Need Help! PHP to Perl
Unfortunately, Perl isn't that kind with regards to databasing. You'll probably need to use DBI. There just isn't a mysql_query() command in Perl. That's partially the reason I switched over to PHP.
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Senior Web Developer,
Gil Hildebrand, Jr.
Internet Consultant
New Orleans, LA
-matrix21 (not verified) posted this at 04:49 — 15th April 2000.
They have: 5,633 posts
Joined: Jan 1970
The nice thing about Perl's DBI is that its database independent (hence the name DBI), so it will work across many databases by changing a single line of code (assuming your not using any database specific commands, which in many cases, you aren't).
DBI is actually nicer with databases then PHP's current method, but they are already some PHP DBI type modules that will do the same things as Perl's.
fdj129 posted this at 04:55 — 15th April 2000.
They have: 12 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
Could someone convert the following PHP code into perl? I use this for dumping from MySQL and loading from DBM format. I use it to copy mysql records to/from my home computer and webhost, unfortunately my host uses an older version of DBM for the PHP.
Thanks in advance.
Here is my PHP code for dumping MySQL to DBM:
// --- open input file
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $rm_tbl ORDER BY rcode ASC";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
if ($result) {
// --- open output file
if ($dbm_id = dbmopen($rm_dbdump.$rm_tbl,"n")) {
$i = 0;
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// --- increment record key
// --- serialize record
$arec = addslashes(serialize($myrow));
// --- write a record
$isok = dbminsert($dbm_id, $i, $arec);
// --- close dbm file
$isok = dbmclose($dbm_id);
echo "$i Records dumped to ".$rm_datadump.$rm_tbl.".db!";
} else
echo "Unable to open output file!";
// --- END DUMP
Here is my PHP Code for Uploading from DBM to MySQL:
// --- open input file
if ($dbm_id = dbmopen($rm_dbload.$rm_tbl,"r")) {
for ($i=1;dbmexists($dbm_id,$i);$i++) {
// --- retrieve the record pointed to by $nkey
$arec = dbmfetch($dbm_id, $i);
$myrow = unserialize($arec);
// --- extract array values to non-array variables
extract($myrow, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "q");
$q_rname = addslashes($myrow["rname"]);
$q_rdesc = addslashes($myrow["rdesc"]);
$q_instru = addslashes($myrow["instru"]);
// --- insert record into table
$sql = "INSERT INTO $rm_tbl (country,rname,rcateg,rdesc,preptime,instru,ownerid,stime,erase) VALUES ('$q_country','$q_rname','$q_rcateg','$q_rdesc','$q_preptime','$q_instru','$q_ownerid','$q_stime',$q_erase)";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db) or mysql_die();
// --- close dbm file
$isok = dbmclose($dbm_id);
echo ($i-1)." Records loaded from ".$rm_dataload.$rm_tbl.".db!";
} else
echo "Unable to open input file!";
// --- END LOAD
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