$_SESSION Sub $var

teammatt3's picture

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On another page I assigned $_SESSION['1'] to 1, $_SESSION['2'] to 2...If I use echo "$_SESSION['1] "; it display everything properly, but if I try to set the sub of $_SESSION as a variable, it doesn't work. I can't figure why this isn't working.

= mysql_query($qry2);
    while (
$sched = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$tmp_id = $sched['ID'];
$tmp_crap = $_SESSION[$tmp_id];
                echo \
"$tmp_crap\"; // I get nothing!!!

When I echo out $tmp_crap I get a big fat nothing. What's up?

On the page I assign the sessions, this is the code I use

foreach ($_POST['courses'] as $field => $value)
    if (
$value) {

$_SESSION[\"$value\"] = $value;


EDIT: The session only works on the page where I assign the post to a session. I don't get it, all my other sessions work.

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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I'm not sure I understand what you want here. I see you try to retrieve $_SESSION[$tmp_id], but you don't assign it anywhere.

teammatt3's picture

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In the foreach loop the sessions are assigned, they just have a different variable as the sub. The subs in the foreach loop are 1,2,3,4 etc. When I call that session in the while loop, $tmp_id is 1,2,3 etc. The thing is, the session only works on the page where I have that foreach loop. On the foreach page, if I do <?=$_SESSION['1'] ?> I will get a one, <?=$_SESSION['2'] ?> I will get 2, etc. The session only works on the page where the sessions are assigned. It doesn't make sense to me. The second I go to the while loop page, the sessions don't work.

teammatt3's picture

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Well I found the problem. Apparently I can't use numbers as the sub to sessions. It has to be something like $_SESSION['a'] not $_SESSION['1']. WTF is that about??

pr0gr4mm3r's picture

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If you are going to use a number as an index, try not using quotes.

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