After Effects file on the internet
I want to put an after effects animation on my website but if it is saved as a gif the quality is to low and the animation does not run as fast. What file extension should i use, will i need to use special html tags to put this sort of multimedia file on the net like flash.
Megan posted this at 14:20 — 2nd August 2005.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
How big is this file? Do you want to embed it in the page or could you offer it for download?
Embedding in flash is a good way to handle video because then you don't have to worry as much about what players are available. Just export as an AVI and import into flash.
Other video types can be embedded in a lot of different formats - real media, quicktime, windows media. I think you can just use the tags but I'm not sure.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
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benf posted this at 23:48 — 2nd August 2005.
They have: 426 posts
Joined: Feb 2005
Its an animation that has been created in after effects that i want to place on the front page of my website - i want it to load and play when you enter the site. I saved it as a gif but the quality was really bad, not sure what else i could save it as.
When you create flash movies what is the file extention and how do you place it on your site, if it were in a
Thanks for replying to my last post megan.
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