//** EMAIL CLASS 2.0
//** ===============
//** Copyright (c) William Fowler (wmfwlr AT cogeco DOT ca)
//** Released under GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2
//** http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
//** Script is completely rewritten. MIME block generation made OO to reduce
//** errors. Allows for nested MIME blocks, meaning multipart/alternative
//** emails that also contain attachments.
//** -------------------------
//** September 27, 2004 (v2.0)
//** Added support for CC and BCC fields. Added support for
//** multipart/alternative messages. Added ability to create attachments
//** manually using literal content.
//** -------------------
//** May 13, 2004 (v1.2)
//** The Email class wrappers PHP's mail function into a class capable of
//** sending attachments and HTML email messages. Custom headers can also be
//** included as if using the mail function.
//** -----------------------
//** December 2, 2003 (v1.1)
if(isset($GLOBALS["emailmsgclass_php"])) { return; } //** onlyinclude once.
$GLOBALS["emailmsgclass_php"] = 1; //** filewas included.
//** (String) the newline character(s) to be used when generating an email
//** message. If using QMail change this value to be just "\n". QMail
//** incorrectly replaces all "\n" with "\r\n", even when already proceded by
//** a "\r". This leads to the headers showing up as text in a mail client.
define('EmailNewLine', "\r\n");
//** (String) the unique X-Mailer identifier for emails sent with this tool.
//** Please do not alter - everyone knows you didn't write this code :)
define('EmailXMailer', 'PHP-EMAIL,v2.0 (wmfwlr AT cogeco DOT ca)');
//** (String) the default charset values for both text and HTML blocks.
define('EmailDefaultCharset', 'iso-8859-1');
//** (Boolean) whether or not the debugging data should be displayed.
define('EmailIsDebugging', false);
//** The Email class wrappers PHP's mail function into a class capable of
//** sending attachments and HTML email messages. Custom headers can also be
//** included as if using the mail function.
class Email
//** (String) the recipiant email address, or comma separated addresses.
var $To = null;
//** (String) the recipiant addresses to receive a copy. Can be comma
//** separated addresses.
var $Cc = null;
//** (String) the recipiant addresses to receive a hidden copy. Can be
//** comma separated addresses.
var $Bcc = null;
//** (String) the email address of the message sender.
var $From = null;
//** (String) the subject of the email message.
var $Subject = null;
//** (Array of MimeBlock Objects) array of MimeBlock instances representing
//** different versions of the message content.
var $Versions = array();
//** (Array of MimeBlock Objects) array of MimeBlock instances to be sent
//** with this email message.
var $Attachments = array();
//** (String) any custom header information that must be used when
//** sending email.
var $Headers = null;
//** (ContainerMimeBlock Object) root container for the various MIME
//** blocks associated with this email.
var $RootContainer = null;
//** Returns: None
//** Create a new email message with the parameters provided.
function Email($to=null, $from=null, $subject=null, $headers=null)
$this->To = strval($to);
$this->From = strval($from);
$this->Subject = strval($subject);
$this->Headers = strval($headers);
//** assume that initially the email message will be mixed.
$this->RootContainer = new ContainerMimeBlock('multipart/mixed');
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Set the plain text version of this email message.
function SetTextContent($content)
return $this->SetContent($content, 'text/plain', '8bit');
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Set the HTML-based version of this email message.
function SetHtmlContent($content)
//** all HTML content should really be encoded here using quoted-printable
//** ecoding. Since there is no built-in PHP function for this sending the
//** plain HTML code is used for now.
return $this->SetContent($content, 'text/html', '8bit');
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to add the content (of the MIME type and optional encoding given)
//** to this email message. If successful TRUE is returned.
function SetContent($content, $mimeType='text/plain', $encoding='8bit')
$contentBlock = new LiteralMimeBlock($mimeType, $content, $encoding);
return $this->AddContentBlock($contentBlock);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to add the file content as a version of the email content. If the
//** file cannot be located no version is created and FALSE is returned.
function SetFileContent($pathToFile, $mimeType=null)
//** create the appropriate MIME block from the file given. If the file does
//** not exist no content is added and FALSE is returned.
