New Domain Name forum

They have: 324 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

Hi, there has been quite a discussion on domain names in the last week or so. I think you should add a domain name forum! I would be moderator for it if you want

They have: 406 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

I think that would be a good idea..I also think we should add a Flash Forum. I however wont be the monderator Im new to Flash

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Justin S's picture

They have: 2,076 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

There already is a forum for this sort of stuff. Ever check out the Server and DOMAIN Management forum?

My name is Nitsuj. I bet you're thinking WTF...

They have: 2,390 posts

Joined: Nov 1998

yep, the subject is indeed popular bur we already have a forum topic that covers it

TWF Administrator/Customer Relations.

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