PHP form date auto compiling
OK... I admit it. I have no idea what to call what I am asking about.
Here is what I need to figure out.
I have a form that is using PHP. It validates and submits to a DB and email. There is a portion of the for that requires the user to select a date. Month, Day, & Year. The problem is that each month has a different amount of days in it. I want to remove human error by making the correct amount of days show determined by the month that is currently selected.
Is there a function (term?) that will compile the 'days' option based on which month is selected?
Thank you in advance for any information.
Suzanne posted this at 01:48 — 27th May 2004.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
wow, did you ever come to the right place at the right mktime!
*groan* sorry, it's been a long day...
In this case it would be better to use an array that determines what you need (and JavaScript to adjust the form entries) or to do error checking in the background.
For the JavaScript, I'm not sure -- I don't do that sort of thing often enough to have it at my finger/braintips.
For the PHP -- should help you out if you want to refresh the page with the correct information. parent information and as always, the user comments are very helpful.
Dorn posted this at 02:02 — 27th May 2004.
They have: 42 posts
Joined: Jul 2001
Suzanne! you are the knower of all things...
next rounds on me!
Suzanne posted this at 02:24 — 27th May 2004.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Not me, dahlink, it's the machine, the machines, I tell you! They know...
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