Importing database into wordpress
Another thing that LIam would normally help me with but can't right now...
Last week we decided to move my blog over to the dedicated server. Liam was going to put the database in for me but now I need to do it myself. The question is, how? Do I need to learn how to SSH? I should probably learn that anyway. I was able to export the database from my old hosting account through .... what-che-me-callit- that mySQL browser-based manager thingy. We have the same thing on that dedicated server but there's no option to import a database there.
Can I do this myself or should I wait until Liam can help me? I'd hate for the site to be down for that long Not that anyone visits my site that much but there's some stuff I'd like to blog about now.
demonhale posted this at 03:28 — 3rd August 2006.
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do you have phpmyadmin on the new server? its easier to backup/restore/transfer a mysql db using the admin...
Megan posted this at 13:01 — 3rd August 2006.
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phpmyadmin, is that what it's called? Okay, I think that's what I was using in the first place. On our server, though, there is no import link. On my old hosting account there was, but not on this one. So what next?
P.S. Sorry for being so dumb about this. I don't have the link to the server control panel here so I can't go and check.
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bzooks1 posted this at 19:36 — 3rd August 2006.
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bzooks1 posted this at 19:37 — 3rd August 2006.
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i'm new to this site
Megan posted this at 19:41 — 3rd August 2006.
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Hi bzooks
Why don't you head over to the Introductions forum and introduce yourself ? 
bzooks1 posted this at 19:45 — 3rd August 2006.
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hi, where would i find that?
bzooks1 posted this at 19:46 — 3rd August 2006.
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this is my first time on this site
demonhale posted this at 02:38 — 4th August 2006.
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you could try backing upd the old db using phpmyadmin, and use myadmin to restore to the new server for less trouble... as for the concern, the best answer I found is that you can go into the database you wish to import to and click the "SQL" tab at the top. On the next screen there should be a textarea, under that look for a text input field (one line) and a 'Choose' or 'Browse' button to the right of it. Click the button, find your backup and submit the form. Anything over the 3-5mb mark will probably not work.
timjpriebe posted this at 11:18 — 4th August 2006.
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Normally databases are just exported as SQL statements, Megan. So in phpMyAdmin, there should be an option for running SQL. You just paste all your SQL into a textbox there, run it, and you're good to go.
That's how it's worked when I've done it, anyway.
Megan posted this at 13:08 — 4th August 2006.
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Okay, thanks!! Sounds like I could definitely do that. Now too bad I'm going to be away for the weekend and the login info and database backup are on my home computer
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bzooks1 posted this at 22:29 — 4th August 2006.
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hi megan,
have a great weekend. we can chat when you get back.
bzooks1 posted this at 22:30 — 4th August 2006.
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megan are you near niagra falls?
Megan posted this at 13:09 — 8th August 2006.
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Not far, actually. A little over an hour's drive
Hopefully I'll have time to fix this site this weekend! Going away for the weekend always makes my weeknights really busy!
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DC_Sara posted this at 16:09 — 5th August 2006.
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Good luck with that Megan! I've done that before, it's pretty easy.
Megan posted this at 22:10 — 14th August 2006.
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Well, I managed to get the database in but it still doesn't work! It all seemed fine when I uploaded it into the control panel, but when I set up the config file and went to load the page it just came up blank!
Liam is helping me now. I really wanted to do this myself though
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demonhale posted this at 02:10 — 15th August 2006.
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retrace what you might have done wrong, or just Liam to assist you, not do it for you... so youll learn and eventually you can do it yourself...
Megan posted this at 17:14 — 15th August 2006.
She has: 11,421 posts
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I figured it out - had the wrong url listed in the control panel. That's all!
Thanks though
Liam spent a lot of time trying to figure it out! It's the simple things that get you every time 
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demonhale posted this at 01:33 — 16th August 2006.
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thats good that your db is ok now...
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