Should I use Flatfile or MySQL
New situation near bottom of this
thread, so ignore this top area.
I've got some databases that have been maintained for years in MS Word. I then "save as HTML" and upload them to my site. Here's one of the five "databases":
They're not sortable or searchable, and it takes a half dozen steps to update. So I'm thinking of converting it to a real database.
My question is whether I should use a mySQL database, or whether my database needs doesn't justify anything more complicated then a flatfile? I have a total of about 200 "rows" (people) and somewhere between 8 and 14 "columns" (data for each person), depending on whether hyperlinks for fields need a separate field. So I guess I'm looking at about 2,000 fields? Will that bog down a flatfile? And even if I use mySQL, won't I only be making only one table within the database?
I'm a newbie to databases and I'll probably ask how to set it up later, but for now I just want some advice on which direction I should be heading for my particular needs.
Busy posted this at 22:36 — 5th August 2002.
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Sounds like you already know how to set up and use a flatfile so maybe using a database (mysql) would be better off in the knowledge area. no matter how simple it is, its great experience for when you need to do a larger job.
My pick would be database as you could make it searchable, sortable and easy to update/change/add/delete etc
Mark Hensler posted this at 07:33 — 6th August 2002.
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I'm not a fan of flat files simply because of the server load it produces when under heavy use.
Being that the content is static, I would recommend storing the data which ever way is easiest for you to code. Then, create a mechanism to spit out static pages whenever a change is made to the DB. This will reduce server load, increase response time, and be a really cool project. 8]
Mark Hensler
If there is no answer on Google, then there is no question.
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 12:57 — 6th August 2002.
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Even though you don't think you'll need it now, save yourself future headaches and go with a real database like mySQL.
That way you won't be hampered by any changes you may want to make in the future, like adding the ability to store more data. By having the data in a database it also allows you to use the data for a myriad of different applications.
PJ | Are we there yet?
elara posted this at 20:15 — 17th August 2002.
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By using flat files, you will need to create your own functions to do string manipulation, sorting, database locking etc, which is not worth it. My suggestin is go with MySQL.
fifeclub posted this at 16:52 — 30th August 2002.
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Okay I'm lost. Please help me.
I've "converted" my "database" to an excel file (Excel 97 SR-2). I've tried over and over again to convert it to a mySQL database by saving the excel file as some other format and then trying to import it into a database using phpMyAdmin. Everytime it says error in line 1.
Throw away everything I tried and start from scratch. How do I convert my .xls file into a mySQL database (phpMyAdmin is available to me)? My .xls file is 176 rows by 10 colums. I assume that would end up being one table inside a mySQL database, but I don't know anything about this so I'm just assuming.
Help? Thanks!!!
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 19:19 — 30th August 2002.
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What format did you save it as in Excel? Tab-delimited text?
You shouldn't have any problems importing that text file into mySQL. Maybe try bypassing phpMyAdmin, see this link for more info:
PJ | Are we there yet?
fifeclub posted this at 22:00 — 30th August 2002.
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The info in the link looks good but I don't understand enough of the basics to know what it means. The problem is that I don't even know where to start
I'm completely new to mySQL. I guess I should begin with what I was doing, then maybe somebody could shout out at me that I'm going about it all wrong.
I tried many formats, all of which say "You have an error in your SQL syntax near xxxx at line 1". I see in the phpMyAdmin that it says "Or Location of the textfile." so I've been concentrating on exporting the .xls file as a text file.
I created a database first and tried to "import" my data but it didn't work. So I figured that maybe I need to create a table first, so I created a table with 10 fields and tried to import using the same method ("Or Location of the textfile.") but that didn't help.
fifeclub posted this at 22:12 — 30th August 2002.
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Hey, I made some progress! After I created a table within the database, I used the link "Insert data from a textfile into table" which did not give me errors. I said that it successfully entered 176 rows, which is the correct number of rows in my text file.
However when I then hit "browse" it shows me all of each row's column data showing up in the first field of the table
Busy posted this at 22:50 — 30th August 2002.
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my first time i had the rows but no content at all.
check your quotes and commas, are you missing any and lookout for things like: "Hi, I'm Bob" should be "Hi, I\'m Bob" .. very easy oversight to make.
Also were the contents in the text file correct with db tables?, if you declare notnull and upload/insert as null(empty) you'll get out of align. hope this hasnt confused you.
an example of what i use:
use dbname;
insert into dbname values
(null, "n is after m", "", "318", null),
etc etc, dbname being your database name, the first null is the auto increment number, n is after m is just some rubbish i put there
but its the content, the one after is a blank field which coulc or could not contain data, but if i missed this out the next number would move over one and would be one short so throws the whole thing out of whack.
[note]Hope his make sense, still on first coffee of the morning[/note]
ROB posted this at 13:28 — 31st August 2002.
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why not drop the import as file idea, save the files as csv in excel, and do something like this:
$fp = fopen('datafile.csv', 'r');
while($coldata = fgetcsv($fp, 10000)) {
$thequery = \"INSERT INTO mytable VALUES('$coldata[0]','$coldata[1]','$coldata[2]','$coldata[3]')\";
fifeclub posted this at 19:07 — 31st August 2002.
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Sorry for my novice-ness. Your suggestion sounds promising but what do I do with it? (other than changing datafile.cvs to whatever I named it) Is this code to place in a php page? Or is this some command code to use within phpMyAdmin? And what's that coldata stuff?
Sorry but nearly all of my knowledge is in simple .shtml stuff. Maybe this project is a little beyond my current capabilities
Busy posted this at 00:15 — 1st September 2002.
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the code Rob showed is included in a .php page
phpMyAdmin is real easy to use, but as a wise Mod here mentioned (Mairving) it's better to learn the web page method, using INSERT, UPDATE, ...
At first it all looks hard but do it a couple of times and its quite easy. then once you know the basics of written MYSQL then go back to phpMyAdmin
Kevin Yank has a few tutorials around the place, even on itself
fifeclub posted this at 19:13 — 6th September 2002.
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I just wanted to update everyone who tried to help me. I finally got my data into a mySQL table. I discovered the difference between my cvs output and a sample dump file was that the dump file had spaces following all the commas, while my cvs file did not. I just ran a find and replace all, for all commas to a comma with a space after it. I then saved it and changed the file extention from .cvs to .txt. It was a back-@ss way to do it but it worked!
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 20:05 — 6th September 2002.
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Way to go Mike! Doesn't really matter how you beat a problem, as long as you beat it.
Busy posted this at 23:38 — 6th September 2002.
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congrats, and thanks for sharing the outcome
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