$fileVersion = new AttachmentMimeBlock($mimeType, $pathToFile);
$fileVersion->IsAttachment = false;
return false;
$this->Versions[] = $fileVersion; //** add the file content to list.
return true; //** version successfully added.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to add the MIME block content to this email message. If
//** successful TRUE is returned.
function AddContentBlock($mimeBlock=null)
if(!$mimeBlock || !$mimeBlock->IsValid())
return false;
$this->Versions[] = $mimeBlock; //** add content to version list.
return true; //** content successfully added.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Create a new file attachment for the file (and optionally MIME type)
//** given. If the file cannot be located no attachment is created and
//** FALSE is returned.
function Attach($pathToFile, $mimeType=null)
//** create the appropriate email attachment block. If the attachment does not
//** exist the MIME attachment is not created and FALSE is returned.
$attachment = new AttachmentMimeBlock($mimeType, $pathToFile);
return false;
$this->Attachments[] = $attachment; //** add the attachment to list.
return true; //** attachment successfully added.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the email message is ready to be sent. A TO and
//** FROM address are required.
function IsComplete()
return (strlen(trim($this->To)) > 0 && strlen(trim($this->From)) > 0);
//** Returns: None
//** Clear any content versions and attachments added to this email.
function Clear()
$this->Versions = array();
$this->Attachments = array();
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to send the email message. Attach all files that are currently
//** valid. Send the appropriate text/html message. If not complete FALSE is
//** returned and no message is sent.
function Send()
if(!$this->IsComplete()) //** message is not ready to send.
return false; //** no message will be sent.
//** start generating headers for the message. Add the from email address and
//** the current date of sending.
$headers = 'Date: ' . date('r', time()) . EmailNewLine .
'From: ' . strval($this->From) . EmailNewLine;
//** if a non-empty CC field is provided add it to the headers here.
if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Cc))) > 0)
$headers .= 'CC: ' . strval($this->Cc) . EmailNewLine;
//** if a non-empty BCC field is provided add it to the headers here.
if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Bcc))) > 0)
$headers .= 'BCC: ' . strval($this->Bcc) . EmailNewLine;
//** add the custom headers here, before important headers so that none are
//** overwritten by custom values.
if($this->Headers != null && strlen(trim($this->Headers)) > 0)
$headers .= $this->Headers . EmailNewLine;
//** determine whether or not this email contains more than one version or any
//** file attachments.
$hasMultipleVersions = (count($this->Versions) > 1);
$hasOneVersion = (count($this->Versions) == 1);
$hasAttachments = (count($this->Attachments) > 0);
//** there are multiple versions of this email as well as attachments.
if($hasMultipleVersions && $hasAttachments)
$this->RootContainer->ContentType = 'multipart/mixed';
//** create the container that will contain the multiple message versions.
$contentContainer = new ContainerMimeBlock('multipart/alternative');
//** loop over the content versions and add them to the new container.
foreach($this->Versions as $mimeVersion)
//** add the content container to the root container first.
//** loop over the attachments and add them to the root container.
foreach($this->Attachments as $mimeFile)
//** many versions of this email exist but no attachments need to be sent.
else if($hasMultipleVersions)
$this->RootContainer->ContentType = 'multipart/alternative';
//** loop over the content versions and add them to the root container.
foreach($this->Versions as $mimeVersion)
//** there is a single version of this email and attachments.
else if($hasAttachments)
$this->RootContainer->ContentType = 'multipart/mixed';
//** if a content version is available add it as the first message item.
//** loop over the attachments and add them to the root container.
foreach($this->Attachments as $mimeFile)
//** there is a single version of this email and no attachments.
else if($hasOneVersion)
$this->RootContainer->ContentType = 'multipart/mixed';
//** add the MIME encoding version and MIME type for the email message and
//** the standard message boundary.
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: ' . EmailXMailer . EmailNewLine .
'MIME-Version: 1.0' . EmailNewLine .
'Content-Type: ' . $this->RootContainer->ContentType . '; ' .
