Trying to print from an HTML File
I am trying to include an external HTML file in my out put. I am using the following subroutine...
sub Print_Foot {
$prod_link = $_[0];
open(FOOT, ";
foreach $line (@foot) {
print "$line\n";
My HTML file contains...
I am sending the browser this...
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
When it prints it just prints "$prod_link" not the data that $prod_link points to.
How do I pass the data stored in $prod_link to the &Print_Foot subroutine so I can get it to print from the HTML file?
Any Help would be great.
Matt@Ikonboard posted this at 20:45 — 14th January 2001.
They have: 16 posts
Joined: Jan 2001
May be better written as:
sub Print_Foot {
my $Swop = $_[0];
open FOOT, '<Library/foot.html' or &ErrorMessage;
while (<FOOT>) {
$_ =~ s!\$prod_link!$Swop!isg;
print $_, "\n";
close FOOT or die $!;
my $friends = qq[=:Jilly , Andrew , Peter & Harry:=];
print &welcome($friends), "2"; my @home;
sub welcome{my $s=shift; $s=~s{^(=\(.+?)(\:=)$}
{$_=$2;@home=split/[&,]/;}esgx;$friends= join'me',@home;
$friends=~s{(me|\Z)}{++$c;@_=(qw|ust nother erl acker|);qq!$_[$c] !;}eg; $friends}
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