using fulltext in the searches giving errors
searches with full text feilds get returns as bad sql. not sure why. wondering sf someone can explain it to me. here's the search construction:
function psd($db){ # search display
// create search string
$searchfor='SELECT users.username FROM users, bio, stats, interests WHERE
users.uid=bio.uid AND users.uid=stats.uid AND users.uid=interests.uid';
if($_GET['partial']){ // do a partial match
if(isset($_GET['member'])&&($_GET['member']!='')){ # we're looking for someone
$mem=clean($_GET['member']); $searchfor.=\" AND users.username LIKE '$mem'\"; }
}else{ // look for the exact
if(isset($_GET['member'])&&($_GET['member']!='')){ # we're looking for someone
$mem=clean($_GET['member']); $searchfor.=\" AND users.username='$mem'\"; }
} // username is added
note: php edited to prevent horizontal scrolling
if(preg_match('/\d/', $_GET['llmonth'])){ // we have a login date
// begining of day
$lld1=\"{$_GET['llyear']}-{$_GET['llmonth']}-{$_GET['llday']} 00:00:00\";
// end of day
$lld2=\"{$_GET['llyear']}-{$_GET['llmonth']}-{$_GET['llday']} 23:59:59\";
$searchfor.=\" AND users.last_login_date>='$lld1' AND
} // last login date added (if applicable)
// add gender
if($_GET['gen']){ $gen=$_GET['gen']; $searchfor.=\" AND users.gender='$gen'\"; }
if($_GET['country']!='-1'){ $co=$_GET['country']; $searchfor.=\" AND'$co'\"; } // add country
if($_GET['eye']!='-1'){ $eye=$_GET['eye']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.eye_color='$eye'\"; } // add eye color
if($_GET['hair']!='-1'){ $hair=$_GET['hair']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.hair_color='$hair'\"; } // add hair
if($_GET['ms']!='-1'){ $ms=$_GET['ms']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.mar_stat='$'\"; } // add marital status
if($_GET['sp']!='-1'){ $sp=$_GET['sp']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.sex_pref='$sp'\"; } // add sexual preference
if($_GET['bt']!='-1'){ $bt=$_GET['bt']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.body_type='$bt'\"; } // add body type
if($_GET['emp']!='-1'){ $emp=$_GET['emp']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.employment='$emp'\"; } // add employment
if($_GET['el']!='-1'){ $el=$_GET['el']; $searchfor.=\" AND'$el'\"; } // add education level
if($_GET['aff']){ $aff=$_GET['aff']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.affiliation='$aff'\"; } // add affiliation
if($_GET['sc']!='-1'){ $sc=$_GET['sc']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.self_cat='$sc'\"; } // add self cat
if($_GET['spt']!='-1'){ $spt=$_GET['spt']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.spt='$spt'\"; } // add s/p/t
if(isset($_GET['religion'])&&($_GET['religion']!='')){ # if there's a religion
$rel=clean($_GET['religion']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.religion='$rel'\"; }
if(isset($_GET['ethnic'])&&($_GET['ethnic']!='')){ #if there's a ethnicity
$eth=clean($_GET['ethnic']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.ethnic='$eth'\"; }
if(isset($_GET['city'])&&($_GET['city']!='')){ # if there's a city
$city=clean($_GET['city']); $searchfor.=\" AND'$city'\"; }
if(isset($_GET['aim'])&&($_GET['aim']!='')){ # if there's an aim
$aim=clean($_GET['aim']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.aim='$aim'\"; } // add aim
if(isset($_GET['icq'])&&($_GET['icq']!='')){ # if there's an icq
$icq=clean($_GET['icq']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.icq='$icq'\"; } // add icq
if(isset($_GET['mirc'])&&($_GET['mirc']!='')){ # if there's a mirc
$mirc=clean($_GET['mirc']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.mirc='$mirc'\"; } // add mirc
if(isset($_GET['msn'])&&($_GET['msn']!='')){ # if there's an msn
$msn=clean($_GET['msn']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.msn='$msn'\"; } // add msn
if(isset($_GET['yim'])&&($_GET['yim']!='')){ # if there's a yim
$yim=clean($_GET['yim']); $searchfor.=\" AND stats.yim='$yim'\"; } // add yim
if($_GET['dobspef']){ // we have a date of birth we wanna use
$dob=$_GET['year'].'-'.$_GET['month'].'-'.$_GET['day']; // grab dob
if($_GET['dobspef']=='On'){ $searchfor.=\" AND stats.dob='$dob'\"; }
if($_GET['dobspef']=='Before'){ $searchfor.=\" AND stats.dob>'$dob'\"; }
if($_GET['dobspef']=='After'){ $searchfor.=\" AND stats.dob<'$dob'\"; }