'boundary="' . $this->RootContainer->Boundary . '"' .
EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;
//** get the raw data from the root container. Clear for future calls.
$thebody = $this->RootContainer->GetEncodedData();
//** if debugging render the entire headers and body for this message
//** to the browser.
print(str_replace(EmailNewLine, '<newline>
', $headers));
print(str_replace(EmailNewLine, '<newline>
', $thebody));
//** attempt to send the email message. Return the operation success.
return mail($this->To, $this->Subject, $thebody, $headers);
//** The MimeBlock class acts as a base class to be used to handle any part of
//** and MIME message that is self contained.
class MimeBlock
//** (String) the standard MIME type for this data block.
var $ContentType = null;
//** (String) encoding method used when encoding block data.
var $Encoding = null;
//** Returns: None
//** Create a new MIME block having the type and optional encoding provided.
function MimeBlock($type, $encMethod=null)
$this->ContentType = strval($type);
$this->Encoding = strval($encMethod);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not this MIME block should be rendered.
function IsValid()
return false;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not a special encoding is used with this MIME block.
function HasEncoding()
return (strlen(trim($this->Encoding)) > 0);
//** Returns: String
//** Get the encoded content for this MIME block. To be overridden.
function GetEncodedData()
return '';
//** Returns: String
//** Get any additional header information to be included after the MIME
//** content type. Must start with a colon if non-empty.
function GetAdditionalContentTypeHeader()
return '';
//** Returns: String
//** Get any additional header(s) to be included before the data for this
//** block. Each header must end with the standard email newline character.
function GetCustomHeaders()
return '';
//** Returns: String
//** Get this MIME block as a header/data encoded string. The standard email
//** newline will be used to separate values.
function ToString()
//** add the MIME type for this data block. Add any custom type header text.
$text = 'Content-Type: ' . $this->ContentType .
$this->GetAdditionalContentTypeHeader() . EmailNewLine;
//** if available add the encoding used on the data.
$text .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' . $this->Encoding . EmailNewLine;
//** add each of the additional headers (if any).
$text .= $this->GetCustomHeaders();
//** always add an extra newline to separate the headers and data.
$text .= EmailNewLine;
//** add the (possibly encoded) block content.
$text .= $this->GetEncodedData();
return $text;
//** The LiteralMimeBlock class acts as a simple binary data passthrough
//** block. Any content provided is output exactly as is provided. This
//** class should only be used for text data (not safe for binary data).
class LiteralMimeBlock extends MimeBlock
//** (String) literal text data for this MIME block.
var $LiteralContent = null;
//** (String) official character set used to transmit the literal content.
var $Charset = EmailDefaultCharset;
//** Returns: None
//** Create a new literal MIME block having the MIME type and optional
//** encoding provided. The data for the block is that provided.
function LiteralMimeBlock($type, $content, $encMethod=null)
MimeBlock::MimeBlock($type, $encMethod);
$this->LiteralContent = strval($content);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not this MIME block should be rendered. Only TRUE
//** if literal content has been provided.
function IsValid()
return (strlen($this->LiteralContent) > 0);
//** Returns: String
//** Get the encoded content provided for this MIME block. No encoding is
//** performed.
function GetEncodedData()
return $this->LiteralContent;
//** Returns: String
//** Add the character set data after the content type header.
function GetAdditionalContentTypeHeader()
return '; charset="' . $this->Charset . '"';
//** The AttachmentMimeBlock class allows for any file accessible from the
//** server to be MIME encoded as an attachment.
class AttachmentMimeBlock extends MimeBlock
//** (String) the full path to the file to be attached on the server.
var $FilePath = null;
//** (Boolean) whether or not this block should be treated as a file
//** attachment or be treated as a normal MIME block.
var $IsAttachment = true;
//** Returns: None
//** Create a new literal MIME block having the MIME type and optional
//** encoding provided. The data for the block is that provided.
function AttachmentMimeBlock($type, $filePath)
MimeBlock::MimeBlock($type, 'base64');
$this->FilePath = strval($filePath);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not this MIME block should be rendered. If no file
//** attachment can be located FALSE is returned.
function IsValid()
return $this->Exists();
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the server attachment file actually exists.
function Exists()
if($this->FilePath == null || strlen(trim($this->FilePath)) == 0)
return false;
return @file_exists($this->FilePath);
//** Returns: String
//** Get the encoded content provided for this MIME block. This will be the
//** binary file data encoded using base64.
function GetEncodedData()
$fileData = '';
//** if the file exists open the file attachment in binary mode and read
//** the entire contents.
