Where can I get Data for my database?
Hey I'm about ready to relase my website to the public. Its called recipebomb.com and its just a site you can go to get food recipes.
I have it set up where people can enter their own recipes, but right now I only have like 6 recipes in my database because it would take me forever and a day to enter a few hundered to even make the site worth viewing.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a company or service that would supply me with data to put in my DB. I've heard of such companies, but I don't know of any.
And if no one can answer that does anyone know where I can get some free uncopyrighted recipes to fill my DB with?
hey if anyone wants to take a sneek peek at my site before I relase it, my address is
-let me know what ya think
-Not recomened that you view this site with NS, of course I'm in a web developers forumn so I'm sure only the newbies are using NS over IE.
Busy posted this at 04:37 — 17th December 2001.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Welcome to TWF
sorry cant help with the service you require
but as for looking for non copyrighted recipes, I think they all are, some are just free, others arent, even that song/tune "happy birthday to you" has a copyright. If your site is a success you'll probably find your visitors giving you there grans secret recipes
You need to read some of the other sections in this forum. I wont get into a browser debate (everybody sighs with relief
) but limiting your target to only IE users your site wont get far, what about Mac, Opera etc users, do you cater for them? If you give people a user friendly site they will reward you by telling their friends who tell their friends who tell their .... but sadly bad news travels faster than good 
If youd like some help making your site "universal" check out the other sections here, maybe even get a critqic on it.
Mark Hensler posted this at 04:50 — 17th December 2001.
He has: 4,048 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
Was that meamt to be a pun?
I think that if you display the contributors name for the recipe, that more submissions would come in. You know how people like to show off their cooking...
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
krash_io posted this at 04:57 — 17th December 2001.
They have: 49 posts
Joined: Dec 2001
You're right there about not starting a battle of the browsers. You're also right about not limiting my users. Up until I read your post, I thought my site worked 100% correctly – besides some CSS errors – in Netscape. But then I view my site in NS again and none of my JavaScript that I just added works! I do want to support NS users but I thought all I would have to do is change the CSS file that is imported into every page.
Reasons like that make me dislike Netscape. Its not that I have been totally assimilated into the Microsoft drones, its just that IE follows the standards set forth by the W3C and other similar organizations more closely, plus IE is the most popular browser; I figure it should be the winner. Either way, I like some things about NS and some about IE, I don't really care which one prevails; I just want standardization so we developers don't have to hassle over writing the same site twice.
krash_io posted this at 05:02 — 17th December 2001.
They have: 49 posts
Joined: Dec 2001
Mark Hensler,
Good point about people showing their stuff off. I was kinda thinking of something like that. Maybe when a recipe is displayed, the user will be able to click on the name of the recipe submitter and see more information, like a personal page or something?
Do you or anyone else have any ideas on how to incorporate something similar into my site?
I appericate any feedback!
Mark Hensler posted this at 05:13 — 17th December 2001.
He has: 4,048 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
You may wanna check out http://digitalart.org for some ideas about giving your submitters more exposure. It's a digital art gallery, but it kinda works off the same concept of user submitted content. The site has information about the artists including a list of all submitted art, short bio, etc. (example here)
(My cousin owns/opperates that site, so I'm giving him a plug.)
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
krash_io posted this at 05:27 — 17th December 2001.
They have: 49 posts
Joined: Dec 2001
Thanks for the link, I'm getting some ideas now. Also pat your cousin on the back for the site, I wish I would have thought of it!
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