} // we've added the dob
if($_GET['hspec']){ // we wanna use height
$height=(12*$_GET['feet'])+$_GET['inches']; // get the height in inches
if($_GET['hspec']=='equal'){ $searchfor.=\" AND stats.='$height'\"; }
if($_GET['hspec']=='min'){ $height--; $searchfor.=\" AND stats.>'$height'\"; }
if($_GET['hspec']=='max'){ $height++; $searchfor.=\" AND stats.='$height'\"; }
} // we have the height
if($_GET['wspec']){ // we wanna use waist
if($_GET['wspec']=='equal'){ $wst=$_GET['waist']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.waist='$wst'\"; } // use given
if($_GET['wspec']=='min'){ $wst=($_GET['waist']--); $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.waist>'$wst'\"; } // min given
if($_GET['wspec']=='max'){ $wst=($_GET['waist']++); $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.waist<'$wst'\"; } // max given
} // waist is added
if($_GET['lbsspec']){ // we care about weight
if($_GET['lbsspec']=='equal'){ $lbs=$_GET['lbs']; $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.weight='$lbs'\"; } // use given
if($_GET['lbsspec']=='min'){ $lbs=($_GET['lbs']--); $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.weight>'$lbs'\";} // min given
if($_GET['lbsspec']=='max'){ $lbs=($_GET['lbs']++); $searchfor.=\" AND
stats.weight<'$lbs'\";} // max given
} // weight added
if($_GET['general']){ // we want to go across ALL bio elements
if(isset($_GET['all'])&&($_GET['all']!='')){ // they entered something
$biostring=clean($_GET['all']); // get what they wanna find
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH
( bio.bq1, bio.bq2, bio.bq3, bio.bq4, bio.auth, ) AGAINST
( '$biostring' )\"; } // add the stuff
}else{ // we want a specific feild to have it
if(isset($_GET['bq1'])&&($_GET['bq1']!='')){ // if they want bq1
$bq1=clean($_GET['bq1']); // get what they want in bq1
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( bio.bq1 ) AGAINST ('$bq1')\"; } // add bq1
if(isset($_GET['bq2'])&&($_GET['bq2']!='')){ // if they want bq2
$bq2=clean($_GET['bq2']); // get what they want in bq2
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( bio.bq2 ) AGAINST ('$bq2')\"; } // add bq2
if(isset($_GET['bq3'])&&($_GET['bq3']!='')){ // if they want bq3
$bq3=clean($_GET['bq3']); // get what they want in bq3
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( bio.bq3 ) AGAINST ('$bq3')\"; } // add bq3
if(isset($_GET['bq4'])&&($_GET['bq4']!='')){ // if they want bq4
$bq4=clean($_GET['bq4']); // get what they want in bq4
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( bio.bq4 ) AGAINST ('$bq4')\"; } // add bq4
if(isset($_GET['auth'])&&($_GET['auth']!='')){ // if they want the author
$auth=clean($_GET['auth']); // get what they want for the author
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( bio.auth ) AGAINST ('$auth')\"; } // add author
if(isset($_GET['bio'])&&($_GET['bio']!='')){ // if they want bio
$bio=clean($_GET['bio']); // get what they want in the bio
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( ) AGAINST ('$bio')\"; } // add bio
} // bio has been added
(isset($_GET['vacation']))){ // interests are sought
$interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['books'])).' '.
clean(join(' ', $_GET['hobbies'])).' '.
clean(join(' ', $_GET['misc'])).' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['movies'])).' '.
clean(join(' ', $_GET['pets'])).' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['sports'])).' '.
clean(join(' ', $_GET['vacation'])); // make one LONG string of the interests
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( interests.books, interests.hobbies, interests.misc,
interests.movies, interests.pets, interests.sports, interests.vacation ) AGAINST
('$interests')\"; // add the interest searching
} // interests has been added
$findmems=squery($searchfor, $db); # search for the query
// if we have members that meet the criteria/make an empty array
bgnpg('Search Results'); nav(); // send the results to be displayed
echo \"<p>$searchfor</p>\n\"; dispres($findmems); clspg();
}else{ // nothing met the criteria
bgnpg('Search Results'); nav(); echo \"<p>$searchfor</p>\n\"; // begin the result
echo'<p>There were no members that met your criteria</p>'; clspg();
POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.
