How to show a number of items in an asp web page?

Peter J. Boettcher's picture

They have: 812 posts

Joined: Feb 2000


First you would have to do a select statement to see if there were any new records.

After that you could use code like this:

<%If CheckForNewRecords.EOF <> True Then%>
<form name=newtree method=post action=newtree.asp?id=<%CheckForNewRecords("TreeID")%>
<input type=submit name=submit value="Next Tree">
<%End If%>

Then in newtree.asp you would do something like:

<% NewTree = Request("id")
If NewTree <> "" Then
Conn.Open 'open your db connection here
SQL = SELECT * From Trees WHERE TreeID = '" & NewTree & "'"
Set DisplayTree = Conn.Execute(SQL)
<% If DisplayTree.EOF <> True Then %>
<p><img src=<%DisplayTree("image")%></p>
<% End If %>

I'm making up my own database field names so you would obviously insert your field names there, but something like this would do the trick.

Peter J. Boettcher

PJ | Are we there yet?

They have: 12 posts

Joined: Mar 2000

Hi Mr,

I have a asp web page, that display the tree photos that I have in my microsoft access database.

I would like to know how to make a next button, so if I add a new photo, i would see it just on the next page. Because, I want to have only tree pictures by pages.

How would I do that?

Thank you for your collaboration.

Best Regards

Simon Baillargeon

Simon Baillargeon

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