offline mode: enter name=value pairs ??

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Mar 2000

Thanks so this is also neccessary if there is no variable ??

What's the meaning of addin ?biship=true
if there is no variale biship ?


Meta-Saerch ?

They have: 568 posts

Joined: Nov 1999

Possibly something for the module, but i doubt it. isn't command line arguments supposed to be $ARG[0] ?

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Mar 2000

This is the CronMessage (to my mail) I get once I let that script run through Cron. (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

The script :

use English;
use CGI;
use integer;
require LWP::UserAgent;

$q = new CGI;
#print $q->header;
$mytest =$q->param(mytest);

$ssi = "no";
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$the_cgi = CGI->new;
$domain = "";
#$domain = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; # ex. "script.cgi?";
$begin = "http://";
$data = $begin . $domain;
$breakupa = "<A HREF=\"/w_ak"; # If this string is in a line, that line will be printed.
$breakupb = "</A>"; # If this string is in a line, that line will be printed.
$breakupc = "<IMG BORDER=0"; # If this string is in a line, that line will be printed.

$replacea = "<A HREF=\"/w_aktu/";
$replaceb = "<font face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"1\"><A HREF=\"";
$replacec = "</A>";
$replaced = "</A><BR>";
$replacee = "<BR></A><BR>";
$replacef = "</A>";

$numheads = "900"; # Number of headlines you want to be printed Times Three!
$footer = "";
$lookup = new HTTP::Request 'GET', "$data";
$response = $ua->request($lookup);
@lines = split (/\n/, $response->content);

$logpath = "../../wort2.txt";
open (LOG, ">$logpath");

$i = 0;
foreach $line (@lines)
if ($line =~ /$breakupc/ && $i < $numheads)
$i += 1;
elsif ($line =~ /$breakupa/ && $i < $numheads)
$line =~ s/$replacea/$replaceb/;

print LOG "$line";
$i += 1;
elsif ($line =~ /$breakupb/ && $i < $numheads)
$line =~ s/$replacec/$replaced/;
$line =~ s/$replacee/$replacef/;
print LOG "$line";
$i += 1;



It parses through html then writes to an File. If I run it manually (from my browser) it does work, but from cron it just generates that error message.

Anybody can help ?

Meta-Saerch ?

They have: 122 posts

Joined: Jun 2000

Where you normally enter variables through script.cgi?variable=value, when you run it in offline mode, you need to specify those variables on the command line, e.g. 'script.cgi variable=value'


Rob Radez

They have: 122 posts

Joined: Jun 2000

command line arguments get shoved into @ARGV, but in this case, you'd have to do 'addin mytest=whatever' because you're trying to get the parameter 'mytest' from the browser. variable isn't the right word for it, but it seemed like a simple way to describe it. you can pass parameters to a perl script. when doing it with a browser, you usually do script.cgi?node=blah, where the parameter's name is 'node' and its value is 'blah'. when you run the script on the command line, you can't do 'script.cgi?node=blah', so you must do 'script.cgi node=blah' and perl figures out that that is the parameter. in a sense, when you do 'script.cgi?node=blah' that is the argument for the script, but since you're using param($param_name), it figures out that the list of $param=$value pairs gets separated and uses $param as the parameter name and $value as that parameter's value. thus going to '' (which is the same as running 'script.cgi node=blah test=sure halb=why_not' on the command line) ends up with three parameters that you pass in: node, test, and halb, along with the three (respective) values for those parameters: blah, sure, and why_not. you're using param() from which simplifies this because otherwise you'd need to check @ARGV to see if there were any valid parameters passed (in the form $param=$value) to the script, and make sure that it all fit, and it gets all complicated and messy and using is just loads easier.

Rob Radez

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Mar 2000

First I'd like thank you for the complete and helpfull answer.

Neitherway I am no expert at perl, this is how I tried to run it :

I entered this line in the crontab
*/2 * * * * perl /home/waatleef/public_html/cgi-bin/newsg/ name=value

So this should run every 2 minutes, but it does not not.

If I go into the dir /home/waatleef/public_html/cgi-bin/newsg/
and run "perl name=value" ; everything wents fine. (the files get's printed,though the "variable" does not exist)

Yeah I used "name=value" but it works if used in the same dir, if call from behond home, it doesn't ?

Meta-Saerch ?

They have: 8 posts

Joined: Mar 2000

Hmm just relooked over the script.
<<$mytest =$q->param(mytest);>>

Couldn't I simply comment this line out, as it seems not to be needed ??

Meta-Saerch ?

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