Oracle, ColdFusion, Access, Help!!!
SQL 7.0 has a graphical user interface. It's just not as user friendly as Access since it has a lot more power.
Maybe the best way to proceed would be to build your database in Access and import it to SQL. That way you can build all your queries using Access graphically and just import into SQL when you're done.
Peter J. Boettcher
PJ | Are we there yet?
josemontesjr posted this at 05:45 — 4th April 2000.
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I need to create e-commerce site.
I know how to use Microsoft Access, and currently use it.
Does Oracle, and/or ColdFusion have graphical user interfaces like Access, so I can create databases?
Can any of them be run under Win98?
How do I get a Oracle database set up?
What is the best database to use? why?
Thanks to all of the database experts.
Jose Montes Jr.
RC posted this at 12:47 — 4th April 2000.
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I don't really know anything about Oracle..but Coldfusion is not a database program if that is what you are asking. You can't create databases with Coldfusion like you do with Access. Coldfusion is simply a tool used to provide web site-database interaction.
As far as the other questions, I will leave them for someone like Peter
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 12:56 — 4th April 2000.
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While Access might be easy to use it should NOT be used to build any sort of mission critical e-commerce site. It is not designed for this. You would be much better off to go to a dedicated solution like SQL 7 or Oracle.
Are you developing this site on your computer or are you using a hosted server? What databases you can use will be limited if it's being hosted, check with your provider.
You should definately upgrade to Windows 2000 if you're at all serious about developing a site on your computer, some packages will work with Win98 but will not be stable.
I would recommend using SQL 7, it's performance is very close to Oracle but it is WAY cheaper and easier to setup and use if you're on an NT Server and using ASP pages.
I can't comment on Cold Fusion since I don't use it but I'm pretty sure it relies on an external database (Access, SQL, etc) it doesn't come with it's own database system.
Oracle is very powerful but much more expensive and not as user friendly as SQL 7.
I think if you're familiar with Access then going to SQL 7 makes sense, it shares some of the look and feel of Access so migrating to it would be easier than going to a completely different package.
Peter J. Boettcher
PJ | Are we there yet?
josemontesjr posted this at 15:10 — 4th April 2000.
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Thanks, this cleared up the smoke a little.
SQL 7 also has a graphical user interface?
Gil posted this at 04:44 — 14th April 2000.
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Peter, I am developing a site in Access right now, but I am seeing the need to switch over to SQL 7 because I need data strings longer than 255 characters. In SQL 7, is there support for a BLOB like in MySQL?
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Senior Web Developer,
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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New Orleans, LA
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 18:01 — 14th April 2000.
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SQL 7, can handle blobs, no problem. Make sure you use 7, 6.5 had some issues with blobs.
Gil posted this at 23:56 — 14th April 2000.
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Peter, I have one more question. If I buy a 5 user license for SQL Server, what happens if a 6th person tries to access it, assuming I am using an ASP script for it. Also, will I be able to use ODBC for my database, as if it were the same as Access, or do I have to use different ASP commands specifically for SQL Server? Thanks a lot. I am just trying to make sure I get all of my questions answered before I spend a ****load of money.
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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New Orleans, LA
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 01:25 — 15th April 2000.
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Regarding the SQL License issue, I'm really not sure. I don't think it keeps track of how many users are using connections, it's more of a "good faith" type thing. Don't hold me to it but I'm pretty sure you can connect as many users as you want, it just wouldn't be legal as per the software agreement.
As for the ODBC question, you would setup a system DSN for SQL just like you would for Access, you could even keep the DSN the same so you don't have to change any of your ASP pages (make sure you rename/delete the old one). Your old SQL statements will work fine with SQL 7 (providing you kept the same database structure).
Now if you were connecting to Access via dsn-less connection (connected to physical .mdb file residing on your website) then you will have to change your connection method, but this isn't to much work (2-3 lines of code).
Peter J. Boettcher
PJ | Are we there yet?
Gil posted this at 04:31 — 15th April 2000.
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Thanks a lot. That's just the answers I was looking for
I would think that Microsoft keeps track of how many simultaneous users access SQL Server, given that the unlimited license release costs around $30,000. But maybe you're right. I doubt 5 users will access the database at one time, but I am always looking at possibilities. I'm trying to not increase the cost too much, since this project is costing in the 10k already. I suppose if there are database problems, and it does keep track of connected users, I can buy an unlimited internet user license. BUt I doubt it will be needed.
When I started this project, I was almost going to use a DSN-less connection, but I decided not to for this very reason. Once again, thinking ahead.
I appreciate the help, and I'l lbe sure to never do a project in ASP again (what a nightmare!).
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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New Orleans, LA
Peter J. Boettcher posted this at 14:06 — 16th April 2000.
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I'm curious, why do you find ASP a nightmare? I find it to be a fairly powerful and simple server side technology, and I think for interfacing with databases it's definately on the top of my list.
I guess it's just whatever you're comfortable with.
Peter J. Boettcher
PJ | Are we there yet?
Gil posted this at 04:40 — 20th April 2000.
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ASP isn't a nightmare, but for me using Drumbeat was. I've never used dome damn program for making my applications, and I wound up creating 20 or so "Contracts" just to be able to use the thing. Basically I wrote 90% of the program myself. I didn't find that Drumbeat helped as much as I though.
I think ASP is definitely excellent for database interaction, however I prefer a PHP/MySQL/Apache environment. And no I'm not knocking it before I try it. I've used both extensively.
The reason I chose ASP for this project was 1) it needed to run on Win NT 2) It needed to use ODBC interaction (for outside reasons). For that I figured ASP would beat PHP. In fact it does, but it turned out to be more time consuming. Yesterday I was about to download ASP2PHP. Luckily I finally got everything straightened out.
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
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Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Internet Consultant
New Orleans, LA
Gil posted this at 04:34 — 28th June 2000.
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I had to bring up this old thread, as there are some updates. I installed SQL Server, but I have a question for Peter. I setup indices as a way of doing "auto incrementing" for a primary key. But for some reason when I try to compare data and select a record using the indexed key, it returns an error saying that I am trying to make the column a varchar when it actuallity it is a bit column. Here is what I am trying to do:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ID='$id';
Now $id would be a number, let's say 143. And the record I am trying to select also has 143 as the value for the indexed ID field. Any reason why it's acting this way?
Aristotle concluded that those who admit their stupidity are truly wise.
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Senior Web Developer,
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Internet Consultant
New Orleans, LA
RC posted this at 17:48 — 1st July 2000.
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Joined: Sep 1999
Try this:
FROM table
WHERE ID = $id;
take out the single quotes and try it.
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