
He has: 698 posts

Joined: Jul 2005

I feel really stupid for asking this because I feel like the answer is right under my nose, but I just can't seem to understand how to do this.

I am working on a form, and I would like it to automatically record the date and time that the form was submitted, but I can't find the code or whatever to do it.

When the form is submitted, the data is added to a MySQL table, so if there is a way to do it in the MySQL settings or something, that would be great. Thanks. Smiling

By the way, I know how to use the date() function, if that's part of it. Smiling


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He has: 379 posts

Joined: Apr 2005

use the MySQL now() function in the insert query.

INSERT INTO table timefield VALUES(now()) ;

or set the field to a TIMESTAMP type and it will be updated on insert.


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He has: 698 posts

Joined: Jul 2005

Thank you. I knew it was right there. Smiling

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