how much do you need to know for mySQL?

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Joined: Jan 1970

I'm going to build a website using Front Page 2000. I have Access (although it's the version that came with Office 97, but I'm hoping it will work with FP2000) and I am just learning how to import my Access database into my Front Page website. If anyone is familiar with FP... and Access, I was wondering...

I tried a database query on my current server (UNIX platform), and it didn't work. The .asp extension was accepted when I uploaded it, but the database query gave me a "The page cannot be displayed" error. I'm a complete amatuer so I could have messed up the page (I used the FP wizard, but I've found myself capable of even messing THAT up) I didn't look to close for errors because I've heard that .asp pages don't always work on UNIX platforms. Do I need a different server?... or did I just design it incorrectly. (You can see the page at )

**Incidentally, I DID email my host and ask this question, but the customer support at EZ Publishing is terrible, and I haven't received a reply. My database page will be located at another domain so it's no problem to put it on a different server.

With all the high praise for mySQL... Would it be easy to use that program with Front Page?... (Remember, COMPLETE amatuer here) or should I stick with Access since I already own it and it seems to be simple to use with FP. (Assuming I don't have to update to Access 2000)

Any advice, help, or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Joined: Jan 1970

If your using Microsoft FrontPage and Access you’ll need a Windows NT based server with Microsoft Access and ASP support. For the most part UNIX does not support ASP and it certainly doesn’t support Access.

mySQL would be in option, but you’d need to be able to do some hand coding and integration with your site in Front Page. PHP and mySQL is by far the easiest way, if you understand basic UNIX commands, telnet, ftp, hand coding html, etc. Otherwise stick with Microsoft FrontPage/Access and get a NT server.

If you want to post more specifics about your database and it’s functions there may be other alternatives.

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