$thefile = @fopen($this->FilePath, 'rb');
$fileData = @fread($thefile, filesize($this->FilePath));
//** base64 encode the file data and split it into lines of 76 bytes each.
$encData = chunk_split(base64_encode($fileData), 76, EmailNewLine);
//** remove the last email newline from the encoded data.
return substr($encData, 0, strlen($encData) - strlen(EmailNewLine));
//** Returns: String
//** Add the additional header that indicates this MIME block contains a
//** file attachment. If not an attachment nothing is returned.
function GetCustomHeaders()
//** block represents a file attachment. Add the disposition header.
return 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' .
@basename($this->FilePath) . '"' . EmailNewLine;
else //** file is not an attachment.
return ''; //** no additional headers.
//** Returns: String
//** Add the name of the attachment file after the content type header.
function GetAdditionalContentTypeHeader()
//** if this block is an attachment add the file name after the type
//** header, otherwise no additional header information.
return '; name="' . @basename($this->FilePath) . '"';
return '';
//** Returns: String
//** Get this MIME block as a header/data encoded string. The standard email
//** newline will be used to separate values.
function ToString()
//** use the default content type if none is provided.
if(strlen(trim($this->ContentType)) == 0)
$this->ContentType = 'application/octet-stream';
//** return the base implementation.
return MimeBlock::ToString();
//** The ContainerMimeBlock class acts as a container that holds other MIME
//** blocks. Each contained MIME boock is separated by a boundry marker.
//** This acts as a 'multipart/mixed' or 'multipart/alternative' email
//** message container.
class ContainerMimeBlock extends MimeBlock
//** (String) text boundary marker for this MIME container.
var $Boundary = null;
//** (Array) array of contained MimeBlock instances.
var $Blocks = array();
//** Returns: None
//** Create a new container MIME block having the type provided. The type
//** should be with 'multipart/XXX'.
function ContainerMimeBlock($type)
MimeBlock::MimeBlock($type, '');
//** generate a random boundry for this container. Should not be duplicated.
$this->Boundary = '--' . md5(uniqid('mime_container'));
//** Returns: None
//** Clear any contained MIME blocks.
function Clear()
$this->Blocks = array();
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to add the MIME block provided to this container. If no block is
//** provided or the block is not valid FALSE is returned.
function Add($mimeBlock=null)
if(!$mimeBlock || !$mimeBlock->IsValid()) //** no valid block given.
return false; //** nothing added.
$this->Blocks[] = $mimeBlock;
return true;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not this MIME block should be rendered. TRUE if more
//** than one MIME block is contained within.
function IsValid()
return ($this->Blocks != null && count($this->Blocks) > 0);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not a special encoding is used with this MIME block.
//** Nevr use an encoding value.
function HasEncoding()
return false;
//** Returns: String
//** Get the encoded content for this MIME block. Returns the content for
//** each contained block separated by the appropriate boundary markers.
function GetEncodedData()
$text = ''; //** default empty content.
if(!$this->IsValid()) //** no contained blocks available.
return $text; //** no data to return.
//** foreach contained MIME block add the opening boundary followed by the
//** MIME content followed by two newline characters.
foreach($this->Blocks as $mimeBlock)
$text .= '--' . $this->Boundary . EmailNewLine .
$mimeBlock->ToString() . EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;
//** add the end boundary separator to indicate the container end.
$text .= '--' . $this->Boundary . '--';
return $text;
//** Returns: String
//** Get any additional header information to be included after the MIME
//** content type. Must start with a colon if non-empty.
function GetAdditionalContentTypeHeader()
return '; boundary="' . $this->Boundary . '"';