make sure that right after saving it and viewing it it appears animated. Also, another problem could be that the image is very large in size, so it has not loaded completely. Thanks, I hope this helps.

Brian Farkas

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