NoSQL and Web Hosting

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Jan 2013

Hey webmasters

I've started a survey website and several friends of mine suggested that I take a NoSQL DB approach since my traffic is starting to pick up and I need to be able to call things more quickly. Do any of you know of any/if any of the popular web hosts offer an easy NoSQL solution? Otherwise, any tips on converting my current relational DB to a NoSQL DB?


He has: 1 posts

Joined: May 2013

There is a major opportunity for managed hosted databases as more mobile . A NoSQL database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data .

They have: 6 posts

Joined: Jan 2013

HostGator Dedicated or VPS plans support NoSQL DB solution. Try with them.

gracemcadams wrote:
Hey webmasters

I've started a survey website and several friends of mine suggested that I take a NoSQL DB approach since my traffic is starting to pick up and I need to be able to call things more quickly. Do any of you know of any/if any of the popular web hosts offer an easy NoSQL solution? Otherwise, any tips on converting my current relational DB to a NoSQL DB?


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They have: 19 posts

Joined: Aug 2011

Yes, hostgator is the best option for NoSQL solution. )

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