" ' " form handeling error

They have: 17 posts

Joined: Oct 2005


I am using asp to process data from a form into my database. I have set it up and it worked fine but when someone types "ye's" or anything with a " ' " in the value it breaks the asp. Any solutions please help? Murray

Greg K's picture

He has: 2,145 posts

Joined: Nov 2003

I know for PHP there are functions to process strings to escape out characters like quotes (ie. How'd they do that would be How\'d they do that )

I can't remember if ASP does escaping or doubling of the quotes. BJA knows ASP, so perhaps he will be able to post an answer for you. Until then try searching in ASP help for the term "escaping quotes".


chrishirst's picture

He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

Use another apostrophe

stringOut = replace(stringIn,"'","''")'

or as a function

function stripQuotes(strWords)
'strip out single quotes for SQL injection attempts
stripQuotes = replace(strWords, "'", "''")
stripQuotes =  StripChars(stripQuotes)
end function
function StripChars(strIn)
dim Disallowed
dim strOut
dim i
Disallowed = array("select", "drop", ";", "--", "insert","delete", "xp_")
strOut = strIn
for i = 0 to uBound(Disallowed)
strOut = replace(strOut, Disallowed(i), "")
StripChars = strOut
end function

I've include a function for helping prevent SQL injection as well.


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
Venue Capacity Monitoring
Code Samples

They have: 17 posts

Joined: Oct 2005


Thannks so much for your help!!

Sorry - beginner.

Where does the above go?


Set Upload
= Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1")

dim Upload, File, Item

.Save "......."

dim WP, references, title, name1, name2, name3, pob, nat, noc, mmn, sex, email, marital, passport, passportissue, driving, drivingissue, mobile, home, add1, add2, town, post, dob, ni, sales, airport, full_part, pth, GCSE, nameofemployer1, jobtitle1, jobdes1, leaving1, start1, leavingdate1, nameofemployer2, jobtitle2, jobdes2, leaving2, start2, leavingdate2, nameofemployer3, jobtitle3, jobdes3, leaving3, start3, leavingdate3, whichairport, airportbefore, location, company, start4, leavingdate4, cdescription, miles, Jtime, home2, car, criminal, shifts, student, studenthours, appropriate, where1, comments
Dim objConn
, strQ, objRS

= Upload.form("WP")
references = Upload.form("references")
title = Upload.form("title")
name1 = Upload.form("name1")
name2 = Upload.form("name2")
name3 = Upload.form("name3")
pob = Upload.form("pob")
nat = Upload.form("nat")
noc = Upload.form("noc")
mmn = Upload.form("mmn")
sex = Upload.form("sex")
marital = Upload.form("marital")
email = Upload.form("email")
passport = Upload.form("passport")
passportissue= Upload.form("passportissue")
driving = Upload.form("driving")
drivingissue= Upload.form("drivingissue")
mobile = Upload.form("mobile")
home = Upload.form("home")
add1 = Upload.form("add1")
add2 = Upload.form("add2")
town = Upload.form("town")
post = Upload.form("post")
dob = Upload.form("dob")
ni = Upload.form("ni")
sales = Upload.form("sales")
airport = Upload.form("airport")
full_part = Upload.form("full_part")
pth = Upload.form("pth")
GCSE = Upload.form("GCSE")
nameofemployer1 = Upload.form("nameofemployer1")
jobtitle1 = Upload.form("jobtitle1")
jobdes1 = Upload.form("jobdes1")
leaving1 = Upload.form("leaving1")
start1 = Upload.form("start1")
leavingdate1 = Upload.form("leavingdate1")
nameofemployer2 = Upload.form("nameofemployer2")
jobtitle2 = Upload.form("jobtitle2")
jobdes2 = Upload.form("jobdes2")
leaving2 = Upload.form("leaving2")
start2 = Upload.form("start2")
leavingdate2 = Upload.form("leavingdate2")
nameofemployer3 = Upload.form("nameofemployer3")
jobtitle3 = Upload.form("jobtitle3")
jobdes3 = Upload.form("jobdes3")
leaving3 = Upload.form("leaving3")
start3 = Upload.form("start3")
leavingdate3 = Upload.form("leavingdate3")
whichairport = Upload.form("whichairport")
airportbefore = Upload.form("airportbefore")
location = Upload.form("location")
company = Upload.form("company")
start4 = Upload.form("start4")
leavingdate4 = Upload.form("leavingdate4")
cdescription = Upload.form("cdescription")
miles = Upload.form("miles")
Jtime = Upload.form("Jtime")
home2 = Upload.form("home2")
car = Upload.form("car")
criminal = Upload.form("criminal")
shifts= Upload.form("shifts")
student= Upload.form("student")
studenthours = Upload.form("studenthours")
appropriate = Upload.form("appropriate")
where1 = Upload.form("where1")

