[PHP] Validation Problem
Hi, I just signed up here and thought to have my first post as a problem solver . I've posted this exact same problem on the sitepoint forums but saidly no one was able to answer what i had wanted.
I am creating a computer website for customers and eager customers to see what products the company is currently selling. I have id's for everything. From category id's to product_id's.
Now I need to validate if the viewer is refered with a correct ID. I have a php page called "Showcat.php" which uses the ID for the category to list all products under it. But the company owner has reported to me that some people are misusing this and entering the wrong ID(eg, showcat.php?id=340).
I the showcat.php to check if the ID passed in the ID variable is correct or not. IF it is wrong, ouput a friendly error otherwise do query.
All help would be great.
zollet posted this at 22:10 — 22nd January 2003.
He has: 1,016 posts
Joined: May 2002
I'm assuming you're using MySQL to store the products and categories...
$result = mysql_query(\"SELECT id FROM categories WHERE id = '$id'\");
if(mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) {
echo \"The category does not exist!\".
Alkaif Khan posted this at 02:13 — 23rd January 2003.
They have: 4 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
Neverworked mate.
zollet posted this at 02:43 — 23rd January 2003.
He has: 1,016 posts
Joined: May 2002
You need to edit it to fit your needs. Also you must be connected to the MySQL server before you execute the above code. If you do that correctly, then it should work (unless I've typed it wrong
nike_guy_man posted this at 02:47 — 23rd January 2003.
They have: 840 posts
Joined: Sep 2000
Looks like it'll work... as long as MySQL is installed and working
Are you getting any errors?
(Welcome to TWF too, Alkaif Khan)
Alkaif Khan posted this at 04:02 — 23rd January 2003.
They have: 4 posts
Joined: Jan 2003
I mean that works but not for what i need.
IT should check the ID against the list of ids there.
Say i have 7 ids in the ID column
and showcat.php?id=39489 wants to show an id of 39489 but we dont have the ID 39489 so then it should output an error saying "hey this is not a valid ID." or something like that.
I know that can be done, but how?
Mark Hensler posted this at 04:05 — 23rd January 2003.
He has: 4,048 posts
Joined: Aug 2000
Alkaif Khan, the code Zollet provided should do the job. Post your code, and we'll make the appropriate changes for you.
zollet posted this at 13:05 — 23rd January 2003.
He has: 1,016 posts
Joined: May 2002
Alkaif, the code I posted checks the database for that ID, if it's not there, will not result any lines which then prints the category does not exist.
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