Archive of articles

He has: 15 posts

Joined: Jan 2006

I run a website that we run daily news articles on. Now my problem is that after they move from the main page they are moved to their appropriate category page i.e. Business, National, etc. Now the list on these pages is getting out of hand. I need a way to archive these so that when they are move to lets says the business page it keeps like 10-15 articles per page. How would I go about doing this, and not have to like if I add two articles to the archive page remove the oldest two move thos to the next page and so on and so on. Here is an example of my revamped page that will be gonig active soon. Thanks for the help.

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He has: 14 posts

Joined: Apr 2006

What you need to do is have some sort of server-side tech. to pull out the first 10 - 15 and put them on the page and then add a link to view the next page and on that link tell to get the next 10 or 15.

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