Each File in Upload.Files

.Copy "........ & File.ExtractFileName
      comments = File.ExtractFileName

    ' Display description field
    'Response.Write Upload.Form("
Description") & "<BR>"

    ' Display all selected categories
    For Each Item in Upload.Form
      If Item.Name = "
Category" Then
        Response.Write Item.Value & "
      End If

    Dim insertSql
                Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("
                objConn.Open = strConnection
                'insertSql = "
INSERT INTO forward (u_id, f_email, f_name) VALUES (" & intUid & " , " & strToemail & " , " & strFname & " )"
                'insertsql = "
insert into forward (u_id, f_email, f_name)"
                'insertsql = insertsql & "
values( " & intUid & " , '" & strToemail & "' , '" & strFname & "' )"
'insertsql = "
insert into preference (Title, Firstname) values( '" & Title & "' , '" & Firstname & "' )"
insertSql = ""

insertSql = insertSql & "
INSERT INTO users_tbl"

insertSql = insertSql & "
(WP, references, title, name1, name2, name3, pob, nat, noc, mmn, sex, marital, email, passport, passportissue, driving, drivingissue, mobile, home, add1, add2, town, post, dob, ni, sales, airport, full_part, pth, GCSE, nameofemployer1, jobtitle1, jobdes1, leaving1, start1, leavingdate1, nameofemployer2, jobtitle2, jobdes2, leaving2, start2, leavingdate2, nameofemployer3, jobtitle3, jobdes3, leaving3, start3, leavingdate3, whichairport, airportbefore, location, company, start4, leavingdate4, cdescription, miles, Jtime, home2, car, criminal, shifts, student, studenthours, appropriate, where1, FILE1  ) " & vbCrLf

insertSql = insertSql & "

insertSql = insertSql & "'" & WP & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & references & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & title & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & name1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & name2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & name3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & pob & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & nat & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & noc & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & mmn & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & sex & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & marital & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & email & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & passport & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & passportissue & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & driving & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & drivingissue & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & mobile & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & home & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & add1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" &  add2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & town & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & post & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & dob & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & ni & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & sales & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & airport & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & full_part & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & pth & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & GCSE & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & nameofemployer1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobtitle1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobdes1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leaving1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & start1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leavingdate1 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & nameofemployer2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobtitle2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobdes2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leaving2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & start2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leavingdate2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & nameofemployer3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobtitle3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & jobdes3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leaving3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & start3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leavingdate3 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & whichairport & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & airportbefore & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & location & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & company & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & start4 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & leavingdate4 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & cdescription & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & miles & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & Jtime & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & home2 & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & car & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & criminal & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & shifts & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & student & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & studenthours & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & appropriate & "'"
insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & where1 & "'"

insertSql = insertSql & "
, "
insertSql = insertSql & "'" & comments & "'"

insertSql = insertSql &  "
'response.write insertSql

                Set objConn = Nothing
Response.write "
Data added"

chrishirst's picture

He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

It depends which field may have "'" in it

It's simply a function and you would pass your string variable through it

strVar = stripQuotes(strVar)

They have: 17 posts

Joined: Oct 2005


All fixed now

I would like to thank you very much for your help


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