Password Protection Script Ideas - I need new ideas for my scirpt
I have recently written a password protection script.
Here is a list of it's current features:
Member Features:
Signup Form
- Checks is username is used.
- Checks if you alrady have account with that email address.
- Checks for wrong format of email.
- Checks all fields are filles
Modify account info.
- Simply login and change your details.
Delete function
- Removes your account.
Email Functions:
You get an email when you signup containing your details and the amdin gets an email of your signup if it's set in the script.
Admin Functions:
List all users.
Last User To Signup.
Delete Mulitiple Users.
Bulk Mail.
These are all the feature I've put in it so far! The script is a free one!
What other features should I put in it?
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