Slideshow Script

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Aug 2004

I need a slideshow script implemented into my website that will stop after the third image and check to see if user is logged in, forcing the viewer to register to proceed. I have the slideshow, I just need to implement the check login function after the third image. I will post the code if someone knows how to help. Thanks!

He has: 1,380 posts

Joined: Feb 2002

Check or

They have: 5 posts

Joined: Aug 2004

I just need it to stop after the third image to check login. Here is the code, you can see where I already tried an if statement, but it makes the page go blank!

function getArray($listingID){
$conn, $lang, $config, $style;
// grab the images
$listingID = make_db_extra_safe($listingID);
$sql = \"SELECT ID, caption, file_name, thumb_file_name, description FROM \"
$config[table_prefix] . \"listingsImages WHERE (listing_id = $listingID) ORDER BY rank\";
$recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql);
      if (
$recordSet === false)

$num_images = $recordSet->RecordCount();
      if (
$num_images > 0)
$Icount = 1;
         while (!
$caption = make_db_unsafe ($recordSet->fields[caption]);
$thumb_file_name = make_db_unsafe ($recordSet->fields[thumb_file_name]);
$file_name = make_db_unsafe ($recordSet->fields[file_name]);
$imageID = make_db_unsafe ($recordSet->fields[ID]);
$image_description = make_db_unsafe ($recordSet->fields[description]);
            // gotta grab the image size
$imagedata = GetImageSize(\"$config[ings_upload_path]/$file_name\");
$imagewidth = $imagedata[0];
$imageheight = $imagedata[1];
$shrinkage = $config[thumbnail_width]/$imagewidth;
$displaywidth = $imagewidth * $shrinkage;
$displayheight = $imageheight * $shrinkage;

            echo \" Picture[
$Icount]  = ' $config[ings_view_images_path]/$file_name '; \";
            echo \" PictureLink[
$Icount] = 'viewimages.php?imageID=$imageID&amp;type=listing';  \";
            echo \" Caption[
$Icount]  = \\"  $caption \\"; \";
            echo \" CaptionFull[
$Icount] = \\" $image_description  \\"; \";
$Icount = $Icount + 1;
            if (
$Icount == 3)
               } // end while
            } // end if (
$num_images > 0)
         }// end function getArray


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