Mark Hensler posted this at 22:31 — 26th September 2003.
He has: 4,048 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
I've never used fulltext searches.
Can you print the mysql_error() and the actual query being run?
m3rajk posted this at 17:33 — 27th September 2003.
They have: 461 posts
Joined: Jul 2003
ok. last time it did't like the seelct statement. (i checked against the bio) this time it's other things (checking against interests)
Warning: Bad arguments to join() in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 221
Warning: Bad arguments to join() in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 221
Warning: Bad arguments to join() in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 222
Warning: Bad arguments to join() in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 222
Warning: Bad arguments to join() in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 223
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/html/findyourdesire/search.php on line 720
SELECT users.username FROM users, bio, stats, interests WHERE users.uid=bio.uid AND users.uid=stats.uid AND users.uid=interests.uid AND users.gender='M' AND MATCH ( interests.books, interests.hobbies, interests.misc, interests.movies, interests.pets, interests.sports, interests.vacation ) AGAINST (' Computer Animation )
POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.
m3rajk posted this at 17:39 — 27th September 2003.
They have: 461 posts
Joined: Jul 2003
i tried bio again. general match against all of them. this time i didn't get an error (not sure why) but i didn't get a match and i just checked the db... 3 ppl have the workd later in tehir bio, whcih is why i used it.
the error meessage print out is
echo \"<p>$searchfor<br />$errno: $error</p>\";
POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.
m3rajk posted this at 17:45 — 27th September 2003.
They have: 461 posts
Joined: Jul 2003
i guess it doesn't like the word later. using the word fill i got a return for the bio.
i also noticed in one fo the feilds in the genreal bio in an older version i have two . in (reads looking through the back ups i think i know what gave the error last time i tested it. guess i need to fix the issue with the interests.
i figured i'd get back to it after adding and before testing a search on the forums. i didn't even realize i switched that. i must have noticed it and just done that when copying to get the structure
POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.
m3rajk posted this at 18:12 — 27th September 2003.
They have: 461 posts
Joined: Jul 2003
i changed the interests section to
if(isset($_GET['books'])){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['books'])); }
if(isset($_GET['hobbies'])){ # there's hobbies
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['hobbies'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['hobbies'])); }} # add hobbies
if(isset($_GET['misc'])){ # there's misc
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['misc'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['misc'])); }} # add misc
if(isset($_GET['movies'])){ # there's movies
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['movies'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['movies'])); }} # add movies
if(isset($_GET['pets'])){ # there's pets
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['pets'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['pets'])); }} # add pets
if(isset($_GET['sports'])){ # there's sports
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['sports'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['sports'])); }} # add sports
if(isset($_GET['vacation'])){ # there's vacation
if($interests==''){ $interests=clean(join(' ', $_GET['vacation'])); }
else{ $interests.=' '.clean(join(' ', $_GET['vacation'])); }} # add vacation
if($interests!=''){ // there's interests
$searchfor.=\" AND MATCH ( interests.books, interests.hobbies, interests.misc,
interests.movies, interests.pets, interests.sports, interests.vacation ) AGAINST
('$interests')\"; // add the interest searching
} // interests has been added
SELECT users.username FROM users, bio, stats, interests WHERE users.uid=bio.uid AND users.uid=stats.uid AND users.uid=interests.uid AND MATCH ( interests.books, interests.hobbies, interests.misc, interests.movies, interests.pets, interests.sports, interests.vacation ) AGAINST ('Computer Animation')
line 735 is the while loop begining in this function
function squery($querystring, $db){ # do the actual search
include(\"/home/joshua/includes/fyd.altincs.php\"); # alt includes file (no functions)
$start=0; $page=1; $foundmems=array(); # variables
if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $_GET['page']; } // which page of members?
if($page>1){ # we're not on the first page
$start=20*$page; # how many records do we ignore?
$findmems=mysql_query($querystring, $db); // now we query the db
if($start>0){ # we need to jump records
$jump=mysql_data_seek($findmems, $start); # jump the records
$foundmems[]=$getmems['username']; # get the people
$i++; # increase the limiter
return $foundmems;
$findmems=squery($searchfor, $db); # search for the query
POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.
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